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1 Machine Safeguarding 2 0 0 30,000 3,000 300 29 1 9 900 90 ( ) OHS 4 MG -Mechanical Motion and Action -Machinery Injury category -Machine Risk assessment -Machine guarding safety standards -Machine safeguarding types -Machine guarding improvement project MG-Sharing from other members 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 GB6441-86 Injury Type 62% 38% ? -Contact with hazardous part of machine or material -Struck by object or material flying from machine - access and contact with dangerous part. 5 5 Zero access policy Machine Safeguarding M1-Rotation Motion M2(3type)-In Running Nip point M3- Reciprocating M4- transversing Mechanical motions and actions 4 4 A1- Punching/pressing A2- Shearing A3- Cutting A4-Bending 10 M1-Rotation Motion Mechanical motions and actions 11 M2-In Running Nip point 12 Mechanical motions and actions M2-In Running Nip point 13 Mechanical motions and actions M2-In Running Nip point 14 Mechanical motions and actions M3- Reciprocating() 15 Mechanical motions and actions (back and forth) M4- transversing 16 Mechanical motions and actions (movement in a straight, continuous line) A1- Punching(Pressing) 17 Mechanical motions and actions A2- Shearing 18 Mechanical motions and actions A3- Cutting 19 Mechanical motions and actions A4- Bending 20 Mechanical motions and actions ( STFguardrail) 21 GBT 15706-2012( EN292(ISO 12100 ) 1- () 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-. 22 -Crushing-() 23 Mechanical Hazard 1 -Shearing- 2.10 24 Mechanical Hazard 2 -Cut- 26 Mechanical Hazard 3 -Entanglement- 27 Mechanical Hazard 4 -Drawing-in points between 2 counter-rotating parts 28 Mechanical Hazard 5 -Drawing-in points between rotating and tangetially parts 28 Mechanical Hazard 6 -Impact 29 Mechanical Hazard 7 -Stabbing points- 30 Mechanical Hazard 8 -friction and abrasion 31 Mechanical Hazard 9 -Ejection/flying objects 32 Mechanical Hazard 10 Point of operation Transmission part such as: flywheels, pulleys, belts, couplings, chains, gears , In running Nip point Feed mechanisms and uxiliary parts of the machines All other moving part 33 Point of operation 34 The Point of operation is where the machine acts upon a material or product. It is where the main function of the machine takes place and the material is cut, shaped, drilled or otherwise formed. , . Transmission part 35 In running Nip point 35 All other moving part 37 Guards Fixed Interlocked Adjustable () self-adjusting Devices presence sensing Pullback Restraint safety controls (tripwire cable, two- hand control, emergency stop) (, , ) Gates Location/distance / Feeding and ejection methods automatic and/or semi-automatic feed and ejection Robots Miscellaneous aids awareness barriers protective shields hand-feeding tools 39 Provides a barrier, a permanent part of the machine, preferable to all other types of guards. : , . 40 Fixed Guard Power-transmission apparatus (shafting, flywheels, pulleys, belts, chain drives, etc.) less than 7 feet from the floor or working platform must be guarded. (, , , , )7. 41 Unguarded belt and pulley Fixed Guard(Enclosed Guard ) Locate the machine or its dangerous moving parts so that they are not accessible or do not present a hazard to a worker during normal operation Maintain a safe distance from the danger area 42 Fixed Guard(distance ) Interlocked contact on cabinet door Advantages Can be constructed to suit many specific applications In-plant construction is often possible Can provide maximum protection Usually requires minimum maintenance Can be suitable to high production, repetitive operations Limitations Fixed Guard 43 When this type of guard is opened or removed, the tripping mechanism and/or power automatically shuts off or disengages, and the machine cannot cycle or be started until the guard is back in place. Ensure any stored energy, such as air, is released. , () , 44 Advantages Can provide maximum protection Allows access to machine for removing jams without time- consuming removal of fixed guards Limitations Requires careful adjustment and maintenance May be easy to disengage or bypass Interlocked Guard Interlock 44 Interlocked Guard 46 Interlocked contact on cabinet door Interlocked Guard with guard locking Interlock Lathe guard 47 Interlocked Guard with guard locking 47 (200KG) Adjustable Guard Provides a barrier which may be adjusted to facilitate a variety of production operations , . Self-Adjusting Guard Provides a barrier which moves according to the size of the stock entering the danger area. . 49 Bandsaw blade adjustable guard Circular t
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