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一、 把下列句子变成否定句:1、I am writing a letter to my friend._2、They go to school by bus every morning. _3、The boy has three watches. _二、 把下列句子变成一般疑问句1、I have a blue T-shirt._2、We need more time to do our homework._3、Mybrotherisintheparknow. _三、 填上适当的疑问词1、 A:_pencilsare they? B: They arehers.2、A: _ class are you in? B: I am in Class Two.3、A: _ is the weather like today? B: It is rainy. 4、A:_ do you play the guitar? B: Once a week.四、练一练:1、Ihaveapink shirt. (对划线部分提问)_2、I go to school by bus.(对划线部分提问) _3、Itsseventwenty.(对划线部分提问)_4、Iamtwelve this year.(对划线部分提问)_五、单选1、Mytwobrothersareboth_. A.policeman B.policemans C.policemen2、The_buysthree_.A.girl, fishs B.girl, fish C.girls, fishes3、Wouldyoulike_,please?A.twoglassofwaterB.twoglassesofwaterC.twoglassofwaters D.twoglassesofwaters4、He sees many _ on the street. A.peoples B.people C.peoples5、Mycousin often _ lateatnight.A、study B、studys C、studies6、Mygrandfatheroften _ forawalkinthemorning.A、go B、goes C、going7、Theearth _ aroundthesun.A、go B、went C、goes8、Thegreensweaterishis_.A. brother B. brothers C. brothers9、Acathasfour_.A.foots B.feet C.feets10、Themeeting _ at2:00pmtomorrow.A、begins B、began C、begin六、将下列名词变为复数形式:box _ knife_ roof_horse_ zoo_ family_mouse_ mouth_ tooth_guy_ hero_ deer_man_ woman_ toy_country_ glass_ hair_七、将下列动词变为第三人称单数形式:look _ study_ stay_wish_ pass_ fix_try _ say_ have_brush _ dance_ close_guess_ give_ finish_do _ cry_ carry_
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