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Module 3 Food and drinksUnit 4 The international food festival一、单项选择。 1. -Where are you going?-To help the neighbours_the dinner party.A. be ready for B. getting ready C. get ready for D. be getting ready 2.-Lets have an international food festival.-_.I love food.A. I dont know B. Thats a good idea C. Im afraid not D. Thats all right3. Well have a party _our school_Saturday 1 March. A. in ,at B.in .of C. at , on D.on ,at 4. I have two tickets for the film.Will you go with me? Yes,_. A. its a pleasure B.with pleasure C.thanks D.I shall 5. Ill teach you _make scones .Its very easy . A. how to B. how C. what to D. what 6. I _you will write me back soon. A. wish B. need C. want D. hope7. How much is it? A hot dog_eight yuan and fifty. A. spends B. costs C. uses D. wastes8. May I have a look at your letter? No, you_. A. dont B. cant C. couldnt D. mustnt9. Would you like some ice cream? No ,I dont_.Thank you . A. want any B. like C. want D. like some10. What can I do for you? Id like some_. A. piece of apple pie B. pieces of apple pies C. piece of apple pies D. pieces of apple pie二、选择并抄写单词。1. Jim is from_(English,England).He speaks English.2. I_(sell, sold) many old books last Sunday.3. How is your grandma, Kitty?She is very_(good,well),thank you.4. How much does a piece of apple pie_(is,cost)?5. Add the sugar and then _(sprinkle ,pour)in the milk.三、字母组词。1. I _(pohe)everything is all right.2. Pour in mild and make the flour into a _(guhod).3. Please write the recipe for_(cenoss)in your cookery book.4. The food at the party tastes_(liciousde).5. Please_(rinlepks)food with a little salt.6. Its a _(surepale)to help you.7. SPCA need some money to take care of _(lehosmes) animals.8. Come and have food from_(rentdiffe)countries.9. Some singers had a vocal concert(演唱会)to _(siare)money for disaster areas(灾区).10. Here you can taste different kinds of food from_(drouna)the world.四、单词组句。 1. this, helps, we, hope, the, SPCA, money_2. they, got, kinds, different, sushi, of, have_3. English, would, to , like, sell, food, I_4. those, raise, should, money, homeless, for, we, children_5. Lets, at, Saturday, gate, school, the, on, 1March, meet_【试题答案】一、15 C B C B A 610 D B B A D 二、1. England 2. sold 3. well 4. cost 5. pour 三、1. hope 2. dough 3. scones 4. delicious 5. sprinkle 6. pleasure 7. homeless 8. different 9. raise 10. around四、1. We hope this money helps the SPCA.2. They have got different kinds of sushi.3. I would like to sell English food.4. We should raise money for those homeless children.5. Lets meet at the school gate on Saturday1 March. 【励志故事】疼痛是个好消息扮演“超人”的克里斯多弗里夫,在一九九五年的一次坠马中,伤势严重,导致颈部以下全部瘫痪。三年来,他凭着坚强的意志,与死神作着不懈的抗争。经过一年的知觉训练,他脊椎末端的神经又恢复了知觉。他说,现在碰它一下,就有疼痛的感觉,但这疼痛的感觉很舒服,“请相信我说的全是真的。”大多时候,疼痛是一种痛苦,但“超人”这回的痛,是生命的一道光亮。人有一种可贵的智慧,便是给每一种现象赋以意义。西班牙和美国心理学家在一九九二年巴塞罗那奥运会田径比赛场上,用摄像机拍摄了二十名银牌获得者和十五名铜牌获得者的情绪反应。心理学家们发现,在冲刺之后和在颁奖台上,“第三名”看上去比“第二名”更高兴。研究人员分析认为:因为铜牌获得者通常不是期望值很高的人,获得铜牌已经很高兴了:而银牌得主往往是冲着金牌而来的,因此就会为没有夺得金牌而感到难过。确实,在领奖后采访获奖运动员时,许多亚军都伤心地说:差一点就成了冠军。而季军获得者也许会说:差一点就名落孙山。你是否会成为情绪的主人,关键在于你站在什么位置上看问题。只要你能确立好自己的位置,就没有一件坏事能靠近你。- 3 -专心 爱心 用心
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