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1,Psyche Selling for Sales Performance Optimizer 销售攻心术 如何优化销售业绩,2,What are some of the biggest challenges you face in doing sales? 您在从事销售时,最大的困惑及挑战是什么?,How would you overcome? 你将如何克服?,3,What is S.A.L.E.S? 什么是销售?,S Seek and qualify 寻找合适的客户 A Ask critical questions, and demonstrate your value to them 提问关键问题,并体现价值 L Listen and learn their buying behaviour 聆听以了解对方的购买方式 E Ease concerns to close sale 解除顾虑以完成销售 S - Service and follow through 服务与跟进,4,What is S.A.L.E.S? 什么是销售?,S Seek and qualify 寻找合适的客户,6,知己知彼,百战不殆,Know Thyself and Thy Enemy, A Hundred Battles Fought and Not Imperil Any,7,Price vs. Value 价格 vs. 价值,8,What is the Value of Water?,水 值多少钱?,9,What do Your Customers Value? 你的客户会珍惜什么价值呢?,A Value is NOT a Real Value UNLESS the Customer Wants It! 客户所不惜的就不是真正的价值,10,How can a Sales Person be of Value to Customers?,销售员要怎样才能给客户提供价值?,11,How can a Sales Person be of Value to Customers?,39% of a customers decision to buy from your company is based on the effectiveness of the sales representative 39%的顾客是因为销售人员的表现而决定购买的 Help customers define their problems and help solve them 帮助客户锁定问题所在并给于解决 Help customers make informed choices 帮客户做明智的选择 Help customers resolve concerns about the purchase 帮助客户解决购买的顾虑 Help smoothen the purchasing process 帮助协调购买过程 Help smoothen the implementation process 帮助协调购买后的执行过程,12,The Most Important Characteristic of a Sales Professional专业销售人员最为重要的特征,Sincerity and Integrity 诚信,13,多算胜少算,而况于无算乎!,If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail!,14,胜兵先胜而后求战 败兵先战而后求胜,The victorious army plans for victory before fighting The vanquished army fights before planning for victory,15,Why Plan? 为什么要作计划?,“In preparing for battle, I have found plans are useless, but planning indispensable.” “在打仗前的准备阶段,我发现计划没什么作用,但又是不可缺少的。” Dwight D. Eisenhower 埃森豪威尔 (18901969), U.S. general, Republican, politician, president.美国总统、政治家、共和党、将军,16,What do You Need to Prepare before Seeing Customers? 见客户前,你需要准备些什么?,17,Prospecting for the Right Customer 找寻正确的客户,The Sales Persons Most Important Resource 销售员最重要的资源,Time 时间,18,Prospecting for the Right Customer 找寻正确的客户,You can choose to spend time on good prospects; Or waste in on lousy prospects 你可以将时间用在有质量的目标客户;也可以耗在烂客户身上,19,Target Customer and Opportunity Profile 目标客户与契机的特征,Customer type 客户类型: Business nature 商务性质 Company size 公司规模 Decision making process 决策过程 Opportunity type 契机类型: What is the need? 哪方面的需求? Why the need now? 为何现在有这样的需求? What are the concerns? 有什么顾虑? What are the success factors? 需要哪些成功因素?,20,What are your Customer Segments? 你的客户有哪些分类?,Corporate Rooms 企业住宿 Corporate Catering (Meetings/ Conferences/ Trainings/ D shape it square to stop it, shape it round to move it,53,What is S.A.L.E.S? 什么是销售?,S Seek and qualify 寻找合适的客户 A Ask critical questions, and demonstrate your value to them 提问关键问题,并体现价值 L Listen and learn their buying behaviour 聆听以了解对方的购买方式,54,How Much is This Per Night? 这个客房一个晚上多少钱?,55,Why Listening?,为何聆听?,56,Why do you need to contact more than one person in the customers organisation?,为什么要在客户的公司联络至少两个人?,57,How many people do you need to deal with to close the sale?当销售接近尾声时,你需要接触多少人?,In a survey of Winning Sales Organisations by Miller Heiman 根据Miller Heiman对卓越销售团队的调研: 65% of all complex sales will require sales people to contact 3-5 people in the customers organisation before the sale is closed 65%的销售是要销售员在签单以前与客户团队中的3-5个人打交道 34% will need to contact 6 or more people 34%需与6人或以上打交道 Relationships that rely on one person is very vulnerable. Why?与一个人建立关系是非常脆弱的。为什么?,58,Finding Out the Decision Making Structures 了解客户的决策过程以及幕后势力,6 Questions to Ask Before You Close 在你跟客户接单之前所需提出的6道提问: After all we have discussed so far, which part do you feel is most helpful? 在我们所探讨的事项中,你觉得哪方面对你最重要? Besides yourself, who else will you consult with regards to making such decisions? 除了你本身,你还会参考那些同事的意见来做决策呢? Which aspects do you think are most helpful to your colleagues? 你觉得哪方面对你的同时最有帮助呢? What would you like to see in my proposal? 如果我给你份计划书,你想看到些什么呢?,59,Finding Out the Decision Making Structures 了解客户的决策过程以及幕后势力,As the proposal shall cover many aspects, we wont be able to explain everything clearly on a few pages. Do you think we can have a meeting at 10:00AM next Wednesday so that I can explain the content to you and you can provide me with your feedback? Is that ok with you? 因为我们谈了很多方面的信息,给你建议的方案也将会是多方面的。因此,单凭几张纸,可能表达不清。你看我们是不是可以下周三上午10点会个面,让我跟你解释里面内容,也让你直接向我提出你的意见,好吗?,60,Finding Out the Decision Making Structures 了解客户的决策过程以及幕后势力,Since you will be consulting with your colleagues opinions, would you like to invite them for our discussion? 既然你在这方面会参考你的同事的意见,到时候能不能顺便请他过来一下呢?,61,The Influencers of Complex Sales 复杂销售情况的影响者,The Decision Maker 决策者 The Fault Finder 挑毛病者 The Gatekeeper 挡门者 The User 使用者 The Sherpa/ Guide 引路者,62,The Motivations Behind Each Player 每个角色的购买动机,Buying to Spur Growth 刺激增长 Buying to Solve a Big, Current Problem 解决棘手的问题 So-So, Not Much Motivation to Buy 不好不坏,对你的产品可有可无 Over Confident, No Reason to Buy at All 过于自信,完全没有购买的必要,In ALL Big Selling, theres ALWAYS o
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