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现代园林中式小品设计研究摘要摘 要园林小品是指在园林中能够提供休息、照明、展示、装饰以及方便游人使用的小型建筑设施,一般造型别致、体量小巧。中式园林小品主要是在此基础上填入中国元素,不仅在造型、色彩、质地上独具特色,其内涵也能通过设计手法生动表达。随着人们生活水平和审美观的提高,作为城市绿化中重要元素的园林小品,越来越被人们所重视。本文以中式园林小品为研究设计对象,对中式园林小品在园林中应用的相关理论和设计手法进行分析,比较出现代中式园林小品和西式园林小品在意境、审美、技术、功能、环保等方面的异同,提炼出中式园林小品的设计原则;以苏州留园园林小品为实例,利用分析法、对比法、增减法等对园中的座椅、指示牌、园灯、垃圾桶和装饰类小品等在造型、色彩、体量、环保和材质上进行改造,在造型上运用中国特有的传统符号和现代技术手段,彰显中式风格;在色彩上,指示牌与花盆打破传统单一沉默的色彩,大胆运用湖蓝和皇宫黄;在体量上,园灯的设计有不同体量的变化,同时对于指示牌的设计,利用实物夸大化,加大体积,增强视觉效果,加深游人记忆;在环保上,垃圾桶和座椅的设计迎合国内外新趋势,注重绿色生态,减少资源浪费,配合生态环境的需要; 在材质上,廊亭围栏、园灯的设计材料一方面尽可能的就地取材,另一方面使用新材质,将其融入周围环境,更好的与传统古典园林相结合,进而展现现代中式园林小品独特的风格与意境。通过对留园园林小品的座椅、指示牌、园灯、垃圾桶和部分装饰类小品等的改造,使得园林小品节约了空间资源,小品材质更为耐用,科技的运用提供人性化服务,环保的意识也融入传统园林,尤其是深化了中国元素在留园中的主题。关键词:中式园林小品;设计手法;留园;改造;VIIIAbstractABSTRACTGarden sketch is small building facilities,can provide rest, lighting, display, decoration and convenience for the tourists in the garden and general chic modelling, size small.Chinese landscape architecture is mainly on the basis of the fill in the Chinese elements, not only on modelling, color, texture, unique, its connotation can also through the design gimmick vivid expression. With the improvement of peoples living standard and aesthetic, garden sketch as an important element of landscape architecture in urban greening, more and more attention by people.Based on the Chinese style garden sketch design for research object, the Chinese style garden sketch in landscape application of related theory and design methods were analyzed, and compared the similarities and differences between modern Chinese style garden sketch and western-style garden sketch and in artistic conception, aesthetic, technology, function, environmental protection and other aspects of the similarities and differences, it is concluded that Chinese style garden sketch design principles; taking suzhou garden landscape architecture as an example, Garden of the seats, signs, garden lamp, trash, and decorative accessories etc in modelling, colour, size, environmental protection and material has been modified and using the method of analysis method, comparative method, the increase or decrease, etc.They reveal Chinese style style with using the unique traditional Chinese symbols and modern technology. On the modelling using the unique traditional Chinese symbols and modern technology, display Chinese style style; on colour, signs and flowerpot to break the traditional single color of silence, bold use of lake blue and yellow palace; On the size, the design of garden lights have different dimension of change, at the same time to the design of the plate, using physical exaggeration, increase the volume, enhance the visual effect, deepen visitors memory;On environmental protection, the design of the trash cans and seat to cater to new trends both at home and abroad, pay attention to green ecological, reduce waste of resources, cooperate with the needs of the ecological environment;On the material, the design of the gallery pavilion fence, garden lamp material on the one hand, as far as possible use local materials, on the other hand, using the new material, blend in its surrounding environment, better with combination of traditional classical garden, andmodern Chinese style garden sketch demonstrates the unique style and artistic conception.Through the garden garden sketch of the seats, signs, lamps, trash can transform and some decorative accessories etc, make the garden sketch saves space resources, sketch material is more durable, providing the humanized service of science and technology, the environmental protection consciousness into the traditional garden.Key Words: Chinese style garden sketch; Design methods; The garden; Modification;目录目录第 1 章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.1.1 国内现状11.1.1.1 当代中国园林小品形式的多元化11.1.1.2 多学科交叉融合21.1.2 国内发展趋势21.1.3 存在问题31.1.3.1 历史地域文脉的缺乏31.1.3.2 园林小品理论体系的不完善31.1.3.3 园林小品的批量化生产41.2 研究内容及方法41.2.1 研究内容41.2.2 研究方法51.2.3 技术路线61.3 研究目的与意义61.3.1 研究目的61.3.2 研究意义7第 2 章 当代园林小品研究现状82.1 园林小品的分类82.2 园林小品的功能92.3 园林小品与环境的关系92.3.1 园林小品的趣味性与艺术性92.3.2 园林小品与园林环境92.4 中式园林小品102.4.1 中式园林小品的设计原则102.4.2 中式园林小品的设计要素102.4.3 中式园林小品的特点112.5 西式园林小品122.5.1 西式园林小品的设计原则122.5.2 西式园林小品的设计要素122.5.3 西式园林小品的特点132.6 中西园林小品比较132.6.1 中国园林小品建造与西方园林小品建造风格的差异142.6.1.1 中国园林小品建造风格142.6.1.2 西方园林小品建造风格142.6.2 中西园林小品具体比较152.6.2.1 园门152.6.2.2 汀步152.6.2.3 座椅162.6.2.4 指示牌162.6.2.5 垃圾桶162.6.2.6 园灯172.6.2.7 建筑182.6.2.8 装饰小品182.7 中式园林小品在国内的发展192.8 中式小品在国外的发展192.9 本章小结19第 3 章 现代中式园林小品设计以苏州留园为例213.1 留园园林概况213.2 留园意境的体现213.2.1 留园主题意境的体现213.2.2 留园意境的体现223.3 留园园林小品的现状223.3.1 装饰类园林小品现状233.3.2 休憩类园林小品现状233.3.3 标识类园林小品的现状243.3.4 防护类园林小品的现状243.3.5 卫生类园林小品的现状243.4 改造方法243.4.1 实地调查243.4.2 数据整理、分析总结253.4.3 进行对比,创新设计253.5 改造内容253.5.1 留园休憩类小品-座椅改造253.5.1.1 座椅的基本要素253.5.1.2 座椅的应用263.5.1.3 留园座椅的改造273.5.2 留园标
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