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Unit 11. Sad movies makes me cry 短语1. 使某人做 make sb do 2. 宁愿做也不做 would rather do than do / prefer to do rather than do 3. 等候 wait for 4. 迫不及待做 cant wait to do5. 使某人发疯 drive sb mad 6. 越越 the more . the more 7. 一定,务必 be sure to do 8. 有共同之处 have sth in common9. 成为某人的朋友 be friends with sb 10. 忽略,不提及 leave out 11. 无缘无故 for no reason 12. 的原因 the reason for / the reason why 13. 每当 each time 14. 首相,大臣 prime minister15. 想要 feel like doing / want to do / would like to do16. 叫来,召来 call in 17. 既不也不 neither .nor 18. 向解释 explain sth to sb 19. 担心 worry about / be worried about 20. 代替某人的职位 take ones position 21. 代替 take ones place 22. 发生 take place 23. 在三天内 in three days time / in three days 24. 被跟随 be followed by 25. 一般而言, 总之 in general 26. 起初,开始时 to start with 27. 清扫街道 clean up the street 28. 突然 all of a sudden / suddenly 29. 寻找,搜寻 search for 30. 回到,归还 return to . 31. 停止做某事 stop doing sth 32. 停下来去做 stop to do 33. 在足球场上 on the football field 34. 踢进一球 kick a goal 35. 让某人失望 let sb down / disappoint sb 36. 错过做 miss doing 37. 开除某人 kick sb off 38. 一就 as soon as 39. 输了比赛 lose the game / lose the match 40. 答复某人 reply to sb 41. 十分钟之后 ten minutes later 42. 敲门 knock on the door 43. 让某人进来 let sb in 44. 对某人苛刻 be hard on sb45. 做出努力 make an effort to do 46. 彼此支持 support each other 47. 与某人交流 communicate with 48. 带着勇气 with courage 49. 接近,靠近 close to 50. 赢比赛 win the match 51. 使某人高兴的是 to ones joy 52. 齐心合力,通力合作 pull together 53. 摧毁 pull down 54. 给某人建议 give sb advice( on/ about )55. 同意某人 agree with sb 56. 放弃 give up 57. 屈服 give in 58. 给某人施加压力 put pressure on sb 59. 和某人打架 get into a fight with sb / fight with 60. 在获胜队 on a winning team 61. 向某人提供 offer sb sth / offer sth to sb provide sb with sb / provide sth for sb
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