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河南省信阳市第四高级中学2014届高考英语专题训练: 短文改错、书面表达(6)(一)A few days ago, Miss Wang was going home by bike. While he was76. riding in the street, she saw the man with a knife in his hand and his77. face covering with a piece of cloth running towards her. The man78. took her handbag out of the basket of her bike and ran away before79. she could do anything. There was no one she could turn for help at80. that time, for it was very late at night. Lucky, she had her mobile81. phone at hand. Immediately when she took it out and phoned the82. police. She told them what the man was like and in which directions83. he had run. The police came very quickly and catch the robber. Miss84. Wang got her handbag back and felt very grateful for the police had85. done for her.(一)76he she 77. 第二个the a 78. covering covered 79. 80. turn to 81. Lucky luckily 82. 去掉when 83. directions direction 84. catch caught 85. for what*结束 A good face is a letter of recommendation Some people say beauty is just a skin deep. I dont quite agree with them. Good appearance often makes a big difference in social communication, competition, finding jobs and so on. Not only can good appearance help you become more confident, but also it helps you be impressed. If you want to get a good job,the first sight is important. Physical beauty is probable to draw much attention. However,we have to face this problem. We have no right to choose our appearance. When necessary,we can make up ourselves. If you think doing this is a good way to improve your confidence,just do what you really want to regardless others opinion. It is worth all the money and time. Facing a variety of social pressures,we young people should build confidence. Confidence is the key to success. In a word,you may not be the most beautiful one,but you can be the most attractive one;you may not the best one,but you can be the most confident one. Show yourself and chances will kiss you in time. *结束(201*唐山联考)When I was a child, my mom was pushed me to study hard,1._hoping I could get a chance to go to college. I experience2._pressure for the first time. I did that my mom expected3._because I didnt want to let her off. I was born to a poor4._peasant family, but I really knew life was not easy. All the5._things my mother did was the result of her hope that I could6._lead better life in the future. As the saying goes, “No pains7._no gains.”I was finally able to meet my mother expectations and8._have a chance to go to college. Thanks to my mothers push and the 9._pressure, I made it. Now, I no longer think pressure is a good thing.10._答案与解析:1去掉第二个was此处不用被动语态,故was多余。2experienceexperienced此处应用一般过去时态,与全文时态保持一致。3thatwhat这里用what引导宾语从句并在从句中作宾语,that没有这种用法。4offdown结合上下文可知此处意为“我不想让她失望”,故应用let sb. down表示“让某人失望”。5butand或so此处应为顺承关系而非转折关系,故将but改为and或so。6waswere此处主语为all the things,故应用were。7better前加alead a better life表示“过一种更好的生活”。8mothermothers此处表示“达到了妈妈的期望”,故应用其所有格形式。910goodbad根据上文可知此处是指“我不再认为压力是一件坏事”,故应将good改为bad。*结束怎样做高考英语书面表达题“书面表达”是近期英语高考试卷的最后一项大题,所占分值很大(30分),做好这一题目对于考生取得理想的英语成绩至关重要。 “书面表达”是考察考生综合运用英语能力的一种题型,根据其一般规律,它要求考生对所给情景和要求写一篇书面材料,做到所写的内容符合所给的情景和要求,文理通顺。它既象作文,又不完全是作文,因为考生不能离开情景和要求自行立意、选材,随意发挥。它类似翻译,但又不同于翻译,因为考生必须根据需要进行适当的发挥,因而有较大的灵活性。所以在做这种题目时,要掌握一个总的原则是“不漏、不错、不多写、不乱写”。具体地则从以下四个方面去考虑、着手: 1、读题,明确要求,做好必要的准备工作。高考的书面表达,题材较多,有给文字背景材料的,有看图作文的,还有两者皆而有之的。对于文字背景材料,考生要仔细阅读,看懂题目要求,并对材料进行必要的删减。文字材料中有的是有用信息,有的是无用信息。不进行必要的删减,则会使做出来的书面表达轻者增加了错误的可能性,重者文不对题,逻辑不清。 如下面一篇书面表达,请试着训练读题能力。 说明: 假定你名叫陈芳,是北京市二中学生。你舅舅曾在你所在的学校读过书,现在国外学习。请用英语写封回信给他,谈谈母校的近况。内容要点如下。 学校在你舅舅离校五年后发生了很大变化;旧房拆除,新建了几座教学楼,并扩建了实验大楼;操场已延伸到了河边;实验大楼设施(facilities)先进,除了有化学、物理、生物实验室外,还有计算机房及语言实验室。 学校鼓励发展学生的各种兴趣,学生们不再象以前那样整天埋头于书本之中,他们有更多的时间参加各种活动,学校生活丰富多彩。 注意: 1信中包括所给内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 2长度;80120个词。 3信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 No 3 Middle School Beijing July 18,1992 My dear uncle, Glad to hear from you again. Since you miss your old school ever so much,Ill tell you something about it. 经过读题,进行必要的删减。内容要点以上的都是属于基本情况,要给予删减,文中不作反映。内容要点在文中都必须一一反映出来,绝不能漏掉其中一个信息点。若有遗漏,按阅卷要求则要扣大分(23分)。有的考生不读题,不审题,全部文字材料都一一给予译出,弄得啼笑皆非。 对于看图作文,考生更应首先要读题,要看懂图中的主题,不应被图中其它次要的内容所缠住,裹足不前,或走题跑题。考试中所给的图,有的是漫画式的,有的写真式的。漫画的一般主题鲜明,画中多余的内容很少,考生一般读起来较为容易,也较易于做出必要的删减。然而写真式的图画,其中与主题无关的内容较多,学生容易拣了芝麻丢西瓜,纠缠于细小问题上而不能自拔。 2、组织,进行必要的语言准备。读题工作结束后,考生要就提供的信息或画面进行语言上的组织。这一环节非常重要,对“书面表达”的流畅和符合逻辑是举足轻重。读题的核心工作是作必要的删减,组织
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