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基于温度传感器的CC2430节点设计摘 要 无线传感器网络是由分布在各个区域的自组织节点设备的无线网络。这些节点设备通过自身的传感器来监测周围的物理或者环境状况,比如温度、声音、压力、震动等,通过汇总和分析这些信息做出决策。无线传感网络最初应用在军事领域,用以战地的一些监测。近年来,无线传感网络越来越多的应用在民用工程上,包括环境监测,家庭自动化,交通控制等领域。随着无线传感器网络应用的越来越广泛,它成为了当前研究的热点之一。无线传感器网络是由大量的节点组成的,节点在无线传感网络中具有路由和感知的功能。通常无线传感网络由大量的低成本、资源受限的传感器节点组成,用来部署在复杂的环境中,节点往往通过电池来供电。因此,在无线传感网络节点操作系统设计时,低功耗是一个具有挑战的新问题。传感器节点数量众多,分布区域广泛,甚至有时是处在难以接近的环境中,通过手动来实现节点上软件的更新和故障修复的难度很大,因此,需要节点具有通过无线网络更新的能力。针对无线传感器网络技术的特点,一项新的技术标准ZigBee技术在2002年被提出并不断被更新和完善,并获得了广泛的支持。ZigBee技术作为一种新兴的近距离、低复杂度、低功耗、低数据速率、低成本的无线网络技术,主要用于近距离无线连接。它有自己的协议标准,在数千个微小的传感器之间相互协调实现通信,这些传感器只需要很少的能量,以接力的方式通过无线电波将数据从一个传感器传到另一个传感器,所以其通信效率非常高。本文首先介绍了无线传感网络技术的发展现状、ZigBee技术规范及ZigBee芯片CC2430的特点。其次具体论述了采用CC2430完成温度测量系统的设计方案,讨论了无线网络的功耗管理方法、无线网络的配置、利用片内温度传感器检测环境温度、从节点温度数据的发送、主节点对温度数据的接收及上传给上位机显示等内容。关键词:无线传感器网络;ZigBee;协议802.15.4;CC2430;无线通信Node Design of CC2430 Based On Temperature SensorAbstractA Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is a network consisting of spatially distributed self-organizing devices. These devices use their sensors to monitor devices. Their sensors to monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure vibration, and so on. Decision is made after data acquisition and information processing. WSN were originally motivated by military applications, such as battlefield surveillance. In addition areas, including environment monitoring, home automation, and traffic control. WSNs become one of the hottest research directions of computer science now days. WSNs consist of large number of sensor nodes which have the capability of computing, sensing and communicating. Most sensor nodes are low-cost and resources constrained compared to other embedded systems, so it can be deployed in a large scale. Energy efficiency is one of the most challenging issues since most of the sensor nodes are battery powered. Usually a large number of sensor nodes are spread over a large field which is usually unreachable. Updating software manually is impossible. So network managers need remote reprogramming ability in order to add new functionality or fix software bugs.In view of the technical characteristics of wireless sensor networks, a new technical standard in 2002 was proposed and has obtained the widespread support after updating and improving. It is the ZigBee technology. ZigBee technology as one kind of emerging wireless network technology with near distance, low complexity, the low powerless, the low date rate, the low cast, is mainly used in the near distant wireless connection. It has its own agreement standard to communicate between several thousand small sensors intercoordination realization communications. These sensors only need very few energies, pass the date by the relay way through the radio wave from a sensor to anther, therefore they communicate with an extreme by high efficiency wireless connection. This article briefly introduced the development of WSN technology and the specification of it, also the characteristics of the CC2430 chip on which the ZigBee technology can be implemented. Beside, it give a sample application example on how to realize a distributed temperature measure task, including power consumption management, configuration of the wireless network, using the on-chip temperature sensor to detect the environment temperature, the way the temperature data is send from child-device, and the receiving of temperature. data on the coordinate side, and the waythe data is up-loaded to a PC, on which the data is further display.Key words: WSN; ZigBee; Protocol 802.15.4; CC2430; wireless communication目 录引 言1第1章 绪论21.1 论文研究的背景以及意义21.2 研究现状及发展趋势2第2章 IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee无线传感器网络通信标准42.1 IEEE802.15.4协议标准42.1.1 IEEE802.15.4的主要特点42.2 ZigBee技术概述52.2.1 ZigBee协议架构52.2.2 ZigBee的技术参数及优势6第3章 无线传感器网络节点的总体设计83.1 系统总体设计原则83.2 系统硬件设计83.2.1系统总体结构83.2.2设备节点设计103.2.3数据采集模块113.2.4数据处理模块123.2.5无线通信模块133.2.6电源模块143.2.7 USB转串口电路设计153.3 软件设计163.3.1传感器节点的软件结构163.3.2通信协议体系结构163.3.3网络协议设计17第4章 案例分析194.1 无线温度采集及串口通信演示194.1.1开发环境IAR Embedded Workbench194.1.2 CC2430开发套件204.1.3实验步骤及结果234.2 网络配置244.2.1从节点使用片内温度传感器检侧环境温度244.2.2从节点温度数据的发送254.2.3主节点对温度数据的接收254.2.4主节点将温度数据上传PC机254.2.5在PC机上显示采集到的温度数据26总结与展望28致 谢29参考文献30附录A CC2430节点设计原理图31附录B 外文文献及其译文32附录C 主要参考文献的题录及摘要37附录D 源程序39插图清单图 2-1 ZigBee协议栈架构5图 3-1 系统总体结构9图 3-2 节点结构组成图10图 3-3 温度传感器DS18B2011图 3-4 数据处理模块硬件原理图13图 3-5 CC2430无线模块14图 3-6 RS232 接口与SP3232E连接图15图 3-7 WSN软件结构16图 3-8 传感器网络协议结构17表格清单表2-1 IEEE802.15.4的主要技术特征4表2-2 ZigBee技术参数6表3-1 DS18B20详细引脚功能描述11表3-2 不同电源模式的比较15lw引 言在现代工农业生产中,因为环境
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