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Unit 3 How do you get to school?,Period 3,a notebook,谢谢合作,a pen,1,2,3,Funny time,A: How do you get to school?,Review,B: I .,A: How long does it take to get to school?,B: It takes about . minutes.,A: How far is it from your home to school?,B: It is about kilometers.,bus stop(公交站台),bus station(公交车站),Presentation,subway station 地铁站,train station 火车站,Presentation,a,c,d,将图片与单词配对,1a,First(首先), I ride my bike to the subway station.,home,Then(然后)I take the subway to school.,very far from, 远,School,A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.,1b,Tell your partner how you get to school. Imagine you use two types of transportation.,bike,car,bus,train,plane,subway,bus station,subway station,train station,A: How do you get to school?,B:First, I ride my bike to the train station. Then I take the train to school,A: How do you get to school?,B: First, I walk to the bus stop Then I take the bus to school.,A: How does she get to work?,B: First, she Then she,car,takes the car to the train station,takes the train to work,train station,bike,car,train station,plane,subway station,bus station,Pair work,A: How do you get to work? B: First, I. Then I. A:How about you? B: First, I. Then I.,Listen and check () the things that Mary wants to know?,1c,再听对话,选择Bob到达祖父母家的交通方式,1d,B: First ,he Then he,takes the bus to the home,takes the train .,谈论Bob到祖父母家的交通方式,A: How does Mary get to school?,注意三单形式,B: First, sheto,Next, sheto,Then she,A: How does your grandpa get to Hangzhou? B: First, he to C: Next, he to D: Then he ,注意三单形式,翻译句子:我走路去学校,a notebook,来点掌声吧,1,2,3,Funny time,A: How do you get to the Great Wall? B: First, I Next, I At last I ,注意三单形式,the Great Wall,退出,The end,
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