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三维设计2013届高考英语一轮复习综合演练:第二部分 第八讲 代词1(2011四川高考)There is _in his words.We should have a try.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything解析:考查不定代词。something “想来重要(或值得注意)的事物”。句意:他的话中有值得重视的东西,我们应该试一试。答案:A2(2012合肥市第一次质量检测)Id like to find a job, _ where I can do something serious but interesting.Athe one BoneCwhich Dthat解析:考查代词。one指代上文的a job,表泛指,符合语意。 答案:B3(2012合肥市第二次质量检测)To know more about Japans recent nuclear radiation leak, you can use the Internet or watch CCTV news, or _.Aboth BneitherCsome Dmore解析:考查代词辨析。根据use the Internet or watch CCTV news 并结合语意可知,此处表示“也可以两者都选”,故用both。答案:A4(2012枣庄高三调研)The three thieves fled the town desperately, _ carrying a bag.Aneither BeachCany Deither解析:考查代词。句意:那三个贼没命地跑出了城,每个人都拎着一个袋子。“三者以上的每一个”用each表示。neither表示“两者都不”; either表示“两者中的任何一个”。答案:B5(2012淄博高三模拟)However difficult you find _ to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run.Athis BthatCit Dthose解析:考查it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to arrange your time。答案:C6(2012河南部分重点中学联考)We asked both Tonny and Jerry, but _ could offer any help.Aeither BallCnone Dneither解析:考查代词用法。根据前半句中的内容可知只有两个人,再结合后半句中的but可知,两个人都不能提供帮助。neither表示“两者中任何一个都不”。答案:D7(2012莆田适应性训练)Hurry up! Theres a bus coming!Why run? There will be _ one in two or three minutes.Aanother BotherCthe other Dany other解析:考查代词用法。根据语意“在两三分钟内还有另外一辆公共汽车”可知A项意思相符。another表示“又一,另一”。句中的one指代的是bus。答案:A8(2012河北邢台一模)Susan wrote to her son to know about whether _ was going along well with him.Aanything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing解析:根据“Susan写信给她儿子,想了解他是否一切顺利”可知用everything “所有事情”。答案:C9(2012山西省三市联考)From mums love, patience and understanding, I have learned what a huge responsibility _ is to raise a child.Ait BthatCthis Done解析:考查代词。根据句子结构,可知这里要选it作形式主语,其真正主语是to raise a child。答案:A10(2012山西省运城市模拟)The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the newspaper.Ait BthoseCone Dthat解析:考查that的用法。句意:网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播得更快。that指代其前面提到的不可数名词information。that用来代替上文提到的某一个名词,既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,表示特指,其复数形式为those(相当于the ones),其后必须有定语;one只能指代可数名词(其复数形式是ones),只是用来代替上文提到的某一个名词,表示同名异物,表示泛指,既可以有前置定语,也可以有后置定语。答案:D11(2012东北三校第一次联考)I washed all my clothes only to find Id left a $20 note in the pocket._ is life I suppose.AOne BThatCAs DSo解析:考查代词用法。说话人说洗了所有的衣服,结果发现口袋中有一张20美元的钞票,答话人认为这就是生活,此处是承接说话人所讲的内容,所以用that。答案:B12(2012西安质量检测)May I ask for leave tomorrow?No, you cant._applying for the scholarship must be present.ASomeone BAnyoneCOne DNo one解析:考查人称代词的用法。anyone表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。答案:B13(2012泉州质量检测)Neither side would give in to _. As a result, the peace talk broke down with no agreement reached.Aother BanotherCthe other Dthe others解析:考查代词的用法。根据neither可知,这里说的是双方互不相让,因此选the other,即另一方。答案:C14(2012海淀区期末)Is he leaving tomorrow?No. Hell continue to stay here for _ four or five days.Aanother BotherCthe other Devery other解析:考查不定代词的用法。因为此处“范围不确定”,所以用another。another four or five days表示“另外四五天”。答句句意:不,他将在这里再待四、五天。答案:A15(2012许昌调研)Because they hadnt booked a room in advance, there were _ left when they arrived at the hotel.Anone Bno oneCnobody Dnothing解析:考查代词。句意:因为他们没有提前预订房间,所以当他们到达旅馆时,没有剩余的房间了。none指代前边出现的名词时,相当于no加那个名词,此题中none相当于no rooms。B项是单数,与“were”不一致。答案:A- 4 -用心 爱心 专心
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