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w 千阳县蚕桑产业持续发展的对策研究千阳县蚕桑产业持续发展的对策研究 摘摘 要要 蚕桑产业是我国一个传统的优势产业,在国民经济中,已形成了一个完整的农工 贸产业体系,入世后的蚕桑业已成为我国主导国际市场的少数几个优势产业之一。随 着国家“东桑西移”工程的稳步推进,千阳县作为商务部确定的全国实施“东桑西移” 工程首批 50 个基地县之一,也是陕西省 4 个基地县中秦岭以北唯一的一个蚕桑县,必 须顺应当前国内蚕桑产业的大形势,理顺蚕桑产业中的各种关系,增强蚕桑产业综合 生产能力,全面提升土地生产率、农业劳动生产率,形成可持续发展,以蚕桑产业带 动农村经济发展。因此,结合千阳县蚕桑生产实际,针对蚕桑产业发展过程中存在的 问题,从宏观上研究探讨千阳县蚕桑产业发展思路及对策具有重要的现实意义,同时 对增加农民收入和全面建设社会主义新农村也有重要的促进作用。 通过调研,发现近年来千阳县蚕桑产业发展中存在的问题主要有蚕农的认识问题, 管理体制混乱和生丝市场波动大的问题,蚕业经营规模小和组织化程度不高的问题, 科学养殖技术推广入户率低的问题,投入问题等。针对以上几个方面的问题提出了相 应的对策。即理顺体制,改善管理,协调各个利益关系,多途径消除蚕农的心理顾虑; 拉长产业链,多方拓展蚕桑丝绸市场;加强科研,提高蚕桑产品的科技含量;强化技 术推广,培育新型蚕农,构筑蚕桑产业体系;推进体制改革,增强龙头企业实力,加 快蚕桑现代化生产进程;引导蚕业合作社的健康发展;突出地方特色,培育蚕业品牌; 发展蚕桑旅游项目,形成区域特色的蚕桑文化。本文由六部分组成。第一部分,主要 阐述了选题的背景、目的和意义,简述了当前国内外蚕桑产业的发展动态,明晰了研 究思路,确定了研究方法,说明了本文可能创新之处。第二部分,介绍了蚕桑产业的 特征,对蚕桑产业副产物及其综合利用进行了全面系统的分析,阐述主导产业选择理 论、特色农业理论、比较优势理论和规模经济理论以及蚕桑产业在农业经济中的作用, 为后续研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。第三部分,全面回顾了千阳县蚕桑产业的发展历 程,从自然资源、发展规模、技术条件、经济和政策等方面深入分析了千阳县发展蚕 桑业的优势,确定了蚕桑产业为千阳县县域经济主导产业之一。 第四部分,以千阳县 蚕桑产业的发展历程为背景,以相关理论为依据,以发展优势为核心,在分析问题的 基础上论述了蚕桑产业发展中存在的问题。第五部分,结合调研实际,指出了发展蚕 桑产业的基本思路,提出了具有可操作性的对策建议。第六部分,简述了本研究取得 的成果。 关键词:蚕桑;东桑西移;发展对策;千阳县 w STUDY ON SERICULTURES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COUNTERMEASURE IN QIANYANG COUNTY ABSTRACT Sericulture in China is a traditional predominant industry which has formed a complete agriculture-industry-trade industrial system in the national economy. After entering WTO, sericulture is one of the predominant industries leading the international market. With the promoting of moving sericulture production area from the east to west, as one of the first 50 base county implementing “East sericulture Shift to West” project determined by the Department of Commerce and one sericulture county to the north of Qinling mountains of Shanna 4 sericulture counties, Qianyang County must comply with the current domestic situation, straighten out variety of relationships, enhance production capacity, lift land productivity and agricultural labor productivity in order to forming sustainable development and promoting rural economic development. So combining with the actual production of sericulture and according to the problems in the development of sericulture industry, it is of great realistic significance to study sericultures sustainable development countermeasure and development thinking. It is also an important role in increasing farmers income and constructing a new socialist countryside. Through researching, it is found that mainly problems in the development of sericulture industry are lack knowledge and funds, confused management system, large fluctuations in raw silk market, small scale management, low organization degree, low entering household rate of scientific culture technology. According to the above problems, the paper puts forward some count measures. That is to straighten out the system, improve management, coordinate the various interests relationship and more ways to eliminate the silkworm breeders psychological concerns; lengthen the industrial chain to develop the sericulture silk market; strengthen scientific research to enhance scientific and technological content of sericulture products; strengthen the extension of technology to cultivate new silkworm breeder and build a sericulture industry; promote structural reform to enhance the strength of leading enterprises and accelerate the modernization of the sericultures production process; guide the healthy w development of cooperatives sericulture; prominent local features to nurture sericultures brand and develop the sericulture tourism project to form regional characteristics of sericulture cultural. This paper falls into six chapters: Chapter one: The background, purpose and significance of study were elaborated. A brief review of dynamic studies at home and abroad was introduced. Thesis research ideas, methods, content and possible innovation was unfolded. Chapter two: introduces the characteristics of the sericulture industry, analyzes the comprehensive utilization of sericulture industry and its by-products, and describes the role of leading industry choice theory, the characteristic agriculture theory, comparative advantage theory and scale economy theory using in the agricultural economy. Chapter three: thorough reviews the development of sericulture industry of Qianyang County. After in-depth anglicizing the advantages of Qianyang County from the natural resources, the development of the scale, technology, economic and policy, sericulture industry is determined as one of the leading industries of Qianyang Countys economy. Chapter four: Based on the development background, related theory and development advantage, the paper discusses the problems in the development of sericulture industry. Chapter five: Combined with the actual research, the paper points out the basic idea of development of sericulture industry and proposes the operational measures. Chapter six: Outlines the research achievements. Keywords: Sericulture,Ea
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