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(金融保险)城镇职工失业 保险问题研究 摘 要 随着我国市场经济改革的不断深入和产业结构调整的加快,我国城镇失业保险制 度将面临着社会劳动力市场的严峻挑战。现阶段我国城镇失业保险发展水平仍然很低。 因此,正确认识现阶段我国城镇职工失业保险的发展状况,提出完善城镇失业保险制 度的具体措施,不仅关系到我国社会保障制度的全面健康发展,而且事关我国经济社 会协调发展的大局。 本文以大连市城镇职工失业保险状况为背景,研究了大连市城镇职工失业保险的 状况。首先概述了失业与失业保险的一些相关理论,包括失业的定义、类型,失业保 险的定义、功能、特点等;其次较为详细的介绍了大连市城镇职工失业保险的现状, 主要包括了大连市内四区以及经济开发区和下属县级市的失业情况,然后通过分析现 状提出了大连市城镇职工失业保险存在的问题及原因;最后通过借鉴国外失业保险的 建立与发展情况以及我国深圳市的失业保险发展情况,提出了解决大连市城镇职工失 业保险问题的建议,包括完善失业保险管理制度、提高失业保险保障水平、增加再就 业等等。 关键词:失业保险;保险金;城镇职工 Abstract As Chinas market economy and the deepening of reforms and speed up industrial restructuring, Chinas urban unemployment insurance system will face serious social challenges of the labor market. The development of Chinas urban unemployment insurance at this stage is still very low. Therefore, the correct understanding of unemployment insurance for urban workers in China at the present stage of development, improve the urban unemployment insurance system proposed specific measures, not only related to the comprehensive social security system in China and healthy development, and is related to rapid economic and social harmonious development of the overall situation. In this paper, Dalian, state unemployment insurance for urban workers, the background of the Dalian City, state unemployment insurance for urban workers. First, an overview of unemployment and unemployment insurance, a number of related theories, including the definition of unemployment, the type of the definition of unemployment insurance, functions, features, etc.; followed by a more detailed description of the Dalian City status for unemployment insurance for urban workers, including the city of Dalian Four districts and county-level city under the Economic Development Zone and the unemployment situation, and then put forward by analyzing the status of unemployment insurance for urban workers in Dalian City, the problems and causes; Finally, unemployment insurance from abroad as well as the establishment and development of unemployment in Shenzhen, China Insurance development is proposed to solve the unemployment insurance for urban workers in Dalians recommendations, including improving the unemployment insurance management system to improve the level of unemployment insurance, increase re-employment and so on. Key words: unemployment insurance; Insurance ;Town worker 目 录 引 言 .1 1 失业保险概述 .2 1.1 失业 .2 1.1.1 失业的概述.2 1.1.2 失业的类型.2 1.2 失业保险.4 1.2.1 失业保险的概念与特点 .4 1.2.2 失业保险的功能和类型 .5 1.3 失业保险与其他保险的区别.6 2 大连市城镇职工失业保险的现状及存在的问题.8 2.1 大连市城镇职工失业保险的现状.8 2.1.1 失业保险在大连的发展 .8 2.1.2 大连市城镇职工失业保险现状.8 2.1.3 造成失业人员增多的原因分析.10 2.2 大连市城镇职工失业保险存在的问题.11 2.2.1 失业保险的管理不统一.12 2.2.2 失业机制和保险机制错位,失业保险覆盖面偏窄 .12 2.2.3 失业保险基金承受能力较弱.12 2.2.4 失业保障水平较低,失业职工难以维持正常生活 .13 2.2.5 失业保险基金收缴困难,执法缺乏力度.13 3 国内外失业保险的经验借鉴.15 3.1 外国失业保险的建立与发展 .15 3.1.1 外国失业保险制度的建立.15 3.1.2 外国失业保险制度的发展.15 3.2 我国其他城市失业保险制度的建立和发展.
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