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安全管理考核办法HSE penalties目录content第一章 总则Chapter one General第二章 工作许可证Chapter two Permit To Work第三章 上锁挂签Chapter three Lockout and Tagout第四章 事故报告与调查Chapter four Incidents reporting and investigation第五章 安全设备维护与检查Chapter five safety equipments maintenance and inspection第六章 应急反应Chapter six Emergency response第七章 安全台账管理Chapter seven HSE files management 第八章 现场安全管理Chapter eight Site HSE management第九章 安全奖励Chapter nine HSE reward第一章:总则Chapter one: General第1条: 为了规范我厂各级管理部门及全体员工的行为,安全高效的完成各项工作任务,使企业规范化、制度化、科学化,根据有关法律法规,行业标准和公司安全管理体系文件特制定本办法。In order to improve the behavior of all personnel on board, ensure a safe and efficient completion of various tasks, and a continuous improvement of HSE management. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of industry standards and company HSE MS the following rules are formulated.第2条: 凡在我公司各工种岗位的所有员工,包括承包商,都必须切实按照本办法的规定做好本职工种。These rules apply to all personnel working at Hanas LNG plant. 第二章:工作许可证Chapter two: PTW第3条: 所有人员必须遵守哈纳斯液化天然气工厂工作许可证制度,应该申请工作许可而没有申请的, 对责任人罚款200元。在工作许可证发出之前开始工作的,以及在重新生效前进行工作的,都视为无票证作业。发现一次对作业主管罚款200元。All personnel must comply with the Permit to Work system. If a PTW is not applied as required, a fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on the person held responsible. Starting work before the work permit is issued/revalidated will be deemed the same as above. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on the task supervisor.第4条: 签名视为唯一的授权确认,未经书面允许代替他人签名的,对责任人员罚款100元。Signature is regarded as the only authorization of PTW. A fine of 100RMB shall be imposed on person held responsible for signing PTW for others without official delegation.第5条: 在拿到许可证之后工作之前须由作业主管召集所有作业人员召开工具箱会,没有召开的,发现一次对作业主管罚款200元。Once the work permit is issued, prior to commencing the job, Task supervisor shall have a toolbox meeting with all people involved. If the toolbox meeting is not held, task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB第6条: 工作许可证应定期由HSE专员组织生产和维修现场管理人员进行抽样审核,未完成月度审核目标,对HSE负责人罚款200元,无故拒不参加审核者罚款200元 。HSE personnel shall facilitate the regular PTW audits according to a agreed schedule and the production/maintenance site management team shall be involved. if the schedule not followed, HSE manager shall impose a fine of 200RMB. The designated person who refuse to present himself shall be penalized with a fine of 200.第7条: 属地负责人应确认所有经手的许可证不存在冲突作业,否则罚款200元。Area responsible shall ensure no conflicts/interference between works and other concurrent operations. A 200RMB fine shall be imposed if failed to indentify the likely risks. 第8条: 作业主管应检查并确认该作业所用的所有工具与设备处于完好状态,特别是对承包商的设备和工具。发现有缺陷的工具投入使用的,对作业主管罚款200元。Task supervisor shall check and ensure the tools and equipments used for the tasks are in good working conditions, especially for the contractors tools and equipments. If any unsafe tools and equipments are found in use, the task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB.第9条: 承包商工头应确保本组所有人员都已经经过哈纳斯的入场培训,否则禁止申请任何工作许可。如有违反,对承包商工头罚款200元。Contractor foreman shall ensure everyone in his group completed the Hanas LNG plant HSE induction. Contractor foreman shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB for the violation. 第10条: 高风险作业的作业许可可能会要求安全监护人在场。没有按照作业程序指定安全监护人的,对作业主管罚款200元,指定了安全监护人,而没有履行安全监护人职责的,对指定的安全监护人罚款200元。High risk jobs may require safety watcher/guard. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed if task supervisor fail to nominate the safety watcher in accordance with HSE MS. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed if the nominated safety watcher/guard fail to perform his duty.第11条: 一些工作许可会要求测气,没有根据许可要求的检测气体,或者检测频率达不到要求的,对责任人罚款200元。Some jobs may require gas testing. Fail to perform gas testing or the frequency of gas testing cant meet the PTW requirement, responsible party shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB第12条: 属地负责人和作业主管及承包商工头应检查并确认现场工作准备完全符合工作许可证关于安全作业的要求。如果工作开始后现场安全措施发现低于许可证的要求。对作业主管和承包商工头每人罚款200元,对属地负责人罚款100元。Area responsible, task supervisor and contractor foreman shall check and ensure that all specified requirements laid down in the PTW are implemented before starting the work. In case control measures specified in PTW are found not in place after starting the job, task supervisor and contractor foreman shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB, and area responsible shall be imposed a fine of 100RMB.第13条: 所有的工作许可在工作结束后应立即关闭,未及时关闭者,对作业主管罚款200元。未遵守延时程序,暂停或者重新生效程序的,对作业主管罚款100元。All permits shall be closed once the job is done. Fail to close the permits in time, task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB. For failure to follow the PTW extension, suspend and revalidation procedure, task supervisor shall be imposed a fine of 100RMB第14条: 已经申请工作许可,但未在工作现场张贴的。对作业主管罚款50元。PTW is issued but not posted on site, task supervisor shall be imposed a fine of 50RMB 第15条: 作业主管,HSE经理和属地负责人必须参加日常协调会议,无故不参加者或者因有事无法参加而且没有指定代理人的,罚款50元。Task supervisor, HSE manager and area responsible shall attend the daily PTW coordinating meeting. A fine of 50RMB shall be im
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