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.,sake n. C (usu. sing) (for the of / for sb.s ) 1) used to indicate sth. that is done as an end in itself rather than to achieve some other purpose 目的 e.g. 1. New ideas amount to change for changes sake. 新的思想会为变化而变化。 2. I hope youre not doing this just for the sake of the money. 我希望你做这件事不光是为了钱。 2) the benefit or regard of someone or something 利益;好处 e.g. We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned. 看在她的份儿上,我们希望婚礼按计划进行。,Words utterly; absolutely 纯粹地;全然地;绝对地 e.g. 1. That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics, is sheerly metaphysical. 科学中最严谨而令人信服的一门,数学,就是纯粹形而上学的。 2. When we got out of the museum we went back to our hotel sheerly on foot which was a little bit tiring but on the way back to the hotel we did have a great time. 从博物馆出来后,我们完全是徒步返回酒店的,虽说有点累,但回酒店的路上,我们的确很开心。,Words affecting or involving a machine 机械操作的;机械的 e.g. 1. The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure. 由于机械故障,这趟航班被取消了。 2. This door opens mechanically. 这扇门是自动打开的。 3. Even cars that were mechanically sound started rusting. 机械性能方面并无问题的车子也开始生锈。,Words in an absent-minded manner 健忘地;心不在焉地 absent-minded a. likely to forget things or to think about something different from what you should be thinking about 健忘的;心不在焉的 e.g. 1. Im getting more absent-minded as I get older. 随着年纪变大,我变得更健忘了。 2. She absent-mindedly played some hairs which clung to the comb. 3. She talked to the stranger while walking, as if absent-mindedly. 她和那个陌生人边走边聊,似乎心不在焉。,Words foolish 无头脑的;愚笨的 e.g. She was in no mood for their brainless gabble this afternoon. 这个下午她没有心情听他们愚蠢的闲聊。,Words yet todays sadness will grow into tomorrows joy. 昨日的快乐变成今天的哀愁;今天的悲伤又转为明日的喜悦。 Word family: sad a.,Words in a smiling manner 微笑地;含笑地 e.g. 1. He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home. 他打开大门,微笑着欢迎旅客们回家。 2. The girl reminded Susan smilingly of their childhood spent together. 这个女孩笑着提醒苏珊她们一起度过的童年时光。,Words suffuse or envelop in sth. 沐浴,洗澡; 沐浴在中,沉浸在中 e.g. 1. Dont bathe too soon after eating. 刚吃完饭不要马上去洗澡。 2. He bathed in luscious strains. 他沉浸在悦耳的乐曲中。 3. Tears bathed his cheeks. 他泪流满面。,Language Points,., you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest. The sentence means dont let it take up a wrong amount of your interest. 你不该让它占据你过多的兴趣空间。,Language Points,翻译:,., it does not constitute the whole story. The sentence means there is more to it than this. 并不是(音乐的)全部。,Language Points,翻译:,.,Here, immediately, we tread on controversial ground. The expression we tread on controversial ground contains a metaphor: These are ideas that some people will probably disagree about or not approve of. 一提到这个问题,我们马上就进入到一个颇具争议的领域。,Language Points,翻译:,.,Thank you,
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