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可持续农业开发与沙漠化防治 内蒙古沙漠化地区的事例,发展经济学 石 敏俊 资源环境学院,可持续农业开发与沙漠化防治,社会经济条件的変化与土地退化 土地利用変化及其驱动因素 农户经济与沙漠化的关系 农民对沙漠化防治技术的态度 沙漠化防治技术的经济效益与环境保护效果 引进适用技术,建立环境保护型土地利用方式 可持续农业开发的外部支援政策,科尔沁沙地土地利用(1950s-1990s),阿鲁科尔沁旗:家畜头数推移 1947-1965:急增 1965-1983:停滞 1983-1996:増加,阿鲁科尔沁:旱作农业 1947-1965:急増 1965-:停滞,科尔沁沙地土地利用(1950s-1990s),奈曼:家畜头数推移 1947-1965:急増 1965-:停滞 1965-1970:减少,1970-1994:増加 羊头数増加 山羊减少( 1965-) 牛減少(1965-),奈曼:旱作农业 1947-1960:急増 1960-:減少 1960-1985:減少, 1985-1990:増加, 1990-1992:減少 玉米种植面积扩大,科尔沁沙地家畜头数与放牧强度変化1985-1995,1985-1995:家畜头数增加与放牧强度增大 放牧强度超过合理放牧强度 1970s-1980s:沙漠化土地面积扩大,科尔沁沙地旱作农业 1985-1995,耕地面积扩大趋势 阿鲁科尔沁旗与开鲁县:耕地面积与播种面积显著扩大 玉米种植面积扩大尤其显著,科尔沁沙地土地利用変化,第阶段:1950年代至1960年代中期 农牧业急速扩大(家畜头数增加,旱地扩大),环境负荷大幅度增大。 第阶段:1960年代后半至1970年代后期 农牧业停滞(1965年以后:山羊减少,家畜头数停滞;1960年初期:随着定居化,曾出现一时的开垦扩大,1960年代初期以后:旱作农业停滞,1970年代初期:随着农业学大寨运动,灌溉面积扩大) 第阶段:1980年代以来 农牧业再次扩大(羊头数增加带动家畜头数增长;一部分区域旱地扩大,玉米单一作物化),放牧强度上升。,内蒙古农业政策和制度的変化,环境资源制约与沙漠化防治对策的实施,草原保护、禁止开垦政策的背景(1960s):环境资源的制约 放牧强度加大 草原退化沙漠化深刻 沙漠化防治对策的实施(1970s) 植树造林 流沙固定(草方格),市场变动,价格变动与家畜头数的变化,土地利用变化的驱动因素,1950s-1965:家畜头数增加的原因制度政策起决定性影响 1960年代后期至1970年代末期:畜牧业停滞原因环境资源的制约 1980年代以来:受市场(价格)变动影响深刻,沙漠化防治对策与土地利用调整 -populous upland farming areas (Yaoledianzi)-,土地利用结构调整 1)退化草地禁止放牧 2)退化耕地放弃耕作 3)基本农田集约经营 扩大灌溉面积 4)营造防风林,land cover change in Yaoledianzi village,Introducing new technologies and alternatives,Introducing new technologies to raise productivity seeds, fertilizers, irrigation Introducing alternatives to increase farm income wheat, watermelon,rice,Supplementary between economy and environment in populous upland farming areas(Yaoledianzi),放牧家畜减少 玉米种植面积扩大 引进小麦、经济作物、水稲等新作物,通过引进新技术新作物促使无差异曲线向右方移动 改善农户经济与改善环境质量同步,trade-off between economy and environment in remote pastoral areas(Babolihe),家畜增加,放牧强度增大,草地退化,农户经济衰退,转向旱作农业,地表植被破坏 沙漠化,如何建立环境保护型土地利用方式,对象区域土地利用変化 1996-2000 旱作农业区域:旱作面积扩大 放牧畜牧业区域:家畜减少,旱作面积扩大,家畜减少原因 1996-2000,资源制约:过度放牧引进草地退化 畜产品价格下落导致畜牧业收益低下 随着草地使用权长期化,外部成本内部化 禁牧政策的实施,旱地作物价格低落与旱作收益低下,旱作农业地区:期望高收益作物,旱地作物价格下降导致收益低下 农民期望发展高收益作物生产 制约:有机肥不足与地力再生产低下,旱作农业的地力再生产,农户的农业经营意向,放牧畜牧业地区,牧民对畜牧业的执着 缺乏新技术 转向旱作农业,从农法论看改进土地利用的方向,脆弱的饲料基础,畜牧业停滞,地力再生产低下,放牧地崩溃,旱地引入饲料 作物和牧草,舍饲畜牧业,改进 地力再生产,引进舍饲畜牧业减轻放牧强度的可能性,Background information of the study sites,Different households in Yaoledianzi,Households with higher income cultivate more upland, which indicates that household income has higher correlation with the utilization of cultivated upland.,Different households in Sharitala,Higher-income households raise more animals and cultivate larger area of crops. There is a significant correlation between household income and grazing pressure on rangeland. That indicates households who pursue higher income place more heavy pressure on rangeland.,Impact of improving access to credit service on poor farmers behavior,Not poverty, but practices to reduce poverty posed negative impacts on rangeland,Needs for regulation on rangeland use,If no restriction to grazing in pastoral areas or reclamation of rangeland in upland areas, households might raise more livestock herds or enlarge reclamation of rangeland. That gives a basis for regulations or norms on utilization of rangeland, because rangeland as environmental assets includes nature of public goods with the function of environmental conservation.,Policy scenarios,Actual policy implement Yaoledianzi: grazing prohibition completely since 2000 (A) Sharitala: grazing prohibition half year since 2000 (B) Policy scenarios grazing prohibition completely (A) grazing prohibition half year (B) restricting herds number and keeping grazing pressure less than 1 sheep equivalents per ha (C1) no restriction to grazing (D),Impacts of conservation regulation on household income,Tradeoff between poverty alleviation and rangeland conservation,However strict regulation to prohibit grazing completely has significant negative effect on livelihoods of the households. Rangeland conversation practices have posed negative impacts on poverty alleviation. A need for alternative policy to promote simultaneously rangeland conservation and poverty alleviation.,Concept of Environmental Policy: Cross Compliance,Red Ticket 设定合理的放牧强度基准值,对于家畜头数超过基准值,超载过牧的农户,按超过部分家畜头数处以罚款 Green Ticket 对于减少家畜数量,达到合理放牧强度基准值以下的农户,通过补贴等形式给予鼓励,Reasonable policy alternative,Restriction of number of herds per capita (C5-0) or grazing pressure (C1-0) might be considered as alternative policy measures in pastoral areas. It may keep grazing pressure at a reasonable level with less negative impact on household income rather than prohibiting grazing completely (A-0) or for half year (B-0).,Possible solutions to tradeoff,Under given technological condition, land use choices face a trade-off between environmental conservation and economic interest, subject to resource constraints. The production possibility curve may be shifted outward through introducing new technology or changing constraints.,Technological alternatives,Technological alternatives 0: Based on actual practice 1: Introducing sedentary beef cattle Policy scenarios A: Gr
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