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英语教学过程设计,英语教学过程设计的意义,英语教学过程是为实现教学目标而开展的各个教学活动组成的连续过程,表现为教学活动的程序安排。教学过程设计也因此指课堂环节的组织、教学活动的序列安排。 教学设计是有效教学的前提,是教学目标实施的基础,而作为教学设计的重要组成部分,教学过程设计是否科学、是否符合学习者的认知需求,缺少必要的教学环节,活动安排不合理,将直接影响教学目标的达成。,课标对英语教学过程设计的要求,英语课程标准提出了培养学生综合语言运用能力的总体目标,要求教学面向全体学生,关注学生的情感,倡导“任务型”的教学途径。教学的中心由教师转向学生,学生成为教学的主体,教学设计也因此必须以学生为本,教学过程设计也因此就成为学习过程设计。,英语教学过程设计的功能,知识传授功能 英语语言知识、文化知识。 能力培养功能 英语运用能力:认识能力、思维能力、观察能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 素养发展功能 跨文化教育以及相应的精神面貌、道德品质、价值取向、情感意志、行为举止等。,英语教学过程设计的原则,认知发展参照原则 指课堂教学中活动的先后顺序必须符合认知发展的要求。根据认知发展的规律,学生首先是感知语言,了解其应用范本,然后模仿应用。也就是说,当学生还没有接触某种语言现象,没有了解该语言现象在真实交际和应用中的表现形式之前,是很难应用的。这就要求,先设计识别类活动,学生通过阅读感知语言,了解语言的应用,然后才能设计产出类活动,要求学生使用所学语言。 语言要求参照原则 从活动对语言的要求上讲,识别、辨析、图片选择等语言要求较低,而图标填充、回答问题、讨论等则需要学生能够转述信息、能够自由表达,语言要求远远高于识别类活动。,英语教学过程设计的原则,支架原则 教学程序的设计要求活动前后相关,前面的活动为后面的活动做准备,也就是说,前面的活动应该能够为后面的活动开展提供支架。活动所提供的支架可以是图式方面的,可以是技能方面的,也可以是策略方面的,这要视活动的要求而定。 层次递进原则 所谓层次递进式指阅读活动应该由易到难,要求由低到高,由信息识别到理解,再到应用。 (正误判断、回答问题、图标填充) 关系调节原则 所谓关系调节就是指在活动设计中要充分重视语言知识与技能、过程与方法的有机结合,处理好相互之间的关系。如阅读教学的目标是阅读技能的培养,而不是纯粹的语言学习,语言学习是为阅读服务的,语言类活动的安排必须考虑其与阅读的关系。,英语教学过程设计的方法,教学模式取向法:1. PWP模式 2.任务型模式 目标参照法 所谓目标参照是指教学程序的安排必须考虑到教学各环节的阶段性目标。就阅读教学而言,其目标可以表现为大意理解、细节理解、推理理解、逻辑理解、观点态度理解等不同的理解层次,也可以包括信息识别、信息转述、自由回答、评价、应用等不同的语言层次。 从非语言产出到语言产出 不同的理解活动对语言的要求不同。如果阅读理解活动涉及新的语言技能,那么就不宜将其置于识别类活动之前。一般情况下,应该是非语言产出活动在前,语言产出活动在后。换言之,图片识别、行为表现、排序等在前,回答问题、表格填充在后。即使活动涉及语言产出也有信息转述和自由表达之分,一般情况下应该是转述类在前,自由表达在后。如果语言产出类活动有的涉及新学语言的应用,有的不涉及新语言的应用,应该是不涉及新语言的在前,包括新语言应用的在后。,PWP教学过程(listening),Pre-listening purposes: To help students establish listening expectations; To activate students prior knowledge about the topic; To solve for students potential language or knowledge problems; To warm students up and arouse their interest in listening.,Typical activities,The students have to study some visual or reading materials related to the listening text and then based on them to answer some questions or to have a discussion. The students have to make a list of words they suppose are likely to occur in the listening text. The students are given the topic and have to make predictions about the content of the listening text. The teacher gives some background knowledge about the listening text. The new words or expressions are demonstrated and explained by the teacher. The students are asked to predict the language features of the listening text. The students are asked to express their own opinions about the idea to be developed by the listening text.,While-listening,Purposes: To extend the students ability of matching what they expect to hear with what they actually hear and of utilizing their knowledge of the language and the world to explain the meaning; To train students to approach listening with specific skills based on certain purposes and contexts.,Typical activities,The students tick off from a list the words mentioned in the listening text. The students fill out a form with the information from the listening text. The students note down part of or the whole listening text. The students do some drawings or actions according to the listening text. The students sequence the sentences or paragraphs based on the listening text. The students have to spot and correct errors. The students have to judge whether some statements about the listening text are true or false. After the students have listened to part of the listening text, the teacher stops the recorder and asks them to predict how the text will continue.,Post-listening,Purposes: The main purpose of this stage is for the student to consolidate what he has learned. He listened for a purpose, now he uses the information or language he acquired to do something else, using his productive skills.,Typical activities,Choose the best summary from a list of three. Write your own summary of the content of the listening text. Having examined the language expressing certain attitudes and feelings, perform a role-play in which you can use those expressions to show the same attitudes in a different context. Solve a given set of problems using the information you have learnt from the listening text. Hold a discussion with your group on the topic in the listening text. Act out a role-play between people involved in the listening text. Write a letter to your local authorities complaining about the situation described in the listening text. Write the end of a story, or give an alternative ending to a story. Write a parallel text about the same situation in your experience. Write similar instructions for using a piece of equipment you are familiar with, or for playing a game.,PWP教学过程(reading),Pre-reading Purposes: Arousing the students interest in the topic or type of text; Motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; Preparing the students for the content of the text.,Typical activities,Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs); Reflect on the title or the topic State what they already know about the topic State what they would like to know about the topic Write their own questions that the
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