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Unit 4 第4课时Using Language.单项填空从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)Somehow I cannot _him as a mountaineer. He was once so weak.Afancy BsupposeCcare Ddream答案:A本题题意:我真有些不能想象他现在是一个登山队员了。他过去身体那么弱。fancy表示“认为;想像”。2(原创)They both wanted to use the car, so they reached a_.Acompromise BcompetitionCregulation Dcomprehension答案:A本题题意:他们双方都想用这辆汽车, 因而达成了折衷的协议。compromise表示“妥协;折中;互让;和解”。3(原创)From our house on the hillside,we can _the whole of the harbor.Aoverlook BignoreCneglect Ddisregard答案:A本题题意:从我们在山腰的房子里,我们能俯瞰这港口的全景。overlook表示“俯视;眺望”。4(原创)Within a while both the hill and the city _, too dim to be seen, and became invisible in an instant. There was nothing left but the blue sky and sea decorated by islands there.Afaded out Bran out Cgave up Ddied out答案:A本题题意:又过了一会儿,山峦城市渐渐消下去,越来越淡,转眼间,天青海碧,什么都不见了,原先的岛屿又在海上重现出来。fade out 表示 “使(声音)渐弱;使(画面)淡出;渐隐”。5(原创)_use of energy in production has thus not been encouraged by competition in the market.AAvailable BValid COfficial DEffective 答案:D本题题意:市场的竞争未能使生产中有效利用能源的问题得到重视。effective表示“产生预期效果的;有效的”。6(原创)No wonder he didnt show up _when the president had his party.Athe other day Bsome other dayCevery other day Dsome day答案:A本题题意:怪不得前几天校长请客他没有来。the other day表示“几天前”。7(原创)Drivers like that should have their licenses _from them.Athrown away Btaken awayCrun away Dbroken away答案:B本题题意:那样的司机应该吊销他们的驾照。take sb/sth away (from sb/sth) 表示“取走,带走”。8(原创)After a while, his mother decided to hold another ball, in the hope that the unknown young lady would _ appear.Aonce in a while Bonce moreCmore or less Donce upon a time答案:B本题题意:过了一段时间,他母亲决定再举行一次舞会,希望那位不知姓名的年轻小姐能够再次光临。once more 表示“再一次”。9(原创)We are developing new product, so we are badly _technical knowhow.Ain fear of Bin need ofCin view of Din terms of答案:B本题题意:我们想开发新产品,所以急需技术诀窍。in need of.表示“需要”。10. (原创)Sometimes, when the misery is _I can bear, I hide alone in my room and cry, covering my head with the bedding so that no one will hear.Aless than Bmore thanCno more than Dnot more than答案:B本题题意:有时我心里实在难受,便一个人躲在房里哭,或者倒在床上用铺盖蒙住头哭,害怕人听见哭声。“more than/more.than.含can的分句”表示否定, 意思是“超出某人力量、知识等的范围”。.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1第二天早晨醒来时,我发现杰姆和迪尔在后院谈得正起劲儿。_ _when I awakened I found Jem and Dill in the back yard_ _ _.2我曾经常幻想自己是个冒险的英雄。Id always_ _as an adventure hero.3你对于到青岛接受这份工作有何感想?And _ _ _ _ _taking the job in Qingdao?4日前我介绍你认识的我那位新邻居昨晚心脏病发作。My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you_ _ _, had a heart attack last night.5我真不懂你怎会厚着脸皮去批评别人。I dont know how you_ _ _to criticize other people.6我极需就业。这儿有可能找到工作吗?I am badly_ _ _employment. Is it possible to find one here?7他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道。His work experience equipped him to_ _all kinds of people.8至此宜使雷雨声的音响效果减弱而使音乐声渐强。_ _the storm effect here, and_ _the music.9你怎么能把她看得一文不值呢?How could you treat her_ _?10他把别人著作中的话改头换面算作自己的意见。He took pieces of another authors works, changed them around a little, and then tried to_ _ _ _his own ideas.答案:1.Next morning; deep in conversation2.fancied myself3.how do you feel about4.the other day5.have the face6.in need of7.deal with8.Fade out; turn up9.like dirt10.pass them off as.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others were wrong. Many people believe that its their job to_1_others how their positions, statements, and points of view are_2_, and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow_3_it, or at least learn something. Wrong!Think about it. Have you ever been_4_by someone and said to him,“Thank you so much for showing me that Im wrong and youre right.”Or, has anyone you know ever_5_you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right”at thier_6_? Of course not. The truth is, all of us_7_to be corrected. We all want our position to be_8_and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest_9_of the human heart. And those who learn to_10_are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the_11_of correcting others are often resented and_12_.A wonderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice_13_others the joy of being rightgive them the glory._14_correcting. When someone says,“I really feel its important to.”, rather than breaking_15_and saying“No, its more important to.”, simply let it go and allow his statement to_16_. Th
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