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过去完成时 注意:过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,动作发生的时间是 过去的过去 . 它是一个相对的时态,只有在和过去某个时间或动作相比较时才会用到。 E.g. By the end of the match , they had kicked two goals. We had already had lunch before we arrived there. 其结构是 had+ 过去分词 . 它的否定句是在 had 后边加 not ,变一般疑问句是把 had 提前。E.g. I had reached the station before 9 : 00 oclock.I had not reached the station before 9 : 00 oclock. Had you reached the station before 9 : 00 oclock ?它通常和 b efore , by the end of 等引导的表示过去的时间状语连用。练习一: 一 . 用动词的适当形式填空 1. We _ (paint) the house before we _ (move) in. 2. That rich old man _ (make) a will before he _ (die). 3. They _ (study) the map of the country before they _ (leave). 4. The robbers _ (run away ) before the policemen_ (arrive).5 . I _ (turn off) all the lights before I _ (go) to bed.6. Paul _ (go) out with Jane after he _ (make) a phone call. 7. Tom _ (say) he _ (read) the book twice.8. Our plan _ (fail ) because we _ (make) a bad mistake. 9. When the chairman _ (finish) speaking, he _ (leave)the hall. 10.The Reads _ _ (have) lunch when I _(get) to their house. 11.When I _(arrive) at the station, he _(leave). 12.We _(learn) about 4000 English words by the end of last term. 13. I waited until he _(finish) his homework. 14. We were surprised at what she _already _(do) 15.She _(not go) to Qingdao because she _ (be) there before. 16. He _(not tell) you the news yet. 17. He said he _already_(give) the book to the teacher. 18. I _(be) to Shanghai before. 19. She told me she _(be) to Sanya three times. 20.She _(play) the guitar while her sister_(sing).二句型转换 1 I had sold the ticket when she came. (改否定句)2.She had sung a song to us before she danced. (改否定句)3.They began to climb the mountain after they had bought all the food and drinks. (否定)4.By 10:00 a.m, I had been very hungry. (改一般疑问)5.Lucy had already completed the project when I arrived. (改一般疑问) 6.By the time he got to the airport, the plane had taken off. (改一般疑问) 7.He had broken his arm when I saw him. (对划线部分提问)8.When he had read the note, he ate it. (对划线部分提问) 9.Jack didnt go to the cinema because he had seen the film. (对划线部分提问)10.We had had the toys for ten years before we gave them to the child. (对划线部分提问)11.She had written the book by the end of 1960. (对划线部分提问) 12.We cooked the dumplings. We ate them up. (用过去完成时连接两句) 13.Jims father mended the car. It was broken. (用过去完成时连接两句) 14.We had our tests. Then we had a long holiday.( 用过去完成时连接两句 ) After we _, we _15.He showed us the picture. Then he showed us around the house. 用过去完成时连接两句 ) Before he _, he_.练习二 一、单选1 When Li Ming hurried home , he found that his mother _already_to hospital.A has ; been sent B had ; sent C has ; sent D had ; been sent 2 We _five English songs by the end of last term.A had learned B learned C have learned D will have learned 3 Han Mei told me she _lunch , so she was very hungry. A has had B hasnt have C have had D hadnt had 4 By the end of 1976 , many buildings _built in the city. A have been B have C had been D will 5 She _her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _home. A has left ; comes B had left ; would come C had left ; came D left ; had come 6 He said that it was at least ten years since I _a good drink. A had enjoyed B was enjoying C have enjoyed D have been enjoying 7 The meeting _when Mr. Wang _to school.A has begun ; get B has been on ; get C had begun ; got D had been on ; got 二、填空 1 When I returned home , he _ ( leave )。 2 By ten yesterday evening , she _ ( finish ) writing. 3 He _ ( study ) English for five years before he came here. 4 It _ _ ( stop ) raining when I wake up this morning. 5 I _ ( not read ) the book because I had read it before. 6 She said she_ ( be ) born in 1992. 7 When he _ ( come ) to China two years ago he found people didnt understand him at all though he _ ( learn ) some Chinese in his own country. 8 I saw Han Mei yesterday. We _ ( not see ) each other since left Beijing. 9 When I got to his home , he_ ( go ) to bed. 10 She asked if Mr. Liu _ already _ ( come ) back. 练习一参考答案: 一 . 用动词的适当形式填空 1. had painted. moved 2. had made . died 3. had studiedleft4. had run away .arrived5. had turned off went 6. went had made 7. said had read 8 failed had made 9. (had) finished left 10. were having/had had got 11. arrived .had left
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