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精品 X X 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目:基于顾客让渡价值的潜在网络消费者的购物态度 研究 学 号:xxxxxxx 姓 名:xxx 年 级:20 xx 级 学 院:经济与管理学院 系 别:工商管理 专 业:工商管理 指导教师:xxx 完成日期:20 xx 年 x 月 xx 日 精品 摘摘 要要 21 世纪,因特网与电子商务迅猛发展,网络完全改变了人们的生活、 文化、习惯等,各种网上商业模式应运而生,网民规模快速增长,网络购 物已成为一种趋势,网络购物已成为十大网络运用方式之一,但是我国网 络购物的使用率相比发达国家还有很大差距,网络购物的发展潜力还很大。 电子商务企业要扩大市场规模,就必须解决如何吸引更多的潜在网络消费 者的问题,这就必须先了解影响网络购物的驱动因素和阻碍因素。本文以 探讨此问题为目的,基于科特勒的顾客让渡价值理论,研究了潜在消费者 网络购物的驱动因素和阻碍因素。研究的主要内容有:(1)电子商务环境 下顾客让渡价值包括顾客总价值、顾客总成本、顾客总风险三个因素,其 中顾客总价值包含产品价值、服务价值、体验价值三个方面;顾客总成本 包含货币成本、时间成本、体力精力成本三个方面;顾客总风险包含绩效 风险、经济风险、社会心理风险、隐私风险、物理风险五个方面。(2)顾 客总价值及其各个方面的具体因素对潜在网络消费者网络购物的态度有积 极的影响,顾客总成本及其各个方面的具体因素对潜在网络消费者网络购 物的态度有消极的影响,顾客总风险及其各个方面的具体因素对潜在网络 消费者网络购物的态度有消极的影响。 (4)基于上述的结论,对电子商务 企业提出了一些建议。 关键词关键词:顾客让渡价值;顾客价值;顾客成本;顾客风险;网络购物态度 精品 Abstract In the 21st century, the Internet and electronic commerce rapid development, the network has completely changed peoples life, culture, habits, etc, all kinds of Internet business model comes into being, the Internet users scale rapid growth, and the network shopping has become a trend, the network shopping has become one of the top 10 network in China by way of shopping, but compared network utilization in developed countries, the network shopping also has the very big disparity of development potential is very big still. E- commerce enterprises to expand the size of the market, we must solve how to attract more potential problems of network consumers, it must first understand the influence network shopping driving factors and hindering factors. This paper discusses the problems in for the purpose, based on the Customer Delivered Value theory p.m., studies the potential consumers shopping driver factors and network obstruction factors. The main contents are as follows: (1) under the e- commerce environment customers delivered value includes total customer value, total customer cost, total customer risk three factors, including total customer value contain product value, service value, experience value three aspects; Total customer cost includes monetary cost, time cost, physical energy cost three aspects; Total customer risk include performance risk, economic risk and social psychological risk, privacy risks, physical risk 5 aspects. (2) total customer value and all aspects of the specific factors on the potential of network consumers shopping network attitude has the positive influence, total customer cost and all aspects of the specific factors on the potential of network consumers shopping network attitude has a negative impact, total customer risk and its all aspects of the specific factors on the potential of network consumers shopping network attitude has negative impact. (4) based on the conclusion of e- commerce enterprises, some Suggestions were put forward. Keywords: Customer Delivered Value; Customer Value; Customer 精品 Cost;Customer Risk; Attitude of Purchasing Online; Intention of Purchasing Online 精品 目目 录录 一、研究背景 1 (一)绪论 1 (二)研究的目的与意义 2 (三)研究方法与主要内容 2 二、顾客让渡价值相关理论 3 (一)顾客让渡价值 3 (二)顾客总价值 4 (三)顾客总成本 5 (四)顾客总风险 7 三、研究构思和理论模型 9 (一)研究构思 9 (二)理论模型构建 10 四、调查问卷的设计及数据的收集 10 (一)问卷的设计 10 (二)研究范围的界定 14 (三)调查对象的确定 14 (四)数据的收集 14 (五)数据统计方法 14 五、模型构建、频数统计与回归分析 15 (一)模型构建
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