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Knee Anatomy Training,Knee Anatomy,Introduction 介绍 Very little bony stability 少的骨稳定 Behaves more like a round ball on flat surface运动主要是球在面上的滑动 Ligaments responsible for stability主要韧带稳定,Knee Anatomy,Looks simple, but most complex. 看似简单,最复杂的关节 More likely to be injured than any other joint in the body 人体中更易受伤的关节 Largest joint of the body, actually consisting of 4 joints人体大关结,有4个关节组成 Patellofemoral膑股关节, Lateral tibio femoral外侧胫股关节, Medial tibio femoral内侧胫股关节, Tibiofibular胫腓关节,Knee Anatomy,Basic Structures基本组织 Bones骨 Femur股骨, Tibia胫骨, Fibula腓骨, Patella 膑骨 Muscles/ Tendons 肌肉及肌腱 Quadriceps四头肌, Hamstrings, Calf muscles Ligaments 韧带 Medial collateral内侧副韧带, Lateral collateral外侧副韧带, Anterior cruciate前交叉, Posterior cruciate后交叉, Popliteal ligament, Retinaculum Cartilage软骨 Meniscus半月板, Articular cartilage 关节软骨 Bursae,Knee Bones: Anterior View,Femur, Tibia, Patella,Patella,No Patella,Knee Bones: Function,Patella膑骨 Patellofemoral groove (front of the femur). Patella tracking can affect the overall function of the knee.膑骨沟,膑骨轨迹影响膝的功能,Patella Patellar Groove,Knee Bones: Lat/med Views,Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella,Lateral,Medial,Knee Bones: Posterior View,Femur, Tibia, Fibula,Primary Knee Ligaments主要的膝韧带,MCL Medial Collateral Lig.,LCL Lateral Collateral Lig.,Knee Ligaments,Medial and Lateral Collateral Ligaments help stabilize the knee by preventing Varus and Valgus forces内外侧副韧带 防止内外翻,Varus Towards the Midline,Valgus外翻 Towards the Outside,Valgus内翻 Towards the Outside,Knee Ligaments,MCL,LCL,Cruciate Knee Ligaments (cruciate=cross)十字韧带,Anterior Cruciate Ligament前交叉韧带 Attaches anterior on the tibia & posterolateral on the femur附着于胫骨前部股骨后部 Prevents anterior movement of the tibia on the femur防止胫骨相对股骨的前移 Checks external rotation of the tibia in flexion曲屈时防止胫骨外旋,Anterior,ACL,Inferior,Superior,Posterior,Knee: Cruciate Ligaments,Knee: ACL,ACL “Footprint前交叉胫骨附着点” Tibial attachment,Anterior,Posterior,Tibial Plateau,Tibial Plateau,Femoral Attachment (Footprint),Posterior Cruciate后交叉韧带、 Attaches Posterior on the tibia & Antero- medial on the femur.附着于胫骨后股骨前内 The PCL is a strong fan shaped ligament that is the strongest in the body后叉强大的扇形韧带 Primary stabilizer against posterior movement of the tibia on the femur防止胫骨后移 Helps check the knee in extension防止过伸,Cruciate Knee Ligaments (Cruciate=Cross),PCL,Knee: Cruciates,ACL,PCL,Anterior View,Posterior View,Knee,Hinge joint - flexion & extension.铰链式关节-屈和伸 Flexion is achieved by contracting the hamstring muscles in the back of the leg.通过收缩大腿后部肌肉屈曲关节 The Extensor Mechanism sits in front of the knee joint.伸膝装置在膝关节前 The extensor mechanism is made up of the patella, the patellar tendon, the quadriceps tendon and the quadriceps muscles.伸膝装置由膑骨、膑腱、股四头肌、股四头肌腱组成,Knee Muscles,Muscles肌肉、 Quadriceps股四头肌 Vastus lateralis外侧束, Vastus intermedius中间束, & Vastus medialis内侧束 Hamstrings Sartorius, Gracilis, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosis, & Biceps femoralis缝匠肌、股薄肌、半腱肌肉、半膜肌、二头肌 Calf Muscles小腿肌肉 Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Popliteus, Pes Anserine muscle attachment is into the medial tibia. 腓肠肌、比目鱼肌,Knee: Muscles,Quadriceps股四头肌,Vastus Medialis,Vastus Lateralis,Vastus Intermedius,Knee: Muscles,Quadriceps,Vastus Medialis 股内侧肌,Rectus Femoris 股中间肌,Vastus Lateralis 股外侧肌,Knee: Quadriceps Mechanism,Its the motor that drives the knee joint, and allows us to walk. Composed of the patellar tendon, the patella, and the quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh.走路的发动机由膑股、膑腱、股四头肌、股四头肌腱组成 The patella works like a fulcrum, and increases the force exerted by the quadriceps muscles as the knee straightens. When the Quadriceps Muscles contract, the knee straightens. When they relax, the knee bends. 膑骨为增加股四头肌肉力量的支点,收缩伸膝,放松屈膝,Patellar Tendon,Quadriceps Tendon,Femur,Patella,Patellar Tracking:膑骨轨迹 The Patellar Facets track in the Femoral Groove,Knee: Hamstring Muscles,Sartorius缝匠肌 Gracilis股薄肌 Semimembranosis 半腱肌 Semitendonosis 半膜肌,Biceps Femoris 股二头肌,Knee: Hamstring Muscles,Pes Anserine Attachment of the鹅足 Hamstring tendons (Sartorius shown here on the Medial Tibial Tuberosity),Medial Attachments,Knee: Hamstring Muscles,Lateral Attachment 外侧附件 Biceps Femoris Attachment to the Fibula股二头肌肉腓骨附着点,Knee Ligaments,Knee Ligaments,Lateral & Medial Retinaculum,Medial Retinaculum Medial support for Patellar Tracking,Lateral Retinaculum Lateral support for Patellar Tracking,Vastus Medialis,Vastus Lateralis,Knee: Tendons,Tendons Quadriceps Tendon Quadriceps Tendon connects the Quadriceps Muscles to the Patella四头肌腱连接四头肌和膑骨 Patellar Tendon Patellar Tendon connects the Patella to the Tibia. 膑腱连接膑韧带和胫骨 The Patella is a bone embedded within the Quadriceps and Patellar Tendons lying over the Femoral bone. Also known as a “sesamoid” bone.膑骨存在于股四头肌内,又成为籽骨,Knee: Tendons,QuadricepsTendon,Patellar Tendon,Knee: Meniscal Cartilage,Meniscus (plural = menisci)半月板 The articular surfaces between the femur and tibia are not congruent. They are closest in full extension. However this space must be filled by the meniscus.股骨和胫骨关节面不是匹
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