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饮酒和心血管健康,刘品明, M.D., Ph.D., 中山大学附属第二医院心内科,考虑红葡萄酒因素后,法国反常现象,Markus Flesch, et al. Alcohol and the risk of myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol, 2001,96:128-135,法国人在CHD危险因素与其他西方国家相仿的背景下,CHD死亡率显著低于这些国家,吸烟者,不吸烟者,既往吸烟者,Markus F, et al. Alcohol and the risk of myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol, 2001,96:128-135,饮酒与全因死亡的相对风险,适量饮酒与总死亡率的关系,全因死亡风险,RR,每日饮酒量,Boffetta P, Garfinkel L. Alcohol drinking and mortality among men enrolled in an American Cancer Society prospective study. Epidemiology, 1990;1:342-348.,饮酒量与心肌梗死、卒中的风险,OKeefe, J. H. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007,50:1009-1014,适量饮酒有益于心血管健康,啤酒350ml (酒精含量4.5左右) 葡萄酒120ml (酒精含量12左右) 烈性酒30ml (酒精含量50左右),饮酒量的单位,单位:drink/unit,地域差别,美国、加拿大等北美地区相当于12g酒精 西欧、澳大利亚相当于10g酒精,美国:1单位饮酒量大约相当于,1单位饮酒量,适量饮酒的概念,美国:平均每日饮酒量女性不超过1单位,男性不超过2单位 澳大利亚:平均每日饮酒量男性不超过4单位(单日内不超过6单位);女性不超过2单位(单日内不超过4单位),并建议每周有12日不饮酒,Light to moderate drinking(少至中量饮酒),适量饮酒,界定不同,饮酒与血压,适量饮酒并不增加健康人群患高血压的风险 (NHANES 1990-2000) 过量饮酒时,随饮酒量增加血压升高 每日酒精量超过30g可使高血压的患病率升高,每日饮酒68单位大约使收缩压升高9.1mmHg,舒张压升高5.6mmHg,高血压人群,适量饮酒使心肌梗死发生率降低,Beulens JW, et al. Alcohol consumption and risk for coronary heart disease among men with hypertension. Ann Intern Med 2007,146:10-19,饮酒与高血压人群心肌梗死风险,饮酒与血脂谱,HDL-C水平与饮酒量呈剂量依赖性。每日饮酒1单位或23单位,HDL-C分别升高5%和10%。 过量饮酒却使TG升高,并呈剂量依赖性。 饮酒与LDL水平呈“U”型曲线关系。 适量饮酒饮酒对总胆固醇无显著影响,小分子LDL颗粒处于最低水平,饮酒与中、小分子VLDL呈负相关。,适量饮酒与大、中分子HDL颗粒正相关,饮酒影响着脂蛋白亚组分,Mukamal KJ, et al. Alcohol consumption and lipoprotein subclasses in older adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2007,92:2559-2566.,饮酒与血糖,适量饮酒减少健康人群糖尿病的发生率 适量饮酒使糖尿病患者的冠心病风险下降 过量饮酒或暴饮使糖尿病的发生率升高,且与糖尿病并发症相关,Copyright 2007 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Restrictions may apply.,OKeefe, J. H. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007, 50:1009-1014,饮酒与新发2型糖尿病风险,Tanasescu M, et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease among individuals with type 2 diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2001;1(2):187-91.,饮酒与2型糖尿病患者的冠心病风险,Tanasescu M, Hu FB, Willett WC, et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease among men with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Cardio1, 2001, 38:1836-1842.,适量饮酒降低冠心病的风险,饮酒与冠心病,少至适量饮酒可以降低冠心病发病率30%35%,降低冠心病死亡率30%,降低全因死亡率18% INTER-HEART研究揭示,不论地域、种族或性别,规律的适量饮酒均可降低心肌梗死的风险。,饮酒与CHD病死率,饮酒与 全因死亡率,饮酒与 CHD发病率,饮酒与冠心病,Koppes LLJ, et al. Meta-analysis of the relationship between alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease and mortality in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 2006, 49:648-652.,Copyright 2007 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Restrictions may apply.,OKeefe JH, et al. Alcohol and cardiovascular health: the razor-sharp double-edged sword. J Am Coll Cardiol,2007,50:1009-1014.,适量饮酒减轻冠状动脉钙化,饮酒与心力衰竭的风险 Framingham心脏研究,Walsh CR, et al. Ann Intern Med, 2002;136:181-191,饮酒与射血分数,饮酒与脑卒中,适量饮酒与脑卒中发生呈显著负相关,主要减少缺血性卒中的发生 适量饮酒并不增加高血压患者缺血性卒中发生率 即使是适量饮酒也可能使出血性卒中发病率升高,前瞻性队列研究 纳入21 870饮酒男医师 平均随访12.2年,Berger K, et al. Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Stroke among U.S. Male Physicians. N Eng J Med, 1999,341:1557-1564,饮酒与脑卒中,饮酒量与缺血性脑卒中发病率,饮酒与缺血性卒中,OKeefe JH, et al. Alcohol and cardiovascular health: the razor-sharp double-edged sword. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007, 50:1009-1014.,适量饮酒的效应机制,提高血浆HDL-C水平 抗凝及抗血小板聚集 增强胰岛素敏感性 抗炎 抗氧化,提高血浆HDL-C水平,加快胆固醇逆向转运速度 抑制LDL-C的氧化,促进病变部位脂质和胆固醇溢出,减少黏附分子表达 减少基质金属蛋白酶和组织因子的释放,抑制巨噬细胞的凋亡,抑制炎症细胞迁徙进入血管内皮; 改善脂代谢过程系列中的各种酶和蛋白的活性,饮酒量与HDL-C,HDL-C与载脂蛋白A输送速度,饮酒量与载脂蛋白A输送速度,适量饮酒升高HDL载体(载脂蛋白A和载脂蛋白A)的浓度,并增快其输送速率,De Oliveira e Silva ER, et al. Alcohol consumption raises HDL cholesterol levels by increasing the transport rate of apolipoproteins A-I and A-II. Circulation, 2000, 102:2347-2352.,适量饮酒提高胆固醇逆向转运速率,纤维蛋白原、vonWillebrand因子、凝 血因子水平、血浆粘稠度下降 纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂-1(PAI-1)及组织型纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)水平升高 抑制血小板的聚集。,适量饮酒:,抗凝及抗血小板聚集,Markus F, et al. Alcohol and the risk of myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol, 2001 96: 128-135,饮酒可以抑制脂肪组织释放脂肪酸,减少骨骼肌Krebs循环中 底物的竞争从而改善葡萄糖代谢 使非糖尿病患者空腹及餐后胰岛素水平降低 降低糖尿病患者餐后血糖的升高幅度。,安慰剂组,OKeefe JH, et al. Alcohol and cardiovascular health: the razor-sharp double-edged sword. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007, 50:1009-1014.,增强胰岛素敏感性,增强胰岛素敏感性,Model 1: adjusted for demographic (clinic, sex, ethnicity, age) and lifestyle (smoking, diet, physical activity) variables Model 2: also adjusted for BMI and waist circumference,*,*,Bell et al. Diabetes Care 2000. 23: 1630-36.,CRP与饮酒量呈“U”形曲线关系,每日饮酒24单位时CRP最低 饮酒减少肿瘤坏死因子a及白介素1的产生,增加抗炎因子白介素10的产生 葡萄酒中的镓酸通过抑制P选择素介导的炎症过程,OKeefe JH, et al. Alcohol and cardiovascular health: the razor-sharp double-edged sword. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007, 50:1009-1014.,抗炎效应,一级预防,二级预防,抗氧化作用,葡萄酒中含有的多酚类、黄酮类等生理活性化合物有明显的抗氧化作用,饮葡萄酒组,对照组,Markus F, et al. Alcohol and the risk of myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol, 2001 96: 128-135,饮酒模式,暴饮使心血管事件及酒精相关问题明显增加,失去规律适量饮酒的心脏保护作用,甚至使心血管死亡增加,Markus F, et al. Alcohol and the risk of myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol, 2001 96: 128-135,Mukamal KJ, Conigrave KM, Mittleman MA, et a1. Roles of drinking pattern and type of alcohol consumed in coronary heart disease in men. N Engl J Med, 2003, 348:109-118.,饮酒频率的影响,饮酒模式,进餐时饮酒模式,对心脏
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