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第二册Unit 11 Scientific achievementsI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1achievement 2perfectly 3arrangement 4fail 5announcement 6Evolve高考须掌握的短语:1set 2on 3on/upon 4forward 5at 6Likely考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1rely vi依赖;依靠;信赖(同depend) eg:You may rely on the weather report你可以相信天气预报。 You may rely on it that he will come to meet you你放心好了,他会来接你的。相关链接:同义词depend vi依赖,相信用法拓展:rely on/upon sb/sth相信;信赖 rely on/upon sbto do sth相信某人会做某事 rely on it that指望特别提醒:rely为不及物动词,后须接介词on或upon后接宾语;rely的用法与 depend相同。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1( 典型例题 分 ) Whether the clothes will be ready the day after tomorrow tailors.A. will decide- B. will rely on C. will hear D. will see考题1点拨:答案为B。此题考查rely on sth/sb句意为:“后天是否会做好这件衣服取决于裁缝。”2achieve vt达到;得到;实现;完成eg: By hard working we can achieve anything只要我们努力任何事情都会成功。相关链接:achievable adj能完成的,能达到的 achieyement n成就,成功C用法拓展:achieve success获得成功 achieve victory取得胜利 achieve ones goal实现某人的目标achieve ones purpose达到目的 achieve a good resuIt得到好的结果特别提醒:achievement作具体的一件成就、伟绩讲时,为可数名词。考题2 ( 典型例题 分 ) Their play great success and brought in.a large profit to the theatre. A. appreciated B. achieved C. expected D. seized考题2点拨:答案为B。此题考查动宾搭配,achieve great success“取得很大成功”。句惠为:“他们的话剧取得巨大的成功,并且为剧院带来很大利润。”3arrange vt整理,安排,布置eg: Everything has been arranged一切都准备好了。 The headmaster has arranged for comrade Zhang to attend the meeting校长已安排张老师去参加会议。相关键接f arrangement巩整理,安排(常用复数)用法拓展:arrange sthfor为做准备 arrange for sbto do安排某人干某事 arrange with sbfor sth与某人商定某事特别提醒:arrange当“安排商量”讲时常用作不及物动词。考题3 (典型例题) I hear that you will be on travel again. -Yeah. My boss for me to discuss busi-ness details with someone from another country. A. asked B. arranged C. sent D. called考题3点拨:答案为B。此题考查arrange for sbto do sth“给某人布置做某事/安排某人干某事”,而其他三项均为及物动词。句意为:“我听说你又要出差了。是,老板安排我去同来自他国的人讨论生意细节。”二、重点短语4set foot in(on)踏上,进入eg: He said he would never set fOOt in that house again他说他永远不再踏进那座房子了。 They were filled with joy when they set fOOt on Chinese soil in Iate July 当七月底踏上中国土地时,他们兴奋不已。用法拓展:set foot in(on)踏上,进入 stand on ones own feet独立自主,自主 rise to ones feet站起来 jump to ones feet跳着走 on foot步行 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来at the fOOt of在底部,末端 特别提醒:set foot当“踏上”讲时用介词on,当“进入”时,用介词in。考题4 (典型例题 分) When the overseas _ the soil of their own country, they couldnt help crying hugging with each other. A. set foot in B. set foot on C. set down in D. set down on考题4点拨;答案为B。考查set foot on“踏上”,set foot in“进入”。句意为:“当海外游子踏上他们祖国的土地时,他们禁不住拥抱住对方哭了。”5put forward提出主意,计划等;向前拨eg: Tom put forward severaIinteresting plans汤姆提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。 May I put the cIock forward?我可以将钟拨快些吗? Lets put you forward as chairman of the committee 让我们推举你为委员会主席吧。用法拓展;put away把放好,收起来put aside积攒,留出put off推迟,延期put OUt扑灭熄灭put down放下,镇压 put up张贴;为提供膳食put up with容忍,忍受特别提醒;put forward sbas推举某人当考题5( 典型例题 分 )-Do you know our headmaster accepted the sug-gestion by our Students Union? -Really? Thats great. A. putting forward B. putting up C. put forward D. put up考题5点拨,答案为c。put forward“提出”。句意为:“你知道校长已接受我们学生会提出的建议吗?”“真的。那太好了。”三、重点交际用语6I want/wish/hope/intend/plan toeg I intend to do the job immediately我打算立即就做这项工作。 I plan to meet him at the airport我打算去机场接他。特别提醒:I want/Wish/hope/intend/plan to do这些表示“希望,打算”的动词的过去时或过去完成时态表示“原打算或原希望做而没有做的事情”。 eg:Did you attend Marys party yesterday? 昨天你参加玛丽的聚会了吗? 一Nobut I planned to(had planned to)没有,但我原打算去的。 考题6-1 (典型例题1 分 )-.Is John going away? -I think so. He _ for a better job, but he didnt get it. A. had hoped B. was hoped C. hoping D. had hoping考题6-2 (典型例题,l 分)-.Why didnt you tell me what had happened to you? - but I was afraid that you would worry. A. I hoped so B. I would C. ld like to D. ld like to have考题6-1点拨:答案为A。had hoped to表示“原打算做而没有实现的愿望”。句意为:“约翰走了吗?我认为是的,他原打算找一份更好的工作但没有找到。”考题62点拨:答案为D。would liketo have done表示“我本打算做某事”。句意为:。你为什么不告诉我你所发生的事情?“我本来打算告诉你,但我怕你担心。” 四、重点句型 7make+it+adj十从句/不定式/动名词的固定句式eg: The man made it clear that he WOUldnt take the task这个人说得很清楚,他不想接这项任务。 We make it possibIe that well finish the work by four oclock this afternoon 今天下午4点以前我们能够完成工作。特别提醒:(1)make it+adj(宾补)这一句型中it为形式宾语。真正的宾语为后面的不定式,动名词或从句。 eg: she made it impossible to ask him to help us她认为叫他来帮助我们是不可能的。 (2)除了make可用it作形式宾语外。另外feelconsider,think,find等词后面也常接it作形式宾语。 eg: We feel it our duty to help others我们认为帮助别人是我们义不容辞的责任。考题7 (典型例题) Zhongguancun in China made possible for a gifted man to make his dream come true. A. that B. one C. this D. it考题7点拨:答案为D。考查make it possible for sbto do sth。使某人可能干”。句意为:“中国的中关村能使有才能的人在此实现他的梦想。”五、词语辨析8I ikely,possible,probable (1)这三个词都表示可能性,程度稍有区别probable程度最强可译为“十有八九”;其次是possible,然后是likely。
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