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人教新起点四年级英语上册教案Unit6 Asking for helpLesson 33课前准备:图片,录音磁带教学目标:1复习巩固前两课的词汇和句型。2培养和检测学生的识词和阅读能力,培养学生的观察,认真思考能力。3培养学生克服困难的良好学习习惯。教学重点:复习巩固前两课的词汇和句型。教学难点:提高学生的识词和阅读能力。教学过程:1.热身及复习:Free talk:Whats the weather like? What do you do after school?Whats your favorite food/color/sport/toy?2.导入及新授: Step 1: Greetings: Good afternoon boys and girls!Step 2: Revision.1. The student on duty report.2. Lets chant together.3. Play a game.Step 3: Presentation.1. First. 2 Point a school report card and say: x x is good at English; Help them to understand the meaning of “be good at”.Listen to the tape and repeat. At last, write some sentences in the chart.3. Look, write and talkRead this sentence and fill in the blanks. They should do it by the fact. At last. The students exchange their book to check up each other.4. Lets play:Step 5: Summary:1. The new words of stationery and two verbs.2. The sentences of asking for help.3.操练及巩固:学生齐读生词及词组,做小组及时问答比赛。4. 家庭作业:1. Listen to the tape about thirty minutes2. Review the key sentences in this lesson5. 板书设计: Lesson 33. Lesson 34课前准备:图片,录音磁带教学内容:有关对某项活动看法的表达方式。教学目标:1. 通过四幅情景,使学生了解遇到危险和困难时如何自救或者帮助别人。学习字母组合 ur的发音。2. 能用英语求助及帮助他人。教学重点:渗透学科知识,在了解如何自解和帮助别人的同时得相关词汇和语言。教学难点:一些生词: 如:broken, move, find 等。教学过程:1.热身及复习:复习:Step 1: Greetings: How are you? Glad to see you.Step 2: Revision: 1. The students on duty report 2. Show some pictures and read them about Unit63. Oral practice the key sentence; Lesson 31 32 332.导入及新授: Step 1: Presentations1. Look at part A Ask them to talk about when we need help.Observe each picture and match.Exchange their books to check, finally, listen to the tape and read loudly.Step 2 Look and write.1. W rite some sentences on the Bb, discuss when we need these sentences.2. Write the sentence on the line.3. Check together and read in pairs.Step 3: Roll playMake a dialogue and act let the students report by their formsStep 4 Try to say.1). Listen to the tape and repeat.2). Learn the sound of ur.Step 5: Summary:1. Master some new words: broken, move, find.2. Talk about some pictures on page573.操练及巩固:T: What do you do for fun?S: I like to drive bumper cars.T: Why?S: Because its exciting. What about you? T: I like to go to concerts. Its interesting. I also like to go to the movies. Its exciting.4. 家庭作业:1. Listen to the tape for about five times2. Talk about some pictures with your parents.5. 板书设计: Lesson 34 My grandpa is illPlease call _! Whats the weather like? Please call _! Fire! Fire! Please call _! Look! A thief! Please call _!6. 课后回顾:4
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