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UNIT3 Celebration 导学案1Lesson1 FestivalsTips:He, who loses money, loses much; 人,失去金钱,失掉很多He, who loses friend, loses much more; 人,失去友人,损失更多He, who loses faith, loses all. 人,失去信念,失去一切学习目标: 1. 学会用英语简单介绍中国的节假日,中秋节,元宵节及龙舟节。(B级)2. 掌握本节课的新单词。(A级)学习重点:如何让学生在阅读活动中获取信息,理解全文。(B级) StepI Write out some phrases and expressions in the text. 写出文中所出现的单词与短语 (A级)1中秋节 _ 2看月亮_ 3特殊场合_ 4月饼_5龙舟节_ 6 参与,参加 _ 7 粘米_ 8烧毁_9愚弄某人_ 10装饰_ StepII Lead-in导入. What festivals does the title “Chinese Seasonal Festivals” make you think of?(B级)Spring:_Summer:_Autumn:_ Winter:_ StepIII 泛读 1.Read the text quickly, then match the pictures with the festivals in the text and choose the correct answer in the following sentences快速阅读课文,然后从下列选项中为文中三幅图片选择合适的名字: (A) the Mid-Autumn Festival (B) the Lantern Festival (C) the Dragon Boat Festival .2.Which festival it belongs to?(下列各选项分别属于哪个节日) (B级)1)On that day, millions of people make the journey back home to share the feeling of being together with all the members of the family. ( )2) This festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration. ( )3) The special food for this festival is sweet dumplings. ( )4)The festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. ( )5)On that day, the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest. ( )6)This festival marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year. ( )StepIV Careful Reading精读.1 Read the passage about Mid-autumn Festival on P36 and decide whether the sentences are True or False. (B级)1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by the people all over the world. ( )2) People like to meet in the evening and watch the moon on the festival. ( ) 3)There are many different kinds of moon cakes besides the traditional ones made with bean paste. ( )2 Read the passage about the Lantern Festival and answer the following questions:1)What does the Lantern Festival mark? (C级)_-2) How were the lanterns lit in the past and are they lit now?_3 Read the passage about Dragon Boat Festival on P36 and answer the following questions. (C级)1) When did this custom begin? _2) How is Zongzi made? _StepV Read the text again and fill in the table with the information you read (on page36)再次阅读课文,填36页表格 (C级)StepVI Listen to the tape. True or False?听录音,判断对错 (B级)1.The Mid-autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people only in China. ( )2.Traditional moon cakes are usually made with fruit . ( )3.In the past, dragon boat races were organised only by Chinese people. ( )4. The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of over 1000 years. ( )5.At present,lanterns are usually made with light bulbs and batteries. ( )6.The Lantern Festival marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year celebrations. ( )moon cake, lantern, bean paste, candles, sweet dumplings, shape, sticky rice, boil, serve,decorateStepVII Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below. (C级)I spent a year in China when I was a student and I loved all the Chinese celebrations. In autumn I ate (1)_ filled with (2)_ at the Mid-Autumn Festival. Then in summer it was the Dragon Boat Festival and I ate (3) _ in fresh bamboo leaves. Then in winter there was the Lantern Festival. There were (4)_ in all different (5)_ and sizes and some were (6) _ with pictures of birds and flowers. Some were lit by (7) _ but most were lit with light bulbs. At This Festival I ate (8) _ that were (9)_ and (10) _ in hot water.笑话一则: Teacher: When was Rome built? Tom: At night. Teacher: Who told you that? Tom: You did. You said Rome wasnt built in a day. 老师:罗马是什么时候建成的? 汤姆:在夜里建成的。 老师:谁告诉你的? 汤姆:是您啊。您说过罗马不是在一个白天建成的。 小结反思:1.通过本节课的学习,你能用英语简单的复述这三种节日的庆祝时间,方式及节日里特殊的食物等情况吗?2.本课的单词和词组你记住了吗?_- 3 -用心 爱心 专心
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