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2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)10一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.I am worn out.Me too, all work and no play. It is time to _.A. to be a piece of cake B. to be a catch-22C. call a spade a spade D. call it a day【答案】D【解析】a piece of cake小事一桩,易如反掌,小菜一碟;a catch-22(第22条军规)(寓意:互相抵触之规律或条件所造成的无法脱身的困窘,不合逻辑的或矛盾的问题、情况,会妨碍、阻挠问题之解决的规章法令);call a spade a spade实话实说,有啥说啥,有话直说,直言不讳;call it a day今天就到此为止,收/停工。句意:“我累坏了。”“我也是,一直工作不休息。因此到收工的时候了。”2.The system may be announced towards the end of the year as it takes time for authorities to _ the impacts of a reduced rate.A. commentB. concludeC. calculateD. condemn【答案】C【解析】comment评论;conclude结论;calculate计算;condemn谴责。C项符合语境句意:该系统可能会在年底公布,因为当局需要时间来计算降低利率的影响。3.She _ the first winter Olympic gold medal for China.Great! What honor she won for our motherland.A. carried on B. carried offC. carried out D. carried through【答案】B【解析】carry off“赢得,获得”,符合语境。carry on继续,进行;carry out进行,实施,完成,实现;carry through成功地完成,帮助渡过(难关)。句意:“她在冬奥会为中国摘取了第一枚金牌。”“太棒了!她为我们祖国赢得了荣誉。”4.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood.A. called upB. called forC. called onD. called in【答案】A【解析】call up使回忆起/想起;call for 要求,需要;call on拜访,号召;call in请来,找来,召来。句意:由于我是在山脚下的一个小镇长大,参观这个小村庄让我想起了我的儿童时代。5.DevelopingtheYangtzeRiverEconomicBeltisasystematicprojectwhich _ a clear road map andtimetable.A. callsfor B. callsonC. callsoff D. callsup【答案】A【解析】calls for需要;calls on号召;calls off取消;calls up使回忆起/想起。句意:发展长江经济带是一项需要清晰的路线图和时间表的系统工程。6.We should be glad if you would consider our _ to act as agent for sales of your electric vehicles.A. application B. ceremonyC. campaign D. celebration【答案】A【解析】application申请;ceremony典礼,仪式,礼节;campaign活动,战役;celebration庆典,庆祝会,庆祝,颂扬。句意:如果贵方能考虑我们代理销售你们电动汽车的申请,我们将非常高兴。7.Faced with the dilemma, the company committee put out a public statement, appointing the _ man to be its new global chief financial officer.A. changeable B. capableC. curious D. drew out【答案】B【解析】changeable喜怒无常的;capable有能力的,胜任的;curious好奇的;casual漫不经心的,满不在乎的。句意:面对这种困境,公司委员会发表了一份公开声明,任命那位有能力的人担任新的全球首席财务官。8.Garland tried to appear _, but he couldnt conquer his unease.A. casual B. careful C. curious D. cautions【答案】A【解析】casual“漫不经心的,满不在乎的”,符合语境。句意:加兰极力表现出满不在乎的的样子,可是他没法控制自己的局促不安。9.If not going through the thunder and the storm, you wont see the rainbow, so you should not be _ by temporary setbacks in our life. A. cast down B. calmed down C. called up D. called on【答案】A【解析】cast down“使沮丧,使伤心”,符合语境。句意:如果不经历风雨,你将不会见到彩虹;因此,你不应该因为暂时的挫折而感到沮丧。10.You say the manager might not agree to the plan? _, I will not put it forward in the meeting tomorrow morning.A. In no case B. In any caseC. In case D. In that case【答案】D【解析】In no case决不;In any case无论如何;In case万一;In that case那样的话。句意:你是说经理可能不同意这个计划?那样的话,我明天上午的会议上就不提了。11.I sincerely suggest that you try to do your best to finish this project,unless you dont _ the complaints from all directions.A. bring about B. cast aboutC. care about D. go about【答案】C【解析】bring about导致;cast about想法设法;care about在乎;go about着手做,四处走动,传开。句意:我真诚地建议你尽最大努力把该工程做完,除非你不在乎来自四面八方的投诉。12.In spite of great efforts, we failed to _ our plans, which made us very disappointed.A. carry away B. care for C. call off D. carry through【答案】D【解析】carry through“完成”,符合语境。句意:尽管我们作出了巨大努力,我们还是没能完成计划,使得我们大失所望。13.Im terribly sorry, sir. I should have been more patient._ I understand your feeling.A. Calm down.B. Be cast down.C. Call it a dayD. Call a spade a spade【答案】A【解析】句意:“很对不起,先生。我本应该更耐心点儿的。”“冷静下来,我理解你的感受。”Calm down在直接引语中通常用来安慰对方,使对方安静下来;Be cast down令人沮丧/泄气/气馁;Call it a day今天就到此为止,收/停工;Call a spade a spade实话实说,有啥说啥,有话直说,直言不讳。14.Chinese Sci-Fi The Wandering Earth has been a hit globally, because it _ Chinese and Western cultures.A. applies toB. appeals toC. caters forD. cares for【答案】C【解析】applies to向申请,适用于;appeals to呼吁;caters for迎合;cares for喜欢,愿意,照看,爱护,关心,担心。句意:因为迎合了中国和西方的文化,所以流浪地球很受欢迎。15.I couldnt _ my work last night with the party going on upstairs.A. calculate on B. center onC. care about D. concentrate on【答案】D【解析】calculate on期待,指望;care about关心;center on以为中心;concentrate on全神贯注于,题干中表示“专心的工作”。句意:昨晚,随着楼上聚会的进行,我不能全神贯注于我的工作。16.Hisstudyis _; ittakeslongtimeto puthispapersinorder.A. in cash B. in chains C. in case D. inchaos 【答案】D【解析】in chaos“混乱,一片狼藉”与in order “井然有序”意义相对。句意:他的书房一片狼藉,整理好他的文件要花好长时间。17.Goldstone_theideaput forward at the yesterdays meeting further beforemakingadecision.A. cast aboutB. checked inC. chewedover D. cashed in【答案】C【解析】chew over“考虑”,符合语境。句意:戈德斯通在下决定前,进一步考虑了有人在昨天的会议上所提出的这个想法。18
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