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第 1 页 共 7 页 基础知识梳理 一、重点单词。 (英汉互译 )(12 分) 1. 在上 _2. 在下面 _ 3. 在里 _ 4. 椅子_ 5. 书桌_ 6. 帽子_ 7. 球_ 8. 小汽车 _ 9. 小船_ 10. 地图_ 11. toy_ 12. box_ 二、重点短语。 (汉译英 )(4 分) 1. 玩具箱 _ 2. 在书桌下面 _ 3. 在书包里 _ 4. 在书桌上 _ 三、重点句子。 (汉译英 )(6 分) 1. 我们回家吧 ! _ 2. 我的铅笔盒在哪儿 ? _ 3. 在你桌子里。 _ 4. 我真傻 ! _ 5. 在你的包里吗 ? 不, 不在。 /是的, 在。 _ _ 6. 玩开心点儿 ! _ 四、核心语言点。 (6 分) 第 2 页 共 7 页 本单元我们学习了如何描述物品的位置和确定物品的位置。请根据提示 补全句子 , 梳理知识。 1. _ is the.? Is it in the.? Its 2. _/ 3. _ /4. _. 5._ it is./6. _ ,it isnt 单元强化检测 五、读一读 , 从句子中找出与所给单词画线部分发音一致的单词, 并写在横线 上。(10 分) _ 1. dogMy mum likes oranges. _ 2. body It s so hot today. _ 3. no The nose is long. _ 4. OK Let s go to the zoo. _ 5. doll There is a big box. 六、选择与短语相符的图片。(10 分) ()1. on the desk A. ()2. in the bag B. ()3. under the chair C. 询问物品位置的问句 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 第 3 页 共 7 页 ()4. a toy box D. ()5. row a boat E. 七、单项选择。 (10 分) ()1. Let s _. A. go homeB. go to home C. going to home ()2. It _ in the desk. A. are B. amC. is ()3. _ a book. A. Row B. Drive C. Read ()4. Where is _? A. box B. Amy C. boats ()5. Put _ a cap. A. on B. in C. under 八、圈出与图片相符的句子。(10 分) 1. A. It s on the desk. B. It s in the desk. 2. A. Bounce a ball. B. Read a map. 3. A. It s in my hand. 第 4 页 共 7 页 B. It s on my head. 4. A. The ruler is in the bag. B. The ruler is under the book. 5. A. The pencil is on the desk. B. The pencil is under the desk. 九、连词成句。 (12 分) 1. Thedeskonispencilthe(. ) 2. istheWhereruler(? ) 3. Isinyourboxit(? ) 4. goodtimeaHave(! ) 十、阅读短文 , 完成任务。 (20 分) Look at the two pictures(图片). Let s find the differences( 不同之处 ). In picture 1, there is a big desk. In picture 2, there are two desks. In picture 1, we can see two chairs. In picture 2, we can see one chair. In picture 1, there are four books on the desk. There are two books on the desks in picture 2. Can you see a ruler under the desk in picture 1? Yes! But there is no ruler in picture 2. There is a toy car under the desk in picture 2. There is a big map on the desks in picture 2. But there is no map in picture 1. What else do you find? 第 5 页 共 7 页 (一)根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(12 分) ()1. Where is the ruler in picture 1? A. B. ()2. In picture 1, we can see_. A. a map B. four books on the desk C. two desks ()3. In picture 2, we can see_. A. a toy car under the desk B. one desk C. two chairs (二)根据短文内容填空。 (8 分) 4. There is no _ in picture 1. 5. There is no _ in picture 2. 第 6 页 共 7 页 答案 基础知识梳理 一、1. on2. under3. in4. chair5. desk 6. cap7. ball8. car9. boat 10. map11. 玩具12. 箱; 盒 二、1. a toy box2. under the desk 3. in the bag 4. on the desk 三、1. Let s go home! 2. Where is my pencil box? 3. Its in your desk. 4. Silly me! 5. Is it in your bag? No, it isnt. / Yes, it is. 6. Have a good time! 四、1. Where2. in3. on4. under5. Yes 6. No 单元强化检测 五、1. oranges2. hot3. nose4. go5. box 六、1. C2. D3. E4. B5. A 七、1. B2. C3. C4. B5. A 八、1. B2. A3. A4. A5. B 九、1. 2. 3. 4. 第 7 页 共 7 页 十、(一)1. A2. B3. A (二)4. map5. ruler
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