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Unit 4: Part B,21st Century College English: Book 4,Unit 4: Part B,Revision of Text A Reading Analysis Structured Writing Listening Practice Assignment,Assignment Checkup Structure Cloze Translation,Structure,Structure,Ex. VIII Ex. IX,读写教程 IV: Ex. VIII, p. 101,Structure,VIII. The word as is used when one is mentioning the way that something happens or is done. Study the models and complete the sentences that follow by translating the Chinese into English.,Models: 1. When a students work did not measure up to the teachers expectations, as often happened,the student was not treated with disappointed, anger,or annoyance.,Structure,VIII. The word as is used when one is mentioning the way that something happens or is done. Study the models and complete the sentences that follow by translating the Chinese into English.,Models: 2. Though we are in difficulty at the moment, I still hope that everything will turn out as expected.,Structure,VIII. The word as is used when one is mentioning the way that something happens or is done. Study the models and complete the sentences that follow by translating the Chinese into English.,Models: 3. As is often the case, a successful student is, first of all, highly motivated by his desire to learn.,Structure,1. _(正如课文中的例子所说明的),the nonverbal communication between a teacher and his students contributes to their success. 2. _(正如前面提到的), labeling is a way of thinking that excludes individuality and variations. 3. _(众所周知),a balanced diet and exercise keep one fit and healthy.,Structure,As the example in the text makes clear,As I mentioned earlier/As mentioned earlier,As is known to all,4. The lease(租约)lasts two months, from January 1to March 1 inclusive, (按照合同上达成的协议). 5. The tour guide took us to the Palace Museum in the morning and to the Summer Palace in the afternoon, (正如起初安排的那样).,Structure,as (is) agreed on in the contract,as,had been originally planned,读写教程 IV: Ex. IX, p. 102,Structure,1. Just think of our parents devotion!_ _ _.( overwork themselves to make life better for our sake, spend the hard-earned money on themselves),Study the model and complete the following sentence, using would rather.than.,Structure,Model: We Smiths would rather go hungry than ask for government help!,They would rather,overwork themselves to make life better for our sake than,spend the hard-learned money on themselves,3. It is ill-advised that, when you study abroad you_ _ _, just because the Culture is strange to you.(confine yourself in the library, go out to meet and talk with local people),Structure,2. Hes reserved. During the journey he_ _.(read a best-seller, chat With others),would rather read,a best-seller than chat with others,would,rather confine yourself in the library than go out to meet,and talk with local people,Study the model and complete the following sentence, using would rather.than.,5. At some point or other in our life, we_ _. (not tell our parents whats in our minds, sit down and communicate with them like friends),4. If this opportunity can get me somewhere in the future, I_. (give up my short-term interest, let it slip away),Structure,would rather give up my short-term interest than let it,slip away,would rather not,tell our parents whats in our minds than sit down and,communicate with them like friends,Study the model and complete the following sentence, using would rather.than.,读写教程 IV: Ex. X, p. 102,Cloze,A recent educational experiment showed that the difference between “gifted” children and regular ones may have as much as to do with 1)_ as with intelligence. An elementary school teacher was 2)_ into thinking that her students were above average in intelligence. She then 3)_ to get them to do outstanding work, even,A) inspections B) expectations C) impatience D) reassurance,A) told B)asked C) lied D)deceived,Cloze,IX. Select the most appropriate word from the four choices given.,A) managed B) offered C) asked D) tried,A) inspections B) expectations C) impatience D) reassurance,A) told B)asked C) lied D)deceived,A) managed B) offered C) asked D) tried,though their true IQs were well within the normal range. It seems that her belief in her students intelligence was enough to turn them 4)_ better learners. Its difficult to 5)_exactly how such beliefs are expressed. It 6)_have to do with how a teacher talks to the class: many positive, supportive expressions and few ex
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