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练习参考译文第1课1.我相信,美国的早期定居者爱家的情感一定非常强烈。2. 少男少女们离开父母的家,住进自己的房子。3.老师选中我扮演学校上演的剧中的公主。4. 演出前几分钟,老师走到我面前,递给我一朵蒲公英。5. 在相隔遥远的地域突然出现了成就最为卓著的一批发明家和革命家。好莱坞好莱坞并不真正是一座城市,而是洛杉矶市的一部分。这个地方也代表着一种思维方式,一种生活方式。第一批电影是在洛杉矶市西区摄制的。当时那里遍地都是 / 漫山遍野是一种状似冬青的树林(英语中“冬青林”念“好莱坞”)。“好莱坞”由此而得名。电影业始于1911年前后,随后迅速发展。到1920年,电影业成了洛杉矶市的一种重要产业。最初的 / 首批 / 第一批电影很短。这些影片没有声音,所以放映时影院里有人弹钢琴或风琴(伴奏)。对白放映/ 投射在银幕上。塞西尔B德米尔摄制了第一部大型史诗(影)片/史诗大片一个国家的诞生。1928年,沃尔特迪斯尼的米老鼠在卡通片威利号轮船中首次露面 / 亮相 / 同观众见面。第一部有声片爵士歌手一夜之间大获成功。第一部全彩卡通片是迪斯尼于1932年摄制的花草树木/花与树 / 1932年摄制了第一部全彩卡通片,即迪斯尼的花草树木 / 花与树。不久,摄制了许多有声彩色影片。电影业继续发展。默默无闻的男女演员一夜之间成为明星。人们到处追逐有名的男女演员。他们买报纸来读,了解自己最喜爱的明星的私生活。好莱坞仍然以其魅力吸引着人们,但如今好莱坞摄制的影片已经不多了。许多老制片厂现在用来制作电视节目。然而人们仍然怀念好莱坞的鼎盛时期 / 辉煌时期,常去参观马恩中国式剧院,踏进电影明星的混凝土脚印里,装一会儿电影明星 / 过一回明星瘾。第2课1. Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.2. Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg. 3. Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit. 4. He put on his jacket hastily and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder. 5. (You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. / This money you use to buy some fruit to take to the hospital.Wonders in IndiaI arrived in India / came to India by plane / by air. It was a novel place.Throughout the year, there was always a wide variety of flowers. Sometimes even the locals couldnt tell the names of the flowers. One day, I saw a lot of very big fruit hanging in a big tree. When I took a closer / more careful look, it turned out to be a flock of bats. During the night, when they spread out their wings, they were / looked / appeared as big as basins.To the southwest of Delhi was a beautiful ancient city (which was) called Jaipur. The buildings of the whole city were painted pink, so it was also known as the City of Roses. In fact, we might as well call it the Land of Peacocks / In fact, it might as well be called the Land of Peacocks. The peacocks there were surprisingly numerous / There were surprisingly numerous peacocks there. Early in the morning, you could see a few peacocks dancing in the flowering shrubs. Every evening, they came out to look for food. They wondered around / about in threes and fours / in small groups. They never avoided people.There were elephants as well / too. They were prettily decked out / up all over. Their keepers called them “Miss Elephant.” Well, they also enjoyed listening to music. When climbing the hill, I rode on an elephants back. There was someone ringing a bell behind / Someone was ringing a bell behind. “Miss Elephant” rocked from side to side to the rhythm. After I got down / climbed down from the elephants back, the keeper said, “Please give Miss Elephant a little money to buy sweets with (to eat).” The elephant stretched out her trunk to me. I stuffed a coin into her nostril. She flung / threw her trunk back, and passed the coin into her masters hand. Very cute / smart / clever she was indeed.第3课1. 我(是) 在一个小镇上长大(的) ,镇上的小学到我家,只要步行十分钟。2. 我们沐浴着中午和煦的阳光,共进午餐。3. 简担心孩子们适应不了这种新情况。4. 计算器在教室里使用得越来越多,多得难以置信。5. 她思想井然有序,缜密精确, 他们第一次见面的时候,就给他留下了深刻的印象。克莱尔李陈纳德将军(18931958) 青少年时期克莱尔李陈纳德是二战期间飞虎队队长,1893年生于美国得克萨斯州。克莱尔李原先在弗兰克林教区一个小镇吉尔伯特上学,后移居肯科迪亚教区的约翰湖畔。肯科迪亚教区与腾萨斯教区隔腾斯河而相望,他少年时期常在河畔打猎捕鱼。他往往独自到远处去打猎,一连几天,露宿野外,以打到的小野味充饥。克莱尔李小时候曾两次遭受丧亲之痛。他五岁时母亲就死了/ 他五岁时就死了母亲。十年之后,他的继母,即他原来的老师洛蒂巴恩斯, 也去世了。他成了独来独往的人。克莱尔李才十五岁/ 年方十五 /年仅十五就上了路易斯安那州立大学。他怀念少年时期打猎捕鱼的岁月,每到春天,就设法让校方开除他,他就可以回家去,一连几天、几个星期野营、打猎、捕鱼。最后,他离开了路州大学 / 路大,转入一所州立师范学院。1911年,克莱尔李初婚,娶了腾萨斯教区沃特普鲁夫镇的内尔汤普森。他们最后共生了八名子女 / 八个儿女。第一次世界大战爆发时,克莱尔李上了军官训练学校,但他还没来得及参加战斗,战争就结束了。最后,他为一所飞行训练学校所录取。第4课1. Greater Panama has a population of 695,000, accounting for / which accounts for more than one third the countrys total. 2. Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along it, which / and that is still fresh in my memory. 3. Panama City has a hot and humid climate, with / as it has an annual average temperature of 26.9 and an average annual rainfall of 1903 mm. 4. When news of her failure came, Madame Curie still smiled, without showing the slightest pain or unease, as if it had never happened. 5. Its true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to face internal perplexities.Wang MianHowever / In spite of that, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was born an extraordinary man / a man of a unique character, who was named / was called / went by the name of Wang Mian, and (who) lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang / whose name was Wang Mian, and who lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang / who, by the name of Wang Mian, lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang. When he was seven his father died / At seven he lost his father, so / but / and his mother took in sewing so that he could study at the village school. Soon three years had passed and Wang Mian was ten (years old) / ten years
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