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10本经典职场英文书籍推荐1.Execution执行Too many leaders simply delegate the execution of their strategies withoutoverseeing the follow-through.太多领导人只分配了战略的执行,而没有监督后续情况。2.First, Break All The Rules首先,打破一切常规Successful executives share a constant willingness to break every rule ofconventional wisdom.成功的管理人员都有打破传统观念里每个规则的不变意愿。3.The Charisma Myth魅力学Charisma isnt necessarily innate in leaders and can be built by developing presence, power and warmth.魅力并不是领导者生来就有的,它可以通过培养气场、能力和亲近感建立起来。4.Built To Last基业长青Lasting businesses arent built on a great initial idea, but instead around a cult-like culture, big ambitious goals, and the willingness to constantly try new things.长久稳定的基业并不是建立在一个很棒的初步想法上,而是建立在优良的文化、雄心勃勃的目标,并愿意不断尝试新的东西上。5.The Checklist Manifesto清单革命A simple, written checklist of to-do items can help everyone from an entry-level employee to a manager of a massively complex company be more efficient.一个简单的待办事项清单,可以让不管是入门员工,还是事务庞杂的公司经理都更有效率。6.The E-Myth Revisited创业必经的那些事Being excellent at the operations or technical part of a business is no guarantee youll be any good at running that kind of business on your own.优秀的运营或技术水平并不能保证你可以出色的独立运作你擅长类型的公司。7.Blue Ocean Strategy蓝海战略The most successful companies dont win by fighting with their competition in crowded markets, but by finding or creating entirely new ones.最成功的公司并不是赢在密集市场上的竞争,而是通过发现或创造全新的市场。8.Tribal Leadership部落领导力Rather than blindly following the orders of the managers above them, people typically form into natural groups that the best managers are able toleverage to increase team effectiveness.比起盲目听从上级的命令,人们通常会自然而然组成群体,而最好的管理者能够制衡群体来提高团队效率。9.Leading Change引领变化Most corporate change ends up failing because companies take shortcuts to make things go quicker and end up not changing very much at all.很多企业最终变革失败是因为企业用捷径推进事情发展,但后来没有多做改变。10.Competitive Strategy竞争战略There are only three real strategies - cost leadership, differentiation, and market segmentation- and leaders need to know where they stand.只有三种战略是最根本的成本领先、差异化以及市场细分领导者需要知道他们是站在哪个角度。
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