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洲际酒店礼宾部标准运营程序STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准运营程序DOORMAN - GUEST ARRIVAL 门童客人到达Task Number题目编号: CON-0001Department部门: Concierge 礼宾部Date Issued颁布日期:May 2008 二零零八年五月Guest Expectation客人期望: I expect that I get a warm welcome from the first point of contact with the hotel which is often the Doorman. The Doorman should open my car door and help me unload my luggage. He should also open the Hotel Door.我期望第一时间酒店的门童可以过来欢迎我,替我打开车门并帮我拿行李,他也要把酒店的大门打开。Time to Train培训时长: 30 minutes 三十分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个培训对你和我们的客人都非常重要?Answers 回答: 1. We must welcome every one of our guests. 我们必须对每一位客人都表示欢迎。2. The first impression is the most important experience to our guests. 第一印象对我们的客人非常重要。3. Demonstrate my professionalism.展示我们的专业性。4. Increase the GSTS score.提高“宾客满意度调查”分数。WHAT/STEPS步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS问题1) Welcome guest 欢迎客人Upon a car approaching the hotel entrance, proceed to open the back door (Limo/Taxi) or Front Door (Private car) to assist the guest.在车辆靠近酒店入口时,我们应打开后门 (豪华轿车/出租汽车) 或前门 (私人的汽车) 协助客人。When the VIP arrival, the bell man should be assist doorman to open another door (Limo/Taxi).在有VIP 抵店时,除一名门童外应有一名行李员在车道另一侧共同迎接。Welcome the guest to the hotel and ask if luggage is in the trunk.在欢迎客人的同时询问是否有行李在后备箱里。Which door should we open first if there are passengers sitting in both the front seat and the back seat?如果前座和后座均有乘客,我们应该首先打开哪一扇门? Why do I need to ask the guest about the luggage in the trunk?为什么我们要问客人是否有行李在后备箱呢?2) Help with luggage 帮助拿行李If there is luggage, be proactive and offer assistance with the luggage.如有行李,要主动积极地协助客人提取行李。行李如损坏要告知客人。Retrieve the luggage as instructed by the guest and put it on a luggage trolley carefully. 帮客人拿行李时要小心放到行李车上。Be careful not to damage any luggage especially leather bags.注意小心不要损坏到客人的皮革行李。Verify that all pieces have been retrieved from the car.确认行李是否都从车里取出。Take a luggage ticket and write the number of bags on the bottom of luggage ticket.取一张行李寄存单在下半部分记录行李件数。Tag each bag on a visible spot.每个行李签都要放在一个明显的地点。Bellman positioned at the Front Door will bring the luggage trolley into the lobby and place it together in Luggage Storage area.行李员在酒店大门把行李放在行李车上一起带进行李储存区并放置它。DRILL BODY LANGUAGE练习身体语言Why do I need to put the luggage on the trolley?为什么我们需要把行李放在行李车上?Why do we need to verify the pieces of luggage?为什么我们需要确认行李的件数?Is it important to put the tag on a visible spot?把行李签放在一个明显的地点重要吗?3) Parking car 停车If guest requests Car Parking service, issue the parking voucher to the guest and explain the charges for valet parking (where applicable).如果客人需要停车服务,需要提供给客人停车证并解释停车的费用。( 何处可用) The car key needs to be returned to the Concierge or Doorman and put in the key cabinet.停车后车钥匙需要收回并放到钥匙柜里。Doorman/Bellman/Hotel Driver may park the car in hotel garage.门童/行李员/酒店司机需要把车停到酒店车库里面。What should we issue to the guest who request car parking?我们要给请求停车的客人什么?Why do we need to return the key to the Doorman or Concierge?为什么我们要收回停车后的钥匙呢?Does the car need to be locked?汽车需要锁吗?4) Other service 其它服务Doorman can provide auto-route information to our customers.门童可以提供给我们的客户一些道路信息。Direct guests to the Front Desk /Restaurant / function room as appropriate.适当的指引客人去前台/餐厅/会议室。Reminding the guest get receipt from TAXI and double check their stuff on the TAXI.提醒客人遗落在车上的物品和索要出租车的发票。Instead of guest to wait TAXI receipt.替客人等候出租车发票。Reminding the guest hotel have shoe shine service and laundry service when the weather is not good.如遇天气不好,提醒客人酒店有擦鞋和洗衣服务。Take notice on guest special request for sitting habit.关注客人特殊乘坐要求,习惯座位。Giving the guest specific direction when guest need help.( example: the ballroom located on 5 floor, go out the elevator turn right, it is behind business center.)如果客人想到酒店的某一地方,我们不仅要告知客人在几层,并且要说出具体地点。比如客人要到宴会厅,我们要说:宴会厅在5楼,下了电梯右转经过商务中心就到了。Why does the Doorman need to provide auto-route information to the customer?为什么门童要提供道路信息给我们的客户?Summary questions 问题摘要:1. Which door should we open first when passengers are seated in the front and back? 当前排和后排都有乘客时,我们应该首先打开哪一门?2. a) What is particularly important about the Doormans body language? 门童的肢体语言有什么独特的?b) What qualities should a Doorman possess (alertness, appropriateness)?一个门童应有些什么特性(机灵的,得体的)?c) What specifically do you say when verifying numbers of luggage?当确认行李数量时你要说什么?3. a) What is issued to the guest who requests car parking? 如果客人要求停车,应该给客人提供什么?b) Are cars locked after being parked? 汽车在停好后需要锁吗?4. What is “auto route” information and who is it issued to?什么是道路信息还有是谁告知客人的?Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency.现在开始对员工进行该题目的整体
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