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本科学生毕业设计 科技大厦基坑支护结构设计 院部名称: 土木与建筑工程学院 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 工程师 黑黑 龙龙 江江 工工 程程 学学 院院 二一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Design of KeJi Building Foundation Ditch Supporting Structure Candidate: Specialty:Civil Engineering Class:08-2 Supervisor:Lecturer Engineer Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06Harbin 摘 要 本设计为科技大厦基坑支护结构设计。拟建科技大厦工程位于哈尔滨市香坊区, 其西临香顺街,南邻公滨路。拟建建筑物地面以上 17 层,地下 1 层,总建筑面积 69533m2,经地质勘查,地基土层主要由杂填土、粘土、粉质粘土、粉土、粉质粘土 构成。建筑0.00 相当于绝对标高 17.25m,整平后地面标高为 17.00m,基坑开挖深 度为 5.0m,框架结构。主体基坑采用两种不同的支护体系:一种是钢板桩锚杆支护 体系,另一种是土钉墙支护体系。基坑采用喷射井点+止水帷幕降止水。 本次设计的主要内容包括:支护方案的选择、钢板桩锚杆设计计算、土钉墙设 计计算、基坑的稳定性验算、基坑降止水等。 经验算,该基坑设计合理,方案可行,可满足基坑土方开挖,地下室结构施工 和对周围环境保护的要求。 关键词:深基坑;土钉墙;基坑稳定性;钢板桩;锚杆支撑。 ABSTRACT The design of KeJi building foundation ditch supporting structure. It is located in Xiang fang District of Harbin city, west neighbour Xiangshun Street and north neighbour Gongbin Road. It is 17-layer tall, including 1 basements and its general construction area is 69533 square meters. Foundation soil is mainly composed of mixed fill, clay, Silty clay, Silty soil, silty clay composition. The structure excavation depth is 5 meters, frame construction. The main building foundation uses two kinds of different supports and protections systems: One kind is the steel sheet pile adding the anchor rod supports and protections system, another kind is the earth nail wall supports and protections system. Building foundation uses spraying the well point + the closed vertical waterproof curtain precipitation. The main elements of design include: the choice of the supports and protections plan , the design calculation of steel sheet pile adding the anchor rod, the earth nail wall design calculation, and foundation Stability checking calculation, foundation precipitation and so on. After the checking calculation,the foundation design is reasonable,the plan is feasible,to meet the request of foundation excavation,construction of the basement structure and environment protection. Keywords: Deep foundation; Earth nail wall ;Foundation stability; Steel sheet pile; Anchor rod support. 目 录 摘要.I Abstract.II 第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 选题的背景目的及意义.1 1.1.1 选题的背景目的.1 1.1.2 选题的意义.1 1.2 国内外基坑工程研究状况.1 1.2.1 国内基坑工程研究现状.1 1.2.2 国外基坑工程研究现状.2 1.3 基坑工程概况.2 1.3.1 工程概况.2 1.3.2 周边环境.2 1.4 地质条件.4 1.4.1 工程地质条件.4 1.4.2 水文地质条件.4 1.5 拟解决的主要问题.4 第 2 章 基坑支护方案选择及确定.5 2.1 基坑支护设计基本要求.5 2.2 基坑支护方案选择及确定.5 2.2.1 支护方案的选择.5 2.2.2 支护结构体系的比较.7 2.2.3 支护结构体系的确定.
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