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UNIT 11 Left-handedness,PartA_1_a,Language Focus,Questions for Discussion,What does being left-handed mean? Do you have any friends who are left-handed? Do you find them special in any way? How did people in the past view those who were left-handed? Do you think it was unfair? What things do left-handed people find difficult to do in a largely right-handed world? Do you think left-handed people are more intelligent than right-handed people? Why or why not? Do you know any famous people who are left-handed? Name some of them.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_b,Additional Question for Discussion What advantages and disadvantages do left-handed people have?,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_demo_a,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_demo_b,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Pre-listening Task,Language Focus,Here are some sentences and structures that you may find useful in discussing the previous questions.,Being left-handed means using the left hand more readily than the right one. People who use their left hands to write, to hold things, etc. are left-handed while people who use their right hands to do these things are called right-handed. In the past society was not sympathetic to left-handed people / considered left-handedness abnormal.,PartA_2,Language Focus,Some left-handed people feel they suffer from prejudice in a right-handed world / find it difficult to adjust themselves to a right-handed world. Left-handed children were forced to become right-handed in some societies in the past. Parents and teachers used to force left-handed children to write with their right hands / are more understanding and accepting nowadays. Right-handed people often fail to see what problems the left-handed face in day-to-day life.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Language Focus,Left-handed people find it difficult to use scissors / handle trouser zips because all of them are designed for right-handed people. Left-handed people are often baffled by tools that are designed for right-handed people. According to scientific studies left-handed people can be good at sports / solving problems. Quite a few left-handed people seem to do well in creative professions, such as music, art and writing / make good inventors, artists, and authors.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Some of the greatest minds of the world have been those of the left-handed. To name but a few, Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Mark Twain and Charles Chaplin were among the left-handed. So are former US presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartB_1_a_1,mental adopt involvement identical birth parents adopted parents,Listening Tasks,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Word Bank,Language and Cultural Notes,Passage 1,Passage 2,a. relating to the activity of the mind or brain 精神的;脑力的 v. to take someone elses child into ones family and make it legally ones own child 收养 n. participation 卷入;牵连 a. exactly the same 完全相同的 ones biological parents 亲生父母 ones non-biological parents养父母,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_a_1,identical twins Prince Charles Prince William,Listening Tasks,Passage 1,twins developed from the same egg and therefore almost always of the same sex and very much alike in appearance 同卵双生子 (英)查尔斯王子 (英)威廉王子,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Word Bank,Language and Cultural Notes,Passage 2,Speaking Tasks,1. Background information Handedness means a preference for the use of either the right hand or the left hand. According to statistics approximately 75% of the human population is strongly right-handed, and approximately 90% is predominantly right-handed. Among the remaining 10%, some people are strongly left-handed, and others are left-handed for some activities and right-handed for others. Since ours is largely a right-handed world, people in many cultures used to regard left-handedness as,PartB_1_a_2,Listening Tasks,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Word Bank,Language and Cultural Notes,Passage 1,Passage 2,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_a_2,abnormal. And left-handed people often had a tough time trying to adapt to the way things were. At present, however, people are more understanding and almost all left-handed children are allowed to write with their left hands. Why some people are left-handed has been puzzling scientists for a long time. However, up to now no one has come up with a definitive answer, because no gene for left-handedness has been identified. But it does seem to run strongly within a family. There are over 500 well-known personalities in the,Listening Tasks,Passage 1,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Word Bank,Language and Cultural Notes,Passage 2,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_a_2,world who are left-handed. Included in their number are some of the worlds greatest minds (see Language Focus). 2. Queen Elizabeth II (1926 ) the present Queen of the United Kingdom. As successor to King George VI she has been Queen of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland since 1952. 3. Prince Charles,Listening Tasks,Passage 1,Exerc
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