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7A-Unit-3知识点归纳Unit 3 Welcome to our school1、 重点单词、短语which, best, so, biology, geography, history, date, meeting, oclock, OK, gate, show, around, front, building, ground, bright, modern, hall, diary, wall, pardon, phone, take, a.m., p.m., only, sure, kind, borrow, letter, few, away, best1. favourite subject 最喜欢的科目 2. Open Day 开放日3. would like 想要 4. the parents meeting 家长会5. in the afternoon 在下午 6. after that 之后7. at the school gate 在学校大门口 8. show sb. around 带领某人四处转转9. in front of 在.前面 10. On the ground floor (在一楼英式英语)11. this way 这边;这种方式 12. in the white shirt 穿着白色衬衫13. look at 看 14. let me see 让我想想15. tell ab. about sth. 告诉某人某事 16. after class 下课后17. say hello to 跟.问好 18. on the phone 通过电话19. get up 起床 2o. go to school 去上学21. reading room 阅览室 22. all kinds of 所有种类的23. borrow . from . 向.借. 24. A few 一些25. far away from 远离 26. on foot 步行2、 语言知识盘点(1) Comic strip - Welcome to the unit1. Which of the subjects so you like best, Eddie?【知识点1】which 的用法which 用作疑问代词,意为“哪一个”。可用在选择疑问句中。例如:Which city is your favourite? 你最喜欢哪一个城市? Which is your car, the black one or the red one? 哪一辆是你的车,黑色的还是红色的? Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? 太阳、地球和月亮哪一个最大?2. So I can eat three! 所以我能吃三个!【知识点2】So 表原因的用法so 做连词,意为“因此,所以”。例如:It was late, so we went home. 天晚了,所以我们就回家了。 The shops there closed so I didnt get any milk. 那里的商店关门了,因此我没有买到牛奶。【注意】so 常用来连接并列句,前一分句表示原因,后一分句表示结果;但是注意此时so 和because 不能连用。例如:Its very cold, so I wore a heavy coat.= Because its very cold, I wore a heavy coat. 因为外边很冷,所以我穿了一件厚大衣。3. Whats the date today, Millie? 今天几号,米莉?【知识点3】询问日期的句型Whats the date today? 是询问日期的常用句型,意为“今天几号?”常用答语为“It is + 日期”。例如:Whats the date today? 今天几号? Its 5(th) November. 11月5日。【注意】英语中年月日的表达方式与汉语不同,一般采用日月年或月日年的顺序。日子可写成阿拉伯数字,也可写成数字加序数词后两个字母。4. What time is it? 几点啊?【句型分析】What time is it? 意为“几点了?”,相当于Whats the time?【知识点4】what time 的用法what time 意为“几点钟”,What time.?是用来询问具体时间点的句型。答语常为“Its + 钟点”或直接说钟点。例如:Excuse me, Bill. What time is it? 比尔,现在几点了? Its eight. 8点。【易混辨析】when 与 what time 区别what time 询问具体时间,如某一天的几点几分;而when 询问的时间比较笼统,不一定为具体的时间,可以是年、月、日、上午、下午、晚上等。例如:When is your birthday, John? 约翰,你的生日是哪一天? Its February 6th. 是2月6日。5. The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon. 家长会在下午两点开始。【知识点5】时间介词at 的用法时间介词at 常用在具体的时间点前。例如:I usually get up at six oclock in the morning. 我通常在早晨六点起床。 I have lunch at twelve oclock at school. 我中午十二点在学校吃午饭。【知识拓展】at 构成的固定短语at night 在晚上 at noon 在中午 at Christmas 在圣诞节at breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐时练习【考点1-1】疑问词辨析T-shirt do you like best, the red one or the blue one?I prefer (更喜欢)the red one.A. How much B. How many C. Whose D. Which 【考点2-1】连词的用法Because I got up very late this morning, I was late for class.A. but B. / C. so 【考点3-1】询问日期的句型Whats the date today? .A. Its June 17th B. Its Saturday C. Its twenty to three D. Its fine 【考点4-1】特殊疑问词(组)辨析 do you go to school? At 7:00. A. What time B. How old C. What D. How often 【考点4-2】when 与 what time 区别根据汉语意思完成句子请问现在几点了? Excuse me, is it now?【考点5-1】时间介词辨析What time do you usually get up in the morning? six o,clock.A. On B. For C. In D. At (二) Reading1. The playground is so big. 操场是这么的大。【知识点1】so 表“如此,这么”的用法so 这里做副词,表示“如此,那么;很,非常”,常用于修饰形容词,放在形容词前,表示程度。例如:I am so happy! 我太高兴了! Its so cold today. 今天天气很冷。 Lucy is so excited to see her old friends.看到她的老朋友们,露西非常激动。2. Let me show you around. 让我带你四处转转。【知识点2】show 的用法show 做及物动词,意为“给.看,把.拿给.看”。常用结构为show sb sth = show sth to sb,意为“给某人看某物”。但是当间接宾语为代词时,只能用show sth to sb 结构,例如:show it to me 。例如:Could you show me the way to the post office? 请你给指一下去邮局的路好吗? He showed me his new radio. = He showed his new radio to me. 他给我看他的新收音机。【知识点3】show sb around 的含义show sb around 意为“带领某人四处转转”,相当于take sb around。后接某地时,表示“带领某人参观某地”。例如:Ill show/ take you around so that you can meet everyone. 我会带你到各处看看,好让你和大家见见面。【知识拓展】与around 有关的动词短语look around 环顾四周 travel around 到处旅行 turn around 转过身go/ walk around 绕过,到处走动3. Were now in front of the classroom building. 我们现在是在教学楼的前面。【知识点4】in front of 的用法in front of 是表示方位的介词短语,意为“在.前面”。它的反义词是behind,“在.之后”。例如:He is in front of me. = I am behind him. 他在我前面。 I want to take a picture in front of our school gate. 我想在我们学校大门前拍张照片。【易混辨析】in front of 和in the front of 的区别(1) in front of 意为“在.的前面”,强调在某一物体外部的前面。(2) in the front of 意为“在.的前部”,强调在某一物体内部的前面。例如:The library is in front of our classroom building. (在教室外)图
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