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Unit 6 Healthy diet Reading,Class 5(A), Grade 9,Junk food 垃圾食品,Healthy diet, healthy life.,Healthy food,2. grain(谷物类),Usually, people divide food into five groups. What are they?,5. protein (蛋白质),4. vegetables,1. fruit,3. diary product (乳制品),The “vegetables” group is _ (larger/ smaller)than the “Fruit” group. The “Protein” group is _ (larger/ smaller) than the “Grain” group. That means we need to have more vegetables than _and more _than_ every day.,larger,smaller,grains,fruit,protein,What is it?,Guessing game!,It is a kind of seafood. Eating it can make you cleverer.,fish,What is it?,It is sweet and brown, but there is too much sugar in it. It can make you fat.,chocolate,What is it?,Its a hot drink.Chinese people like drinking it. It makes you slim and healthy.,tea,What is it?,It is Chinese traditional food, It is round and sweet.People usually eat it at the Mid-Autumn Festival.,mooncake,What is it?,Its a kind of yellow fruit. It doesnt taste sweet but very sour.,lemon,What is it?,It is a kind of fast food. I usually have some meat or vegetables between two pieces of bread.,hamburger,What will happen if you do not eat a balanced diet?,How to keep healthy?,Discussion,How to keep healthy?,Junk food has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.,Healthy food give us the calories we need but not contain too much fat and sugar.,You know, our health is closely related to what we eat and how we eat. In fact, some one says, “We are what we eat.”,A healthy diet 健康膳食,energy-giving food 能量食物 Food that provides energy,protective food 保健食品 Food that helps the body fight diseases,+,+,body-building food 健身食品 Food that helps grow bones and muscles,=,milk, cheese, yogurt; meat, chicken, fish, beans,fat, oil, sweets,vegetable; fruit,bread, cereal, rice, pasta,fat,protein,fibres, sugar,Provide our body with:,vitamins,Food Pyramid,Food,provide energy,grow bones and muscles,rice noodles spaghetti bread potatoes chocolate cream oil nuts,meat eggs cheese milk tofu,help the body fight diseases,most vegetables most fruit,What kind of food do they belong to?,protective food,noodles,rice,bread,potatoes,spaghetti,butter,Energy-giving Food,What kind of food do they belong to?,They are rich in starch, fat and sugar.,meat,tofu,egg,cheese,Body-building Food,They are rich in protein.,What kind of food do they belong to?,most vegetables,most fruit,Protective Food,They are rich in fibers and vitamins.,What kind of food do they belong to?,What is a balanced diet?,均衡的饮食,Reading,Discussion: What is a balance diet?,grain,fruit,vegetables,dairy product,protein,fats, oils, and sweets,What is a balanced diet?,A balanced diet includes_ every day.,plenty of _,less_,fewer _,different kinds of healthy food,fruit, vegetables and grain products,meat,diary products,Look at the pictures, the title and the introduction to the conversation on page 83. Then answer the questions below.,1. Where does the conversation take place? In a restaurant. 2. What are the girl and the boy having for dinner? The girl is having a sandwich, a salad, an apple and a glass of lemon tea. The boy is having a hamburger, some chocolate cake and a cola. 3. What are they probably talking about? A balanced diet.,Samuel: I think Ill have a hamburger, some chocolate cake and a large cola. How does that sound to you?,Doris: That sounds terrible! Ill have a chicken sandwich, a salad, an apple and a glass of lemon tea. Ive decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks.,可乐,汉堡,色拉,三明治,远离,油炸食品,不含酒精的饮料,Read line2-6 and then complete the table.,a hamburger, some chocolate cake a large cola,a chicken sandwich, a salad, an apple and a glass of lemeon tea,Whose diet do you think is healthy? Why?,unhealthytoo much fat, oil and sugar,healthyless oil, fat and sugar, some vegetables, fruit and bread,Samuel: Since when? Doris: Since I had my medical examination. The doctor said that I needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat, oil and sugar. He also stated that its necessary for me to have a more balanced diet.,体检,减点肥,脂肪, 油和食糖,平衡的饮食,有必要的,说明,1. Why does Doris decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks? Because the doctor said that she needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat, oil and sugar. 2. What kind of diet would Doris like to have? A more balanced diet.,Samuel: Whats a balanced diet? Doris: A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. Research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products such as noodles and bread. And, in general, you should have fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat.,总体,大体上,乳制品,Samuel: But I believe my diet is balanced. Doris: Really? Do you remember what you had today? Samuel: Oh, the usual things. For breakfast, I had fried eggs and a large cup of coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. Then I treated myself to some ice cream for a
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