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Could you please clean your room?,义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册,Unit 3,Period 2,Section A(3a-4c),take out the trash do chores do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner make the bed fold the clothes,A: Could you please make sentences with these phrases in the past tense? B: Sure. I did some chores.,clean the living room help out with at least finish doing sth. be back from shopping see this mess mother clean,Review,A: What kind of chores did you do last weekend? B: I did the washes.,Talk about the housework.,Discussion,3a. Read the story and answer the questions. 1. Did Nancy do any housework that day? 2. Why was Nancys mom angry with her? 3. Did they solve the problem? How?,No, she didnt. Because she didnt do any housework. Yes, they did. They need to share the housework.,Reading,3b. Read the story again and read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.,1. Neither of us did any housework for a week. 2. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV. 3. Youre tired, but Im tired, too.,3c. Decide whether the underlined words in the sentences are verbs or nouns. Then write another sentence using the underlined word in the other form.,Could you take the dog for a walk? (noun) 2. Could I watch one show first?,I walked home from school. (verb) Lets show a picture to you. (verb),3. I cant work all day. 4. You watch TV all the time. 5. “What happened?” she asked in surprise.,Its difficult to find work in this city. (noun) How much is that watch? (noun) It wont surprise me if he loses the exam. (verb),If we are having a camping trip, what should we do before the trip?,Discussion,What should we do before the trip?,buy some drinks,buy some food,take a big cloth,bring a tent,take an umbrella,take a rubbish bag,bring a camera,prepare some programs,4c Make a list of things your group needs to do for a camping trip. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart.,Group work,A: Could you please bring a tent, Liu Chang? B: Sure. And could you please? C: Sorry, I cant. I have to ,1. You watch TV all the time and . all the time(在该段时间内)一直;向来, 一向;时时刻刻;每时每刻 e.g. I do this all the time. 我一直是这么做的。 This happens all the time. 这种情况是时时发生的。,Language points,2. Im just as tired as you are! as . as 意为 “和一样” ,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as + adj./ adv. + as。 e.g. This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。 Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。,as as 的否定形式为 “not as/so + adj./adv. + as”。 e.g. He didnt act as well as you. 他表现得不如你好。,3. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. neither 用作副词,作“也不”解释,放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用nor替换 neither 使用。,例如: I dont like this dress. 我不喜欢这件连衣裙。 Neither / Nor do I. 我也不喜欢。 注意:neither 之后的主语要置于助动词或系动词之后。,neither 用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。例如: He answered neither of the letters. 他两封信都没回。 Which one would you like? 你喜欢哪一个? Neither. 两个都不喜欢。,1. also 是比较正式的用语,语气较庄重。它通常放在句中,位于行为动词之前,连系动词之后; 如有助动词或情态动词,一般放在助动词或情态动词之后。例如: Peter also has two brothers. 彼得也有两个兄弟。,also,too,either, neither的用法,I am also a student. 我也是一名学生。 Mrs. Green can also sing the song in Chinese. 格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌。,2. too 是普通用词,多用于口语,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句末。例如: Im in Row 1, too. 我也在第一排。 注意:also和too一般都用于肯定句,很少用于否定句。,3. either 表示“也”时,一般只用于否定 句,且置于句末。例如: I dont know him. Tom doesnt know him, either. 我不认识他,汤姆也不认识他。 If you dont go there, he wont go there, either. 如果你不去那儿,他也不会去那儿。 注意:either 本身没有否定的意义。所以多与 not 连用。,4. neither 表示“两个都不”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。例如: Neither of you can do it. 你们两个都不能做这件事。,Summary,1. New vocabulary last month, come over take the dog for a walk, watch one show all the time, the next day, neither did I,2. Important sentences The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. For one week, she did not do any housework, and neither did I. Im just as tired as you are!,1. List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know. (必做) 2. Make a conversation between you and your mother, using the sentence pattern “Could you please ? Could I ?” (选做),Homework,结束语,No man can do two things at once. 一心不可二用,.,诗歌是一种忧郁的媒体,而诗人的使命是孤独的。垂下的头颅只是为了让思想扬起,你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下就会有一片坚实的土地。 只要春天还在我就不会悲哀纵使黑夜吞噬了一切太阳还可以重新回来 只要生命还在我就不会悲哀纵使陷身茫茫沙漠还有希望的绿洲存在只要明天还在我就不会悲哀冬雪终会悄悄融化春雷定将滚滚而来 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我安静的原因。 我依旧有很多问题, 问南方,问故里,问希望,问距离。我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我绝望的原因。 我依旧有很多热情, 给分开,给死亡,给昨天,给安寂。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我虚假的原因。 我依旧有很多真诚, 离不开,放不下,活下去,爱得起。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我孤寂的原因。 我依旧有很多诉求, 需慰藉,待分享,惹心烦,告诉你。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我冷漠的原因。 我依旧有很多动情, 为时间,为白为天黑,畏天命。那时我们有梦,一切都是命运,一切都是烟云一切都是没有结局的开始,一切都是稍纵即逝的追寻,一切欢乐都没有微笑,一切苦难都没有泪痕,一切语言都是重复,一切交往都是初逢,一切爱情都在心里,一切往事都在梦中,一切希望都带着注释,一切信仰都带着呻吟,一切爆发都有片刻的宁静,一切死亡都有冗长的回声。 走吧,落叶吹进深谷,歌声却没有归宿。走吧,冰上的月光,已从河面上溢出。走吧,眼睛望着同一片天空,心敲击着暮色的鼓。走吧,我们没有失去记忆,我们去寻找生命的湖。走吧,路呵路,飘满了红罂粟。 我不相信,生活是沼泽,我不相信,生命旅途不能一路高歌;我不相信,成长是懦弱, 我不相信,双手握不住执着的绳索。人生一世,草木一秋,我们就跟大树上的叶子一样,早晚会枯黄陨落。树叶虽小但见证了春秋,既目睹了繁花似锦,也目睹了大树凋零。我们都是很相似的树叶,因为人生就是这样,生老病死是谁都要经过的。 如果你是条船,漂泊就是你的命运,可别靠岸。谁校对时间 谁就会突然老去 虽生犹死的寂寞让生命都凋零了人总要慢慢成熟,将这个浮华的世界
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