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Unit 3 My school calendar,Part B read and write,People eat mooncake on that day.,Its the first day of a year.,children wear their beautiful clothes and play many games.,What festival is it?,Mid-Autumn Day,New Years Day,Childrens Day,New Years Day,Easter,Mid-Autumn Day,Chinas National Day,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas,Childrens Day,May Day,festivals,单词接龙,January,February,Game,Review,What do you want to know?,bunny,Ill give you some reading tips.,Hi, Im Bunny.,1. Its about ( ) .,A. Easter party B. Christmas party,Tip1: Scan and get the main idea. 扫读,抓主要信息。,First reading: Listen and choose.,2. Is it an invitation?,A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isnt.,About Easter,1. Its about ( ) .,A. Easter party B. Christmas party,Tip1: Scan and get the main idea. 扫读,抓主要信息。,First reading: Listen and choose.,2. Is it an invitation?,A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isnt.,email,invitation,Read and choose. This passage is an_. A. email B. invitation(邀请函),Tip2: Read quickly and circle the key words. 快速浏览,圈关键词。,Second reading: Read and circle.,What does an invitation contain (包含)?,Mind map,when,why,what,邀请函包含,Easter party,When is the party?,Why do they hold the party?,Where is the party?,What will they do?,RSVP,Third reading : Read and complete the mind map.,Tip3: Read and catch the key information. 捕捉关键信息。,Mind map,where,when,why,what,邀请函包含,Easter party,April 12th.7 p.m.,Wu Yifans home,Easter holiday,play many games,roll Easter eggs,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,meet the Easter Bunny,Enjoy the party,play many games,roll Easter eggs,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,meet the Easter Bunny,Mind map,where,when,why,what,邀请函包含,Easter party,April 12th.7 p.m.,Wu Yifans home,Easter holiday,play many games,roll Easter eggs,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,meet Easter Bunny,RSVP,在正式邀请函里,我们常会看到 RSVP 这个短语,其意思是“请回复”。 这其实是法语Rpondez sil vous plait 的缩写。现在大家已形成习惯,收到邀请函后,不论是否能赴宴,都会回复邀请人,方便主人准备酒水和食品。,RSVP,接收到邀请函,必须在规定的时间前 给予回复以表示尊重。,Mind map,where,when,why,what,邀请函包含,Easter party,April 12th.7 p.m.,Wu Yifans home,Easter holiday,play many games,roll Easter eggs,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,meet Easter Bunny,RSVP,email,Please send an email at robin by March 23rd.,before,( )The Easter party is on March 23rd.,( )The party will star at 7p.m.,( )Youll play ping-pong at the party.,( )Youll eat a birthday cake at the party.,Fourth reading: Read and tick or cross.,Tip4: Pay attention to the details. 细读,关注细节。,Read and tick or cross. 1.( ) The Easter party is on March 23rd. 2.( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3.( ) Youll play ping-pong at the party. 4.( ) Youll eat a birthday cake at the party.,1.,2.,3.,4.,Fifth reading: Listen and imitate,Tip 5: Imitate pronunciation, intonation and remember to have a pause. 模仿语音语调,并注意按意群停顿。,Retell the invitation,Mind map,where,when,why,what,邀请函包含,Easter party,April 12th.7 p.m.,Wu Yifans home,Easter holiday,play many games,roll Easter eggs,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,meet Easter Bunny,RSVP,email,by,Further reading,Read an email and finish the invitation. 阅读邮件,提取信息完成邀请函。,Mikes birthday,Sept.6th 7p.m,Mikes birthday,Mikes home,Write an email at Mike by Sept.3rd.,Well sing and dance, We will play many games. We will eat birthday cake.,1.watch,Finish the task,3.talk,4.design,design invitation,5.share,2.think,When is the party?,What will we do ?,Why will we have this party?,Where will we have the party?,Which party ?,A,where,when,why,what,邀请函包含,_ party,RSVP:,B,Design invitations,When is Easter this year?,Easter 一年一度纪念耶稣复活的宗教节日,日期年年不同,在每年3月21日或过了3月21日月圆之后的第一个星期日;如果月圆那天,正好是星期日,则复活节推迟一星期举行,Do you know? When is Easter holiday?,A Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th .,(1)Read the text twice. (2)Share your invitation to your family. (3)Get more information about festivals.,Homework,Thank you!,Part C,Lets sing,请点击,看视频。,Task time,Interview 5 students using the question “Can you?”,Interview 5 students using the question “Can you?”,Story time,听故事,回答问题,然后讲给你的同学听.,Story time,Question 1: Can the rat swim?,Story time,Question 2: Can the snake eat the rat at last?,请点击,看视频。,读单词时间,翻到书后73页, 我们一起读单词.,Lets sing,请点击,看视频。,Homework,Interview 5 kids what they can do and what they cant do and make a table.,
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