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Period 3Grammarthe ing Form教学内容分析This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the ing form. In the English language,the ing form of a verb may be a present participle or a gerund. The form is identical and the difference is in the function,or the job it does in the sentence. The present participle is most commonly used:(1)After verbs of movement/position in the pattern.(2)After verbs of perception in the pattern. The gerund always has the same function as a noun(although it looks like a verb)In this period we will focus on only part of the usages of the present participle,that is,the present participle used as the adverbial.三维目标设计Knowledge and skills1To get the students to know the different forms and usages of the present participle.2To enable the students to use the present participle as the adverbial correctly and properly.Process and methods1To ask the students to pick out the sentences with the ing form from the reading passage and translate them into Chinese2To ask the students to discover the form and usages of the ing form by comparing a lot of example sentences.3To ask the students to do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 37 for students to master the ing form.4To ask the students to summarize the ing form.5To ask the students to do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 71 and some other additional exercises for consolidationEmotion,attitude and value1To get the students to become interested in grammar learning.2To develop the students ability of comparing and summarizing.教学重、难点1To get the students to master the structure and usages of the ing form.2To enable the students to learn how to use the ing form correctly.Step 1Revision1Check the homework exercises.2Dictate some new words and expressions.3Translate the following sentences into English:(1)凯特早上看到了火山爆发,她兴奋得整夜不能入睡。(2)得知可怕的台风的消息后,我打电话给爸爸看一切是否安好。 Suggested answers:(1)Having seen a volcano erupting in the morning,Kate felt excited and couldnt fall asleep at night.(2)Having got the news about the terrible typhoon,I called my father to see if everything was OK.Step 2Warming up Ask the students to go back to Page 33 and study the following three sentences in Prereading and translate them into Chinese paying special attention to their verb forms:(1)Do you think you would enjoy studying volcanoes as a job?(2)Do you like working outside as well as inside?(3)Are you interested in studying rocks and other things that make up the surface of the earth?Tell the students that the above three sentences are with the ing form and discuss it with them. Then ask the students to think over the question “What is the ing form?”Suggested answers:(1)你认为你会乐意把研究火山作为工作吗?(2)你喜欢室内工作同时也喜欢室外工作吗?(3)你对研究岩石及其他一些组成地球表面的物质感兴趣吗?Step 3Grammar learningAsk the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the structures and the meanings of the ing form.1the ing form as the adverbial(1)Because_I_was_feeling_tired,I went to bed early.因为感到累了,所以我早早地上床睡觉了。(_Feeling_tired,I went to bed early.)(2)While_I_was_walking along the street,I met Mary.在街上走的时候,我遇到了玛丽。(Waking along the street,I met Mary.)(3)If_you_turn to the left,you will find the school.向左转,你就会找到那个学校。(Turning_to the left,you will find the school.)(4)Though_he_knows where I live,he never comes to see me.虽然他知道我的住处,但是他从来不来看我。(Knowing where I live,he never comes to see me.)(5)I stood there,and_waited for her.我站在那儿等她。(I stood there,waiting for her.)2having done(1)After_I_had_finished my work,I went home.工作做完之后我就回家了。(Having_finished my work,I went home.)(2)Because_the_book_had_been_written in haste,it has some faults. 这本书因为仓促完成,所以有些缺憾。(Having_been_written in haste,the book has some faults.)Step 4Summing upTry to help the students draw the following conclusions.1The ing form can be used as the adverbial in a sentence to give information about time,reasons or results.2We use the structure “havingpast participles”(the perfect ing form)to refer to an action that took place before the time expressed by the verb in the main clause.Step 5Grammar practiceAsk students to do the following exercises.1Change the following sentences into the ing form.Put the verbs into the correct forms.(1)When Rose woke up in the middle of the night,she saw her room was as bright as day.(2)After we had stopped the car,we found ourselves trapped in thick fog and couldnt see clearly ahead.(3)Because I had spent all night reading the documents,I was very tired the next day.(4)As the child had never seen a rainbow before,he was very excited.Suggested answers:(1)Waking up in the middle of the night,Rose saw her room was as bright as day. (2)Having stopped the car,we found ourselves trapped in thick fog and couldnt see clearly ahead.(3)Having spent all night reading the documents,I was very tired the n
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