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“与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录2010年1月30日金融时报发表该报专栏“与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使文章,以下为这次的采访实录:On Januruary 30 th, FT publishes its interview with Ambassador FU Ying. The Transcript is as following:Lionel Barber B.: The questions will be in three sections: firstly, your impression about Britain, secondly yourself, your background and thirdly, China and the world.巴伯(巴):我的问题将分三个部分:首先是你对英国的印象,其次是你的个人经历,最后是中国与世界的关系。Fu Ying (F): First of all, thank you for choosing this restaurant. I read its background, its very good. When people asked me what is the best English cuisine. I always tell them fish and chips and pudding. Maybe I can have something more to tell them.傅莹(傅):感谢你选择这家餐馆,我看了背景材料,这里很有英国特色。每次回国有人问我什么是典型的英国菜时,我总说是“鱼和薯条”,要不就是圣诞布丁,也许今后我可以推荐更多的英国菜。B: Yes, this restaurant is very British. Well, You have been very helpful and kind during your tenure here. I will never forget the fact that you manage to secure the interview with Premier Wen, which is one of the highlights of my career. I have talked with many people about you and they are very positive about you. They said Madam Fu Ying is the first Ambassador to use wit and charm as a weapon. And you do have a sense of humour and you are quite different from the sort of stereotype Chinese diplomat.巴:这家餐馆的确很有英国特色。大使阁下,你任内总是乐于提供帮助。我不会忘记,你帮忙促成金融时报专访温家宝总理,这也是我个人职业生涯的亮点之一。我跟很多人谈起过你,他们对你的评价都很正面,说你是第一位善于发挥智慧和魅力攻势的大使。你有幽默感,与老派的中国外交官不太一样。F: I think there are some stereotyped views about the Chinese. A lot of Chinese are witty and humorous. The Chinese are very humorous people. There seems to be a barrier between us. And when I was a student here, I found that I couldnt get all the British jokes either. Probably because I have been a student here for a year and I was in Australia so I am more relaxed and I can get to this side of the barrier and try to see why there is a barrier.傅:我认为外界对中国有不少陈旧观念。实际上,中国人是非常机智、幽默的。也许是因为中西方之间有一些隔阂,我在英国留学的时候,对英式幽默也不能完全体会。但是有了在英国留学一年的经历,又在澳大利亚呆过,因此能感受到这种隔阂,并思考个中原因。B: Lets get back to this barrier a little bit later. Well, you are leaving at somewhat short notice, will you miss this country?巴:我们一会儿再谈隔阂。你即将离任,是否会怀念英国?F: Yeah, very much. I think leaving is probably the most painful part for any ambassador on the post. Coming in, it takes time, but it is relatively easy; when leaving, all the good things would come out and hold you. I will take my last jog in the park, the last beer in the pub, the last walk on Oxford street I feel sad when I realize it would be the lastbut I think I will leave with a very good memory of this country.傅:当然,我会非常怀念英国。对于任何一个大使来说,告别总是不舍的。履新时需要时间适应,但相对容易,告别时,所有美好的记忆都会涌上心头。我将在公园里最后一次慢跑、在酒吧里最后一次品尝啤酒、在牛津街最后一次散步。我会非常不舍,并带着对这个国家的美好记忆离开。Do you know this Chinese writer, whose name is Wang Meng. He was Cultural Minister of China for some time. He wrote a lot about the places he traveled. I like his writing very much, very smooth, like drinking cold water in summer. He described London like this: going to London is like coming into an old familiar oil painting. That is the kind of feeling I get wherever I go in the UK, not only London, in other cities too. It is like something you already know, from readings or images.你知道著名中国作家王蒙吗?他曾经担任文化部长。他描述了很多自己到过的许多地方,我喜欢他的文字,非常流畅,就像在炎热的夏天喝一杯凉水。正如他所描述的:来到伦敦如同进入一幅早已熟悉的油画。我对此深有同感,不仅是伦敦,其他城市也给人这样的感受,好像通过文字或图像早已熟知,似曾相识的感觉。B: What did you most like about your time in Britain?巴:你最欣赏英国什么?F: Personally I really enjoy visiting the home museums of the great writers, such as Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters. I make an effort wherever I go to try to find out what is around. For a few hours, I will sneak out and visit the place.傅:我喜欢参观文学家的故居,像简奥斯汀和博朗特姐妹的故居。我不管去哪儿,总是尽量抽时间去看看名人故居。B: I see. Yeah. It is because you are a great reader of western classics.巴:原来你是西方古典文学的忠实读者。F: Most Chinese know the British writers. At the Jane Austens, for example, I was translating for my driver. The curator asked me could you translate my brochure? He said a lot of Chinese visit the museum and he could not explain in Chinese. Of course I accepted it and we mailed it to him one week later. It is amazing so many Chinese are visiting there. She has a lot of fans in China.傅:中国人对英国文学巨匠耳熟能详。举个例子,参观简奥斯汀故居时,我在为自己司机翻译解说员的介绍,那位解说员就问我能否帮忙翻译博物馆的宣传册?他说有许多中国人去参观,他不懂中文很难讲解,我欣然答应,一周后即把译文寄给了他。想不到会有这么多中国人参观简奥斯汀故居吧,在中国有很多人知道她。B: So you have been to Dickens home?巴:你一定参观过狄更斯故居吧?F: Yeah. For Shakespeares home, I have been there so many times. In my three years, I have attended two birthday parades for Shakespeare.傅:是的。我也多次去过莎士比亚故居。我在英国三年,曾两次参加莎士比亚生日的盛大游行纪念活动。B: So thats the positive side, please tell me other positive things that you would like about this country.巴:这都是积极面,谈谈你对英国其他好的印象吧。F: Really, the cultural side, the west end theatres, the football. I love it every much.傅:我非常喜欢英国文化,伦敦西区的剧院,还有足球。B: You are trying to tell me you like football?巴:你喜欢足球?F: Yes, very much. And a friend of mine introduced me to Arsenal, he was so keen that I started to support Arsenal; I even have a T-shirt of
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