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AN UNUSUAL ARCHITECT LEOH MING PEI,Group member:Xu Dan, Qiu Feng, Sun Wangwang Qian Xiaodi Zhang Sijia Zhang Luqing,Ieoh Ming Pei, the 1983 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M. Pei & Partners based in New York City,Introduction,He was born in China in 1917, the son of a prominent banker. He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B. Arch. 1940) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946). As a student, he was awarded the MIT Traveling Fellowship, and the Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship at Harvard. later, In 1982, the deans of the architectural schools of the United Sates chose I. M. Pei as the best designer of significant non-residential structures,Pei is currently a member of the National Council on the Arts, and previously served on the National Council on the Humanities. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters (of which he served a term as Chancellor), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Design. He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institue of Technology.,1972年 - 达拉斯市政厅 美国德州达拉斯 1974年 - 1978年国家美术馆东馆,华盛顿 1979年 - 肯尼迪图书馆,波士顿 1982年 - 香山饭店,中国北京 1982年 - 1990年 中银大厦,香港 1990年 - 德国历史博物馆新翼 ,德国柏林 1996年 - 1997年美秀美术馆(Miho Museum)日本滋贺县甲贺市 2002年 - 2006年,苏州博物馆,中国江苏苏州 1989年 - 卢浮宫扩建工程,法国巴黎罗浮宫玻璃金字塔,His design,肯尼迪 图书馆,the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library near Boston,华盛顿国家 美术馆,the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D .C,香山饭店,the Fragrant Hill Hotel,香港 中银大厦,Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong,the fantastic building built for the Bank of China in Asias city that never sleeps. The asymmetrical tower provides over 130,000 square metres of office space for the Bank of China, in a stunning building which is both practical and beautiful. Working to a tight budget of just $130 million Pei used all his architectural guile to produce this wonder.,巴黎 卢浮宫 扩建工程,The Louvre, Paris,It is the Paris most famous museum and attracted no small amount of criticism when Peis design for a glass pyramid for the entrance was initially approved. The final construction is not only an impressive structure but also acts as a huge skylight for the museums central location, which leads to three separate wings. The perfect end to a Pei world tour of architecture in the city of love.,美秀 美术馆,Miho Museum, Japan,苏州 博物馆,Suzhou Museum,Deutsches Historisches Museum,the Dallas City Hall,The architectural work of leoh Ming Pei is truly phenomenal to behold. Peis work can be seen all over the world, and experiencing his staggering and sometimes controversial works first-hand is a must. You may only get to see one or two of his inspirational designs, but for architectural enthusiasts, all inclusive holidays such as a Pei-themed round the world trip could provide the travel experience of a lifetime.,
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