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江苏省姜堰市2012届九年级英语总复习 单项选择100题(2) 牛津译林版1It me five minutes to walk to school Aspends Bcosts Ctakes Dhas2-Why not have a birthday party for our teacher? - AGood idea BThats all right CYou are welcome DNever mind3At the news, all of us were Aexciting; excited Bexcited; exciting Cexcited; excited Dexciting; exciting4-Which would you like, tea or coffee? - is OKI really dont mindABoth BNone CEither DNeither5The bridge is not for heavy trucks to pass through Astrongly enoughBstrong enough C.enough strong D.enough strongly6The number of wild animals nowAis getting fewer and fewerBis getting smaller and smallerCare getting fewer and fewerDare getting small and small7Be sure to get there on time , ? A.dont you B.arent you C.will you D.wont you 8Old people should politelyAspeak toBbe speakingCbe spoken toDbe spoken9Thanks for the new chairpersonArecommend me as Brecommending me as Crecommend me for Drecommending me for10-We will have a sports meeting next Saturday-Great! We are all looking forward Ahave the sports meeting Bhaving the sports meeting Cto have the sports meeting Dto it11Why didnt you go to see the film Zhou Xun starred in last night? Because I _it twiceAhad seen Bhave seenChave watched Dhad looked12.Now more and more children Western food to Chinese food Aenjoy Bprefer C1ike Dwould rather13She has close friends so that she really doesnt know Amany;who to talk Bfew;who to talk to Cmuch;what to do D1ittle;how to do14.Yesterday evening we were having supper the lights went out Awhen Bwhile Cas soon as Dsince15.The young man will be charged with that bank Abreak into Bbreaking into Cbreak off Dbreaking out16.一Could you tell me ? 一Sorry,I dont know Ahow can I get to the post office Bwhere is Tom Chow long they had lived here Dwhen the performance will start 17. Could you please tell me our tickets?A、where do we show B、where we do showC、where we to show D、where to show18The coming football match wont be covered on TVYoud better the ticket as early as possible A1ively;get B1ive;to get C1ive;get D1iving;to get 19一Whats wrong with my grandpa,doctor? 一 ,just a cold ASomething serious BSerious something CNothing serious DAnything serious 20Did you yesterdays sports meeting? No,I them playing a game Atake part in;joined Btake part in;joined in Cjoin;took part in Dgo in for;joined in 21His sister was let her house yesterday by the sad father Ato leave B1eaving C1eave D1eaves 22Mr Lu said that the police trying to more clues those days Ais;find Bwere;find out Cwas;find out Dare;find 23Tom hardly had anything this morning, ? Ahadnt he Bhad Tom Cdidnt Tom Ddid he 24Mr Li until it began to rain Aleft Bwent back Cworked Dfinished the work 25I think difficult for any child to understand the physics problem,so I doubt the little boy has the ability to work it out Athat;whether Bit;if Cthis;how Dit;that 26Liu Xiang runs fast for to catch up with Afar too;anybody Bfar too;nobody Ctoo far;nobody Dtoo far;anybody27How about going shopping this evening? ,but I have to prepare for tomorrows exam ANo;I cant BSounds great CThats right DNo,Im terribly sorry 28Im sure that meat will go in _hot weather Abad;such Bbadly;so Cbad;so Dbadly;such29.He is only _ boy. He isnt old enough to take care of himself.A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-oldC. a 8-years-old D. an 8-years-old 30. I remember Susan left _ a very cold morning of January. A. inB. onC. atD. from 31.It was raining hard, they _ stay at home. A. mustB. wouldC. had toD. could 32. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes. A. has begun B. had begunC. has been onD. began33. I dont know _ he still works here. A. whereB. whatC. whenD. whether34. - I feel tired and sleepy. - Why not _? A. to stop to workB. stop to have a rest C. stop having a restD. to stop to have a rest35.Mother said to Tom. “I hope you _
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