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thick n.k 双解释义 S最活跃的部分; 活动最频繁的地点或时间 the part, place, time, etc., of greatest activity 基本要点thick用作名词的意思是“最活跃的部分,活动最频繁的地点或时间”,也可指“最厚的部分”,通常用作单数形式,其前用定冠词the,其后与介词of连用。 词汇搭配 介词+ in the thick of sth 在最激烈的时刻,在的最激烈处,处在的中心 in the thick of the forest在森林最密处 through thick and thin共患难,同甘苦,不顾艰难险阻 +介词 the thick of ones thumb拇指最厚的部分 the thick of winter隆冬 常用短语in the thick of sth在最激烈的时刻,在的最激烈处,处在的中心 in the most activedense part of sthWe met a bear in the thick of the forest.我们在森林深处遇见了一头熊。There was a large crowd and he was in the thick of it.有一大群人,他在人群最密集的地方。King Arther was in the thick of the fight.亚瑟王打得正酣。through thick and thin共患难,同甘苦; 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下 through both good or bad time; in spite of all the difficultiesShe stuck by her husband through thick and thin.她没有离开丈夫,始终与他同甘共苦。They were friends through thick and thin.他们是同甘共苦的朋友。Well stand by you through thick and thin.在任何艰难情况下我们将一直支持你。We must adhere to principle through thick and thin.在任何情况下我们都必须坚持原则。 补充资料同义词adj. close, deep, dense, fat, full, heavy, rich, solid, wide反义词adj. clever, shallow, slender, slight, slim, thin词源 中古英语thikke古英语thicce(粗的,厚的,浓的; 厚,浓密) thick adj.k( thicker; thickest ) 双解释义 厚的,粗的 of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces or sides 稠密的,密集的,茂密的 have a large number of units close together 浓的,黏稠的(of a liquid or paste) relatively stiff in consistency; not flowing easily 不清澈的,混浊的,浓的 (of a vapour or the atmosphere) not clear; dense 很明显的,重的; 不清楚的 very noticeable; not clear in sound P充满的,布满的 full of; covered with P荒唐的,不合情理的 beyond what is reasonable or satisfactory P感情深的 very friendly 基本要点1.thick的基本意思是“厚的,粗的”,也可表示“稠密的,密集的,茂密的”,液体或糊状物“浓的,黏稠的”,汽、烟、雾或空气等“不清澈的,混浊的,浓的”,口音“很明显的,重的; 不清楚的”。2.thick可作“充满的,布满的”解,还可作“荒唐的,不合情理的”解,作这两种解释时,常用作表语,并多与介词with连用。3.thick的比较级是thicker,最高级是thickest。4.thick在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。 词汇搭配 +名词 thick accent很浓的口音 thick beard浓胡须 thick board厚木板 thick book厚书 thick brows浓眉 thick cloth厚布 thick clouds浓厚的云层 thick dust厚厚的尘土 thick finger粗壮的手指 thick fog浓雾 thick forest稠密的森林 thick lips厚嘴唇 thick mists浓雾 thick plank厚木板 thick skin感受迟钝,不敏感 thick slice厚片 thick smoke浓烟 thick sole厚鞋底 thick soup浓汤 thick stick粗棍子 thick strokes粗笔画 名词+ bullets thick密弹 +介词 thick with dust布满灰尘 thick with the family与那一家人关系密切 常用短语a bit thick太过分了,不合情理 beyond what is reasonable or satisfactoryI think it a bit thick to do it that way.我认为那样做太过分了。They thought it a bit thick when he called himself a genius.他把自己称为天才,他们认为这太过分了。Its a bit thick to expect me to work until midnight!指望我工作到深夜?这有点不合情理吧!as thick as thieves亲密无间,亲密得不得了 very friendlyThey didnt like each other at first, but theyre as thick as thieves now.他们开始彼此不喜欢对方,但现在亲密得不得了。Lionel and Mandy were as thick as thieves until Lionel changed his job, now they hardly see each other.莱昂内尔调动工作前,他同曼迪过往甚密,现在他们难得见面。as thick as two short planks愚蠢的 stupidMark is as thick as two short planksI still dont understand why you employed him here.马克笨透了我仍然不理解为什么你这儿要雇用他。Some of our greatest and richest superstars have been as thick as two planks.我们的某些最了不起的、最富有的超级明星却愚不可及。the thick end of英非正几乎和一样多 almost as much as.The car cost me the thick end of 10,000.这辆车几乎花了我一万英镑。thick on the ground非正遍地都是,有的是 plentifulGrants for the arts are not too thick on the ground these years.这年月给艺术提供的拨款并不很多。He found that jobs in Animal Nutrition werent exactly thick on the ground.他发现动物营养学方面的工作并不完全有那么多。 句型例句用作定语+n.She was still wearing her thick coat.她还穿着那件厚外套。That little restaurant makes good thick sandwiches.那家小餐馆做的三明治又厚又好。On the end of his nose was a pair of thick spectacles.他的鼻尖上架着一副厚厚的眼镜。Whos that young man with a thick head of hair?那个长着浓密头发的青年是谁?Thick smoke came out of the burning building.浓烟是从那幢燃烧的大楼里冒出来的。A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.一块燃烧着的草地冒起黑色浓烟,滚滚上升天际。Thick liquid pours much more slowly than thin liquid.稠的液体倒出来比稀的慢。Grandfather spoke with a thick Scottish brogue.祖父说话带有很重的苏格兰土腔。We have been thick friends since we were young.我们从青年时代起就是贴心的朋友。用作表语S+be+The brass plate is one inch thick.这块黄铜板厚一英寸。The castle walls are two metres thick.城堡的墙厚两米。The skins are very thick and glossy towards winter.快到冬季时这种毛皮既厚实又有光泽。Daffodil stems are straight and thick.黄水仙的茎挺直粗壮。The wire is very thick.这电线很粗。The fog seemed to be getting thicker.雾似乎越来越浓。The weather was thick.天气阴霾。The flowers grew thick in the garden.园子里的花长得很茂盛。His English is thick, but I always find it understandable.他说英语时口齿不清,可是我总能听得懂。He is pretty thick, isnt he?他很笨,不是吗?My heads rather thick this
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