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2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列模拟检测2一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.Our school doesnt _ students staying in the classroom too long. We think they should have time for sports.A. advocate B. admitC. assess D. approach【答案】A【解析】advocate提倡;admit承认;assess评估,评价;approach靠近,接近。句意:我们学校不提倡学生在教室待太长的时间。我们认为他们应该有体育锻炼的时间。2.She_herparentsandwoulddoanythingtopleasethem.A. advocated B. adored C. advised D. acquired【答案】B【解析】advocate提倡;adore爱慕,敬爱,崇拜;advise忠告,建议;acquire获得,取得,拥有。句意:她很爱自己的父母,为让他们高兴愿意做任何事。3.The practice of a lawyer requires not only detailed knowledge of certain aspects of the law but also _ with court procedures.A. acquaintance B. administrationC. consequence D. presentation【答案】A【解析】acquaintance相识,了解;administration行政,管理;consequence结果,重要性;presentation展示,描述。句意:律师实务不仅要求相关法律方面的详细知识,还要求了解法庭程序。4.Due to the _ of this new technology, more people will become over-dependent on the Internet and neglect face-to-face communication.A. adaptation B. approvalC. application D. appreciation【答案】C【解析】adaptation适应;approval批准;application申请;appreciation欣赏。句意:由于这项新技术的应用,更多的人会变得过度依赖互联网,忽视面对面的交流。结合句意可知答案为C。5.I dont know the meaning of the poem, because I have little _ with modern society.A. adjustment B. acknowledgementC. acquaintance D. access【答案】C【解析】have little acquaintance with对不太了解。adjustment调整,调节,适应;acknowledgement承认,致谢;access“接近,进入”,常与介词to连用。句意:我不知道这首诗的意思,因为我对现代诗歌不了解。6.The lady has an _state of mind. Whatever happens, she always assumes the worst.A. abundant B. adjustable C. acid D. abnormal 【答案】D【解析】abundant丰富的,充裕的;adjustable可调整的,可调节的;acid尖刻的;abnormal不正常的。句意:那个女人精神有点不正常,无论发生什么事情,她的假设总是最坏的。7.He was _to tell me the secret when we heard the air hostess saying to the passengers on boardwith a beautiful smile, “welcome _!”A. about, abroad B. about, aboard C. above, aboard D. able, abroad 【答案】B【解析】abroad在国外;be about to do .when .正要做这时;aboard登船,登飞机。句意:他正要告诉我这个秘密,这时我们听到空姐面带甜美的微笑,对飞机上的乘客说:欢迎登机。8.It is never easy for graduates to find their ideal jobs, where _ being equipped with necessary knowledge, they are required to have some related experience.A. on account ofB. in addition toC. in additionD. above all【答案】B【解析】on account of因为;in addition to除之外(还有);in addition 另外,此外;above all最重要的句意:毕业生找份理想的工作很不容易,除了要具备相关的必要知识,还要有相关的工作经验。9.The company has an _ advantage over others in the industry, for it has the most advanced technology.A. abnormal B. absurd C. absolute D. abstract【答案】C 【解析】absolute“绝对的,完全的”,符合语境。句意:因为这家公司有着最先进的技术,相比这个产业中的其它公司,它有一个绝对的优势。10.Thanks to the vivid illustration, the speaker made the _ concept accessible to all the audience.A. accurateB. abstractC. adequateD. absolute【答案】B【解析】abstract“抽象的”,符合语境。句意:由于这生动的图解,演讲者让所有观众接受了这些抽象的概念。accurate准确的,正确无误的;adequate足够的,充分的;absolute绝对的,完全的。11.Though some insist separate education can satisfy peoples special needs, most people consider it as to be _, saying it will cause greater conflict between the poor and the rich.A. acceptableB. abstractC. acidD. absurd【答案】D【解析】acceptable可以接受的;abstract抽象的;acid尖刻的;absurd荒谬的。句意:尽管一些人坚持认为分开教育能够满足人们的不同需求,但是大多数人认为那是荒谬的,称它将会在贫富之间造成更大的冲突。12.A great many teenagers became _to playing computer games, wasting their precious time.A. accustomed B. addicted C. abandoned D. accommodated【答案】B【解析】become addicted to.沉溺于做;become accustomed to.习惯于句意:许多青少年沉溺于玩电脑游戏,浪费了他们宝贵的时间。13.Satellites make television _ to people who live far away from cities, and satellites dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.A. adequate B. alternative C. accessible D. accustomed【答案】C【解析】adequate充足的;alternative供选择的;accessible可进入的;accustomed习惯的。句意:卫星使生活在远离城市的人们可以看电视,卫星天线经常可以看到分布在农村和偏远地区。be accessible to“容易进入的”,故选C。14.Tom has a good memory.So he does. He can remember every _ in great detail.A. incidentB. accidentC. affairD. event【答案】A【解析】incident事件,还多用来指日常小事;accident事故;affair事务;event大事。句意:“汤姆的记忆力很好。”“没错,他对每件事都记得很清楚。”15.The school is trying its best to make more accommodation _ for increasing students.A. availableB. approachableC. admirableD. accessible【答案】A【解析】available可以得到的,可以利用的;approachable可接近的;admirable令人钦佩的;accessible可进入的。句意:学校正在努力为不断增多的学生提供可用的住宿。16.They presented one of the top ten people who moved the hearts of the Chinese with an award in _ of his charitable work.A. acknowledgmentB. accomplishmentC. communicationD. presentation【答案】A【解析】acknowledgment感激,承认,认可;accomplishment成就;communication交流;presentation介绍。in acknowledgement of“承认” 为固定短语且符合题意。句意:他们给感动中国十大人物之一颁奖,表示对他做的慈善工作的认可。17.Children under six are not _ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.A. admitted
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