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小学英语五年级(上学期)全册备课本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:Clothes Unit 4: PositionUnit 5: Places Unit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJobthe 1st perTeaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life 2 Can understand and read the dialogue 3 Can read and write the words correctly 4 Can make the dialogue Teaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentences Teaching process:Step 1: use greetings and polite expression in life. Example:T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryS: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2:show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet a doctor Read the words after the teacher Step 3: model the dialogue T: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer” and “She can dance”S: repeat the sentences after the teacherLike this to do other sentences T: review the word can and cant S: to know the differences into can and cant.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He cant help animals.S: to repeat it Step 4: T: look at the picture and think some question Picture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture3/4: what is happening now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happening now?S: to look at the book and answer the questions in ChineseStep5:T: listen to the radio “what did they say?”S: by listening by looking By listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writing She/he is a dancer She/he can dance Step7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。能够根据图片复述故事内容。The 2nd perTeaching aims: 1 to review the sentences 2 to learn some new words3 to use the classroom commands Teaching emphasis:1 can understand the teachers speaking in classroom.2 ask and answer with “what does he/she do?” and “shes a.3 can answer “yes, she can /No, she cant Teaching difficulty:1 ask and answer with “what does he/she do?” and “shes a ”2 read and write the sentences correctlyTeaching process:Step1: to review classroom commands introduced before: stand up sit down open your booksStep2: sentences T: to write “what does she/he do” in the blackboard and explain it ,then read it S: to read it after the teacher T: hold up each flashcard in turn, ask “what does he do?”. Elicit the student to answer “he is a teacher”S: answer “he is a teacher”Like this to review the other jobs flashcards.Step3: exerciseT: have the children look at the pictures at the top of the page4, by listening the tape by touching the matching pictures or the wordS: listen and point outT: listen to the radio S: repeat after the radioT: look at the picture and read the wordS: read the word correctlyT: point to Ann and ask “what does she do?”S: to answer with old wordsLike this do others T: listen to the radio and point to the corresponding personS: can point out T: play again and write the corresponding sentence number in the box below the matching S: to complete the exerciseT: to read the sentences correctlyS: to read Blackboard writing What does he do?He is a teacher.HomeworkTo write two sentences with “what does he do?” and “he is a ”课后反思:大部分学生能够掌握所学习的几种职业名称,并能够根据图片读出单词,并能够用英语询问某个人的职业。The 3rd perTeaching aims:1 To practices the sentences “what does she/he do?” and “she/he is a .”2 can understand and answer “yes, he is./ No, (he) isnt.3 to review some jobs wordsTeaching emphasis:1 can answer “yes, (he) is./ no , (he) isnt.”2 can ask “Are you a doctor?” and answer “yes, I am.”Teaching difficulty:1 can understand “what does he/she do?” and answer “ he/she is a (doctor)”2 can answer “yes, (he) is/ no ,(he ) isnt.”Teaching process:Step1: ReviewT: hold up the flashcards to ask “Is he a doctor?”S: yes, he is /no, he isntLike this to do review others wordsStep2:GameT: ask one child come up and tell him to imitate a doctor checking up a patient, ask the children “what does he do?”S: he is a doctorS: to ask one “are you a doctor”S: to answer “yes, I am”Like this to do Step3: Do exercisetalks together Do exercise page 6, read the sentences in the first speech bubble aloud as you point to each word. Have the children repeat the words after you. Like this to do othersDivide the class into groups and have the children repeat the dialogue in a role play, and encourage them to substitute other job names.2 listen and match T: show the picture and ask “what does he/she do?”S: answer “he/she is ”T: listen to the radio and point out the pictureS: can understand and p
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