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陕旅版六年级上册作文训练Unit 1请你用英语介绍一下你的星期天是如何度过的,不少于6句话。My SundayOn Sunday morning,I always get up at seven. I make the bed at seven fifteen. After that, I wash my face and brush my teeth at half past seven. Then, I have breakfast with my family. I learn English at nine. After that, I do my homework. In the afternoon, I always play sports and have a rest. In the evening, I always play the violin for an hour. Then, its time to go to bed. How busy I am!Unit 2根据下表内容,用英语写一写Alice健康的生活方式,不少于五句话。Get up earlyLearn EnglishGo skatingGo boatingPlay ping-pongPlay tennis每天每天一周两次周天一周三次周末Alice gets up at 7 o clock every morning. She learns English every day. She likes sports very much. She goes skating twice a week. She plays ping-pong three times a week. She likes to go boating in the park on Sundays. Sometimes she plays tennis on weekends. So she is very healthy.Unit 3请以“Care for the Earth”为题,写一篇小短文,不少于五句话。提示:1.时态:围绕保护地球这个话题来写作,应该选用一般现在时态,选用第一人称。2.写作思路:作为小学生,我们也可以做许多力所能及的事情来保护地球环境,比如:爱护花草树木、植树、不污染空气、节约用水等等。在使用英语来表达时,我们尽可能地选用自己所学的短语和句型来表达,从应该做和不应该做两方面来阐释如何保护地球。Care for the EarthWe have only one earth. So we should care for it. We should love flowers and trees. We shouldn t cut down trees. We shouldn t make the air dirty. We shouldn t waste water. We should save water. We shouldn t drive a car. We should go on foot or by bike. Its time to do something good to our mother earth.Unit 4请参考下面的词汇,用英语写一篇作文,介绍一下自己的野餐经历,用一般现在时态来写,不少于5句话。(参考词汇:go on a picnic ,meet at the gate ,go to the park ,put into ,take out of等)I go on a picnic with my friends today. We meet at the gate of our school at 9:00. Then we go to the park. In the park, we take the food and fruits out of the bags. And we put the fruits into the water and wash them. We come back early. We are very happy today.Unit 5请你以“My house”为题,用英语写一篇你家房子去年和今年的对比,不少于五句话。时态:围绕“我”的房子去年和今年的对比为话题来写作,应该选用一般过去时态和一般现在时态来写作。思路:先写去年“我”家房子的状况,使用一般过去时态;再写今年“我”家房子的状况,使用一般现在时态。句型: There is/are . There was/were .My houseI lived in the countryside last year. My house was very big at that time. And it had a yard. There were trees, flowers and some animals in the yard. There were four bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room and a study. But now I live in the city this year. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And there is no yard, trees or animals. The house is very small.Unit 6请你以“Last Sunday”为题,用英语写一篇作文,介绍你上个星期天做的事情,不少于五句话。 时态:本文要求写上周星期天发生的事情,因此在写作时应该选用一般过去时态的句型。Last SundayI was very busy last Sunday. In the morning, I got up at 7:00. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly. I ran with my father in the park. Then we watched an animal show.In the afternoon, I saw my friends and had a football match. In the evening, I looked after my Grandma and did some housework. After that, I did my homework and went to bed at 10:00. How busy I was! But I was very happy.Unit 7请用英语写一写你去年暑假去过的地方以及做的事情,不少于五句话。时态:一般过去时。思路:在写作时可以先写去年暑假和谁去了什么地方,然后再写一共待了几天,接下来就介绍一下这几天里面都分别做了什么事情, 最后进行总结,表达自己的总体感受。Last Summary HolidayI went to Xian with my parents last summer holiday. We went there by train and we stayed there for three days. On the first day, we went to the Bell Tower. On the second day, we went to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. There were many people. On the last day, we visited the Shaanxi History Museum. After that we ate the Mutton and Steamed bread. We also bought some gifts. We really had a great time!Unit 8请你以“New Years Party”为题,用英语写一篇小短文,不少于五句话。时态:本文要求写新年派对,时间是过去的时间,因此在写作时应该选用一般过去时态,主语选择we或者具体的英文名字。写作思路:时间、地点、人物、事件,新年派对的经过、结果以及学生们的感受等。New Years PartyLast week, our class had a New Year s party. At seven o clock, everything was ready. The classroom was very beautiful. There were many flowers, balloons, candies and colorful lights. At first, all the students sang Happy New Year together. Then, Jim told us a joke. It was very funny. It made everyone laugh. After that, Jack and Rose acted a short play. It was great. It made everyone cry. Next, Alice sang and danced with her friends. Their dance was very beautiful. Finally, the students played some games and won the gifts. Everyone had a great time!
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