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2012届高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案资料(八十四)每日一句All the patriotic students taking pride in the motherland will raise their hands the moment the national flag is rising.所有以祖国为荣的爱国学生在国旗冉冉升起的时候都会敬礼。基础词汇强化练习1. Boys have a stronger t_ to fight than girls.2. She may forget to comeshes not very r_.3. A postmans job is to deliver letters and p_.4. The decision to begin r_ and opening up, was made at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in December 1978.5. The planes d_ was on schedule so we went there on time.6. Keep healthy by making exercise a part of your daily r_.7. He always d_ half of his salary in the bank in the past.8. Henrys problems are more p_ than physical.9. G_, with repeated experiences, children begin to form mental images of the object or person.10. My mother t_ a leaf from the calendar every day. tendency reliable parcels reform departure routine deposited psychological gradually tears书面表达经典句式强化记忆250. That reminds me, . 那提醒了我./那让我想起了.That reminds me, I must get some cash. 这倒提醒了我,我得取一些现金.251. There are signs that. 有的迹象/征兆.有迹象表明/显示.There are signs that you have made a significant improvement.有迹象表明你有了显著的进步.252. There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问,.There is no doubt that health is better than wealth. 毫无疑问,健康胜于财富.书面表达经典朗读素材When The Show People Come ToOn important festival days there will be shows in the village. Everyone looks forward to the show peoples coming. The show usually starts at three in the afternoon, runs until five-thirty, and stops for a dinner break. At seven-thirty the the villagers, old and young alike, bring their hand fans and chairs to sit in front of the stage. The oldest members of the village usually watch the program until midnight. Standing and sitting in front are a constant moving crowd of children who watch everything on and off the stage. The music is always loud. People like the noise, the action, the makeup, and beautiful costumes of the show. The atmosphere of a big party makes festival days special.经典谚语积累Dont claim to know what you dont know. 不要不懂装懂。高频考点拾贝书面表达系列林宏的笔友莉莉今年夏天将来沪旅游。林宏去信表示欢迎,并准备去机场迎接。还告诉她上海有不少值得游玩的地方,他将陪同参观旅游。(用书信体写)学生习作外教批改Dear lily:1Lily,2Im very glad that youll have a trip you are coming3 to Shanghai this summer.I cant wait to see meet4 you at the airport and show you around Shanghai.As we all know,Shanghai is the biggest city in China.Especially In these recent years,5 many great changes have taken place in Shanghai.She is a sea of which_absorbs6 different cultures and customs and develops her own spirits,yet has developed her own very unique identity.Jinmao Tower is one of Shanghais most wellknown symbols.You cant7 really shouldnt miss a chance to visit it.We_can_have8 There is a good view of Shanghai from the 88th floor in the Tower9.On January 1st,the Shanghais New Year concert by which Shanghai welcomes the new year10 was held in a new11 great new structure,the Shanghai Arts Center.12 Its located in Pudong and looks13 just like a beautiful butterfly. In the evening,the colorful lights on its roof will shine14 with_the_music_playing15 as the music plays. I think youll like it. And in16 during your 7_day sevenday17 journey visit,I hope youll have a special day at last. Well when we visit the Yu Garden,where the Shanghais traditional customs and culture can be seen.The food there is very really18 delicious delicious.Hope youll come soon.19 I cant wait to take you around and have a good time in Shanghai.Yours sinecerly20sincerely,Lin Hong旁批1标点符号使用不当。应该用逗号。现在,一般商业信件中,除了信的主体之外都省去标点。2人名的首字母一定要大写。3谈论将来的安排时应该用现在进行时态,不要用will。4用这个词更准确。5你在谈论最近几年发生的变化,所以应该用in recent years。原句Especially in these years表达很别扭。6absorb是个很好的词。遗憾的是,它用在这句话里不合适。absorb的意思是“吸收(液体、气体等)”,而海洋(the sea)不会吸收任何东西,它是液体,液体是被别的东西所吸收的,如:The sponge cloth quickly absorbed the spilled juice.(海绵布很快就将溢出的果汁吸干了。)7给出建议时用cant不合适,应该用shouldnt。8这个表达很别扭。参见改写后的句子。9不用再提读者已经明白的事。10原句太累赘。参见改写后的句子。11几个形容词修饰名词时,要遵循严格的顺序,不能随意改变位置。12专有名词的第一个字母要大写。13单词遗漏。look可以用来描述我们对所看到东西的印象。它的用法是:look形容词;look like名词;look as if/as though从句。14用一般现在时描述经常发生的事。15这个比喻不清楚。是指灯光随着音乐的节奏舞动吗?16这里应该用during。1710以下的数字要将单词拼写出来。18要强调delicious这个形容词,可以用absolutely,really或truly来修饰它。19你知道你的朋友会来,所以这句话是多余的。20拼写错误。另外,sincerely不适合用在给朋友的信中,常用于正式的商业信件。这是一篇尚好的作文。开头和结尾部分犯了一些书信写作方面的初级错误,正文中也有一些高中水平不该犯的语法和标点符号错误,如,人名的首字母不应该小写。尽管如此,作者毕竟回答了题目要求,内容也比较充实,使读者感到很有趣。高分作文秘诀之七:使用较高级词汇。例如:Instead of (不要说:)My English is getting better and better.Use (要说:)My English is improving.Instead of (不要说:)We are seeing more and more cars on the roads.Use (要说:)We are seeing an increasing number of cars on the roads.Instead of (不要说:)The bathroom and the kitchen are good.Use (要说:)The bathroom and the kitchen are wellfurnished.Instead of (不要说:)In a word,the movie
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