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摘 要随着社会和经济快速的发展,在消耗物质造就城市繁荣背后,因社会整体环保意识淡薄,城市污水承接、处理配套系统不完善,使得大量废污水直接排入周边环境水体。废污水中高浓度的有机物由于微生物的新陈代谢等活动而被分解,使得水中的溶解氧量不断减少,导致水体质量变差。当水体长期处于缺氧和厌氧环境时,水中有机物则会因为水体厌氧菌的作用而不断分解,并由此产生HS等大量恶臭气体;同时水体部分金属元素会在缺氧环境中转化成黑色物质,最终形成黑黑臭水体体。黑黑臭水体体给附近居民带来感官不适,还可能因蚊蝇滋生给附近居民身体健康带来隐患。所以,分析和研究反映城市黑黑臭水体体关键因素和指标,对城市黑黑臭水体体的治理和消除意义重大。本文阐述了目前国内黑黑臭水体体研究和评价现状,并开展有关试验。本实验以黄埔区四条被列进197黑黑臭水体体名单的河涌为研究对象,并使用纳氏试剂测量黑臭水体中氨氮具体含量,进而判断水体污染程度;探究黑黑臭水体体与水体氨氮污染之间的关联;寻找水体黑臭产生根源,为城市黑黑臭水体体治理提供依据。通过取样测定,发现四条黑黑臭水体体的氨氮含量都较高,细陂河、三戽涌、文涌、牛屎圳的氨氮浓度分别达到了10.1946mg/L、13.5502mg/L、7.6218mg/L、13.7816mg/L。通过数据分析、查阅文献资料,本研究得出结论:黑黑臭水体体的氨氮浓度普遍高于地表水环境质量标准氨氮项目V类水标准限值,环境水体黑臭伴随着氨氮污染,建议将氨氮作为治理黑臭的主要控制指标。关键词:环境水体 氨氮 黑臭 污染Analysis of Ammonia Nitrogen Pollution in some Black and Odorous Water Bodies in GuangzhouYang Xue(College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)Abstract:With the rapid development of society and economy and the continuous growth of population, behind the prosperity of the city caused by the consumption of materials, a large number of wastewater is directly discharged into the surrounding environment water without effective treatment because of the general weak awareness of environmental protection and the imperfect supporting system of urban sewage treatment. The high concentration of organic matter in wastewater will be consumed by the biochemical effect of microorganisms. Dissolved oxygen (DO) in water leads to the deterioration of water environment quality. When the water body is in anoxic and anaerobic environment for a long time, organic matter will release ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other odorous gases under the decomposition of facultative anaerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, and emit odor. At the same time, some metal elements in the water body will transform into black substances in anoxic environment, and eventually form large and small black odorous water body. Black odorous water brings sensory discomfort to nearby residents, but it may also bring hidden dangers to the health of residents near the black odorous water due to the breeding of mosquitoes and flies. Therefore, the analysis and study of key factors and indicators reflecting urban black and odorous water is of great significance to the treatment and elimination of urban black and odorous water. In this paper, the current situation of research and evaluation of black and odorous water body in China is described, and relevant experiments are carried out. In this experiment, four rivers in Huangpu District which were listed in 197 black odorous water body were taken as research objects. The content of ammonia nitrogen in water body was detected by Nessler reagent spectrophotometry, and the pollution situation was analyzed. The relationship between black odorous water body and ammonia nitrogen pollution in water bodies was explored. The cause of black odorous water body was found, which provided the basis for the treatment and elimination of urban black odorous water body. Through sampling and determination, it is found that the ammonia nitrogen content in four black odorous water bodies is generally high. The ammonia nitrogen concentration in Xibei River, Sanhu River, Wen River and Niushi Channel reaches 10.1946mg/L, 13.5502mg/L, 7.6218mg/L and 13.7816mg/L, respectively.Through data analysis and literature review, this study draws the following conclusion: the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in black and odorous water is generally higher than the standard limit of V-type water in surface water environmental quality standard.The ammonia nitrogen pollution is followed by black odorous water body. It is suggested that ammonia nitrogen should be used as the main control index for controlling black and odorous water body.Key words: Environmental water Ammonia nitrogen Black and odorous Pollution 目 录1 前言11.1 黑黑臭水体体概述11.1.1 黑黑臭水体体定义及危害11.1.2 黑黑臭水体体现状11.2 黑黑臭水体体成因21.2.1 外源输入21.2.2 内源释放21.2.3 水华泛滥21.2.4 水动力学条件不足21.3 水体氨氮污染31.4 黑黑臭水体体的评价分级31.5 纳氏试剂分光光度法原理41.6 本实验的研究内容与目的42 材料与方法52.1 实验对象52.2 实验仪器与试剂52.3 实验方法53 结果与分析63.1 氨氮标准曲线63.2 数据结果73.3 水质评价方法83.4 氨氮污染状况分析93.5 讨论104 结论10参 考 文 献11致 谢12华南农业大学本科生毕业论文成绩评定表131 前言1.1 黑黑臭水体体概述1.1.1 黑黑臭水体体定义及危害随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,消耗大量物质造就繁荣的背后,落后的环保意识、不完善的污水承接系统以及城镇集中式污水处理设施的污水处理能力不足,导致大量废污水汇入河涌。环境水体污染负荷过高时,水体难以正常地进行自净作用,从而诱使黑臭现象的出现。当正常水体被污染以后,水生植被不断地退化、灭绝,水中生存的动植物将会大量消失,水体的自净功能完全丧失,当污染物大量排入时,水体会不断地变得黑臭、恶劣循环(丁华,2017)。针对城市黑臭水体,我国住建部门曾编制过一本关于城市黑臭水体的工作指南,该指南明确规定凡是又黑有臭或则散发着刺鼻气息的水体,只要处于城市环境中都被称之为城市黑臭水体。(林培,2015)。水体发黑发臭不仅会带来感官和心理上的不适,同时因为对地下水造成污染、周边空气微生物污染以及蚊蝇的滋生,也会给黑黑臭水体体附近居民健康带来隐患。1.1.2 黑黑臭水体体现状经调查显示,2016年底全国范围内共存在大约2000多个城市黑黑臭水体,其中数量最多的两个省份是广东与安徽,其分别达到了244条和217条;同样,江苏、河南、山东、湖南、湖北5个省份黑黑臭水体体的数量均在100以上(廖伟伶,2017)。特别是最近三四年,城市黑黑臭水体的形式越发严峻。在2015年,国务院就曾颁布水十条,其明确规定城市内部出现的黑黑臭水体现象应当由当地人民政府负责,由环境以及城建部进行重点落实。该条目还提出明确目标:力争在2020年底在地级市内部有效控制黑黑臭水体,到2030年底在全国城市范围内消除黑黑臭水体现象(陈修硕等,2017)。
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