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My view on the marriage of Yi peopleAbstract: Yi Peoples marriage ceremony usually held in 16 to 20 years old, about 90 percent of it will arrange by parents. This kind of marriage custom was determined in the long life of Yi, has a closure. With the convergence of the China nationality continued to enhance, these customs will slowly disappear inevitably, marriage also change a lot.Key words: Yi people, marriage, changeIntroduction In Yunnan Yi traditional society, the most basic social relationship is consanguinity based on marriage and family. It was determined by the basic social structure of Yunnan Yi nationality and their communication range. Over the past 50 years, especially in the past 20 years, the way of life of the Yi people in marriage and family was changed, which reflected the profound changes in the way of their social life.Traditional marriage customs The traditional marriage of Yi must go through three main stages: proposal, engagement and wedding. A. Proposal The beginning of the marriage is to propose, the marriage of Yi was arranged by parents in the past, when a girl is nearly 14 years old, if the mans family was satisfied with her, they would ask a woman matchmaker to propose to the girls family. The woman matchmaker asked the girls family repeatedly, until the parents agree. Then to take both men and women eight characters Bimo divination. If eight proper each other, they will be able to live together.B. Engagement Secondly is engagement. Be contented with each other, the woman matchmaker and his father will take pork, chicken, wine to the girls home. The girls family will invite uncles and aunts attend the party and treated them. This is called engagement. After engagement, the two families can interact with one other. At all festivals, the man will invite the woman to his home stay a few days, or helping with each other during busy farming season. C. WeddingThirdly is wedding. After gets along with one to two years, the mans family will ask for holding the wedding. The womans family will invite uncles and other very close relatives to discuss with the mans family about bride price on the banquet. In the past, Yi use wine, meat, silver ornament, bracelet, clothes, a few of money as bride price. After the liberation, bride price is still mainly using them. At the same time, both families decide the day when they get married. It will sustain two days, the first day called Zheng Jiu, the second day called Fu Xi. The next day after diner, an old man sends Xishen, Shushen, Bushen etc. After sending, the old man will jump three times under the green tree. Then a man from songqin took a branch from green tree. In the end, pull down the green roof, the wedding is over. After the wedding 3 days, the couple backed home, which is called Huimen, and returned one day. As a marriage party, both man and woman is in the passive position, obedience and acceptance throughout the marriage process, and the main envoy of the marriage is actually the parents of both parties. . The modern way of getting married After liberation, due to the conduct vigorous propaganda about equality, freedom of marriage and opposed arranged marriage, the traditional marriage custom of Yi nationality has greatly external impact, accelerating the process of traditional marriage custom transform to modern civilized marriage, and the intensity of its change is most serious in recent 20 years. After 1980s, with the implementation of the land contract responsibility system and the non-agricultural development, young people have a wide range of space and time, young men and women to expand communication range from the traditional marriage circle to outside the township, county and region, so they have more opportunity to mate. Most of the young men and women are subject to primary and secondary education, coupled with the external advanced culture, the impact of media culture, put forward new requirements for the feelings between men and women, these migrant workers or engaged in family run youth have the ability to pay the cost of exchanges between men and women in the family, also have certain autonomy, they are no longer satisfied with their parents select objects for themselves according to the old concept, but to their choice and to have feelings. The parents who conform to this trend are no longer conservative, and give up their dominant position in the traditional marriage. After 1980s, the number of young people who are free to marry from the choice of objects or by their friends are increasing gradually, and it is rising rapidly in 90s.Conclusion In the past 50 years, Yi marriage has taken place a huge change, it broken the traditional blood relationship, ethnic and region boundary, the concept of marriage has changed radically. The inherit of traditional marriage, provided a good foundation for the modern Yi family planning policy, and the conce
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