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出国出境及国外短期生活英语基本用语温馨提示:问问题之前请别忘了加上 “Excuse me”, 得到了帮助记得要说 “Thank you”, 请他人帮忙还得用上 “Please”1. 几句应急的话:a. 请问厕所/洗手间在哪里?敬问: Excuse me, could you tell me where the toilet is? 或 washroom简问: Excuse me, where is the toilet? 或 washroomb. 餐馆点简餐(蛋炒饭/面条)。敬问: Excuse me; please give me a bowl of egg fried rice/noodle.简问: I want a bowl of rice/noodle (也可以直接说egg fried rice/noodle, 或其他饮料食物)c. (回家)请问。怎么走?敬问: Excuse me, could you please how can I get to ?简问: Excuse me, where can I get to?(如果是打车,直接告诉司机地方 please take me to)d. (问价钱)how much is it? Any discount?多少钱? 打折吗?2. 主要场景英语:2.1. 境外填表常用词汇姓 Family name ,Surname 名 First Name ,Given name 性别 sex ,gender 男 male , 女 female国籍 nationality , country of citizenship护照号 passport number 原住地 country of origin 前往国 destination country 登机城市 city where you boarded 签证签发地 city where visa was issued签发日期date of issue 出生日期 date of birth ,birth date 签名 signature 年 year ,月 month ,日 day 偕行人数 accompanying number 签名 signature 官方填写official use only职业 occupation 护照 Passport , 签证 Visa登机、启程 Embarkation 登岸 Disembarkation商务签证 Business Visa 观光签证 Tourist Visa2.2. 机场出入境A在机场常用词汇航站、终点站 Terminal 入境大厅 Arrival Lobby 出境大厅 Departure Lobby 登机门号码 Gate Number 登机证 Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass机场税 Airport Tax 登机手续办理处Check in Counter 海关申报处 Customs Service Area 货币申报 Currency Declaration 免税商品 Duty-Free Items 大号 large , 中号 medium , 小号small纪念品 Souvenir 行李 Baggage ; Luggage 托运的行李 Checked baggage 行李领取处 Baggage claim area 随身行李 Carry-on baggage 行李牌 Baggage Tag 行李推车 Luggage Cart 退税处 Tax-free refundB. 飞机上常用词汇盥洗室、厕所 Lavatory;washroom;Toilet;W.C.water closet; rest room 男厕Mens; Gents; Gentlemens 女厕 Womens; Ladys 使用中 Occupied 空闲 Vacant 男(女)空服员Steward (Stewardess) 机内免税贩卖 In-Flight SalesC.机场必会问答Could you tell me where I check in for the flight# to Beijing?请问乘#号航班去北京在那里办理登机手续?Mr, is this the counter for flight# to Beijing? 先生,这里是不是去斯德哥尔摩航班SK 964的登记处?Were going to Beijing by flight#. Here are our tickets.我们乘SK 964航班去斯德哥尔摩。这是我们的机票。Do you know when they begin to check in? 你知道什么时候办理登机手续?What is the departure time of your flight? 你的航班什么时候起飞?Where can I make a phone call? 那里有电话?May I see your airplane ticket, passport and health certificate please?请让我看一下你的机票、护照和健康证明?Do you prefer the smoking or nonsmoking section seats? 你喜欢要吸烟舱还是不吸烟舱?Where do you want to claim your luggage? 你们想在那里领取行李?How many pieces of luggage do you have? 你们有几件行李? Would you please put these put these labels on your baggage, and then put them on the scales.请把这些标签挂在你们的行李上,然后把行李放到磅秤上。Here are your baggage checks and boarding pass. Your flight will depart from gate 12B.这儿是您的行李和登机牌。您的班机要从第12B号门出发。Im so happy to meet someone else on my flight-this is my first trip overseas.我很高兴在航程中能认识别人,这是我第一次出国去旅行。D.通关基本问答Commonly used expressions and sentences about going through the customs Do you have anything to declare? 您有什么需要申报吗?What do you have in this bag? 请问您袋里都有什么?Let me see your Customs declaration form, please. 请出示您的通关申请表格。What kind of gifts do you have? 里面有什么礼品?Do you have your passport? 请出示您的护照。What is your nationality? 请告知您的国籍。What is your family name? 您贵姓?How long are you going to stay? 请问您要呆多久?How many pieces of baggage do you have? 您有几件行李?Do you have any foreign currency? 您是否持有外汇?Please fill in this form. 请填好这张表格。Do you have any dutiable articles? 您有没有应纳税物品?What is your purpose for visiting this country? 请问您访问国的目的是什么?I have three bottles of brandy and some gifts for my friends. 我有三瓶白兰地和一些送朋友的礼物。What articles are liable to duty? 什么东西需要纳税?I havent bought anything for sale. 我买的这些物品都是自己用的或送朋友的。They are all presents for my friends. 这些都是送朋友的礼物。Must I pay duty on this? 这件物品我必须付税吗?Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。Where is the baggage examined? 行李检查处在那里?I am visiting relatives. 我是来探亲的。I am here on a student visa. 我是持学生签证来的。I have nothing to declare. 我没有任何东西要申报。It is not overweight. 它不会超重的。What procedures should I take? 我应该办些什么待续?2.3. 在酒店A酒店常用词汇入住登记手续 Check-in 客房服务 Room Service 退房(时间) Check Out (Time) 前台 Front Desk ,Reception酒店大堂 Lobby 咖啡馆 Coffee shop 服务员,侍者 waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员)总机接线员 telephone operator 电话叫醒服务 Wake Up Call ,Morning Call单人间 single room 双人间:Double room离开日期: Date of departure signature: 签名B. 货币兑换外币兑换店 Currency Exchange Shop 汇率 Exchange rate 旅
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