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2012届高考英语二轮专题单项选择仿真强化训练(十四)Eric Seal thought the poor dog at his feet was perhaps five weeks old. Sometime during the night, the little female had been 16 at the Seals front gate. “We cant just turned her 17 ” his wife, Jeffrey said, “Ill feed her and get her 18 up. Then well find a home for her.” Standing between them, the puppy seemed to 19 that her fate was being decided. Her tail wagged 20 she looked from one to the other. Finally, Eric shrugged his shoulders, “Okay, if you want to fool with her, 21 ” Eric continued, “one other thing, lets wait a few days to put her in the doghouse with Tex. We dont want Tex 22 to anything. He has all the troubles he can handle.”Tex, the six-year-old cattle dog - the Seals had raised from a puppy, 23 he already shared his doghouse with a yellow cat, happily moved over and made room for the new puppy the Seals called Heinz. Not long before Heinz showed up, the Seals had noticed that Tex 24 to be losing his eyesight. When they brought Tex to a specialist in Dallas, doctors there determined that Tex was already 25 . It was soon obvious that the little puppy 26 be a large dog - too large to continue sharing a doghouse with Tex and the yellow cat. One weekend the Seals built 27 doghouse next to the one the dogs had shared.It was then they 28 that what they had supposed was puppy playfulness actually had a purpose. 29 any training or coaching, Heinz had become Texs “seeing eye” dog. Each evening when the dogs 30 for the night, Heinz gently took Texs nose in her mouth and 31 him into his house. In the morning, she got him up and guided him out of the house again. On sunny days, Tex 32 stretched out on the driveway, if a car was coming, Heinz would wake him up and guided him 33 danger.The Seals were surprised, without any training, the young dog had devised 34 means were necessary to help, guide and protect her blind companion. It was clear that Heinz shared 35 her eyes with Tex; she shared her heart.16. A. caughtB. held C. found D. left17. A. outB. in C. away D. down18. A. cleanB. keep C. give D. stand19. A. sense B. smell C. tend D. train20. A. for B. as C. so D. since 21. A. go on B. go up C. go ahead D. go down22. A. left B. exposed C. come D. gone 23. A. although B. when C. which D. however24. A. happened B. appeared C. supposed D. thought25. A. recovered B. all right C. blind D. kind26. A. might B. shouldC. wouldD. had to27. A. other B. some C. one D. another 28. A. recognized B. thought C. wondered D. doubted 29. A. With B. Because of C. Without D. Instead of30. A. stayed up B. settled in C. watched outD. lay down31. A. forced B. carried C. put D. let 32. A. slept B. walked C. ran D. sat 33. A. into B. out of C. without D. from behind 34. A. no matter whyB. no matter howC. whereverD. whatever 35. A. the same as B. as well as C. more than D. rather than答案16-20 DCAAB 21-25 CBABC 26-30 CDACB 31-35 DABDC- 2 -用心 爱心 专心
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