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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。玛丽居里的英文简介玛丽;居里,世称”;居里夫人”;, 法国著名波兰裔科学家、物理学家、化学家。下面是小编为你整理的玛丽居里的英文简介,希望对你有用!玛丽;居里简介Marie Skodowska Curie (1867-1934) was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw. The world called "Marie Curie", full name: Maria Scovodovska Curie. French famous Polish scientist, physicist, chemist.In 1903, Curie and Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the study of radioactivity. In 1911, the discovery of the element polonium and radium again won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, thus becoming the worlds first two Bell of the people. Curies achievements include the creation of a radioactive theory, the invention of the separation of radioisotope technology, found two new elements polonium and radium. Under her guidance, people use radioisotopes for the first time in the treatment of cancer. Due to prolonged exposure to radioactive material, Mrs. Curie died on 7 July 1934 due to malignant leukemia.玛丽;居里人物生平School stageNovember 7, 1867, was born in the Polish kingdom of Warsaw City, a middle school teachers family.In September 1891, went to Paris to study, in November to enter the University of Sultan (ie, the University of Paris)Department of Physics.In 1894, by the Polish scholar, Professor of Physics at the University of Fortune, Switzerland, Joseph Kovarsky introduced, with Biel Curie met in order to take advantage of Curies leading equipment for better laboratories.In 1895 April, Mary Scrodovskys paper "Radiation of uranium and thorium compounds" was read by Lippmann at the Academy of Sciences.July 26, 1895, Mary and Beier Curie in the suburbs of Paris shuttle town married. Marie Curie is a female middle school teacher.Research stageIn August 1896, Mary passed the university graduates as a teachers title exam. (1827-1897), Mary worked for the post, working in the physical laboratory, working with Bier (room director).In 1898 July, Curie couple to the Academy of Sciences "on the bitumen uranium ore in a radioactive new material"Explain the discovery of new radioactive elements 84, four hundred times stronger than uranium, similar to bismuth, and Mrs. Curie suggested poles (polonium) to construct the name of the new element in her motherlands name. Since the Curie couple work closely together to study the establishment of the earliest methods of radiochemical work.In 1898 December, Curie couple and colleague Beimont to the Academy of Sciences, "on the asphalt uranium ore contains a highly radioactive new material," that also found the new element 88, radio than uranium million times, named as Radium. Mary Curie reports of the discovery of new elements polonium, published in the Polish version of Warsaws "Swift Art" magazine.In March 1900, Mary taught the physics at the Saifuer Womens Higher Normal School in southwest Paris. Mary s paper "On the atomic weight of radioactive barium compounds". Curie couples at the Paris International Physics Society read the paper "on the new radioactive material and its emission."In October 1900, two German scholars, Valcoff and Gizelle, declared that radium had a peculiar effect on biological tissues. After the couples confirmed that the laser will burn the skin.In 1902, after three and nine months of refining, the Curie couple separated a few grams of radium chloride RaCl2 from several tons of residue, measuring the radium content of 225, and the resulting exact number of 226.In 1903, Curie and Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.In 1908, for the "Biel Curie writings" sequel, recall the authors performance. The book by the French Institute of Physics commissioned by the editor of Lang, published in Paris. Promoted to professor.In 1911, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded for the separation of pure metal radium. In the same year, participated in the first Solvay meeting held in Brussels.In 1915, from the University of Solborn University physics laboratory moved to the radium Institute of Radiology Laboratory. Travel around the country at home and abroad, to guide eighteen field medical service team.In 1916, in the radium Institute for the health staff to open radiology crash course, teach doctors to find the body of foreign body (such as: shrapnel) location of the new law, by the Allied military praise.In 1921, according to wartime notes finishing, written as "radiology and war", published in Paris.On March 8, 1921, he met with Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University. Cai arrived in Paris on his way to visit, invited Curie to Peking University lectures. Answer: "This can not go, when the summer vacation in the future seek." Never finished.In May 1921, the mother and daughter crossed the sea to the United States, to accept the United States Mary Curie Fund Rai
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